Fireside Chat Transcript 2025 02 22
Asher Elias::
I think everyone's getting better. I'm feeling pretty good, Darth. Sorry about your annoying cough. I think it's going around pretty much everywhere right now. Hello, Thematic. Casadorr. Casadorr, I don't know if that's a joke or not. You know, they actually are doing Magic the Gathering SpongeBob. That's a real thing.
Yeah, yeah, for sure. You know what I was thinking about doing here, guys? I was thinking about, just saying, because we've been talking about having a meet a director type thing, where we would have them talk on the fireside about their job for about a minute, just so you guys get to know them better. And I was thinking about just picking a director who showed up here with no preparation, and throwing them to the wolves, and having them give a minute on their job. But, I think even for my love of chaos, that might be a little too much.
Ranger Gama:
Embrace the chaos, Asher.
Asher Elias::
Yeah, I know you can talk, Ranger, but that's not, that's not saying anything.
Apple Pear:
If you choose Casadorr, you only get pancake cats, so that doesn't help also.
Asher Elias::
He's also not a director, so...
Apple Pear:
He isn't? Oh, okay.
It's good you're keeping up, Apple.
Asher Elias::
Yeah, Dawn Rhea trying to recruit people to play Magic.
Alright, we still got people wandering in, but I'm going to start. Anyway, so I'm going to go through and talk about what we got to talk about, then answer some questions for you guys, and we'll go from there.
Wanted to give a shoutout to, can someone link this Providence? To the, uh, Providence that was destroyed. It was a decoy Providence, and they lost a Dagon and a Moloch in the decoy Providence. A special shout out to Zach Power, Lama, and JariX. So, you guys. Speaking of decoy, Gobbins just sent out a cope ping about how they're leaving Pandemic Horde and we didn't really want them anyway. So, they're going somewhere else, Bon Voyage. And, didn't want the alliance anyway. So, I hope they have fun. They're no longer a member of Panfam.
Guys, if you are listening right now, go ahead and start logging your caps in, your sub caps, just get all your accounts on. As soon as the fireside's over, we're going to just stress test UALX and have everyone undock at the same time. I think I'll just maintain these comms and we'll just have everyone undock, so start logging in right now so that you can press button when we're done with this. And the reason being is that Init already did a stress test with a reinforced node. We're going to try one without it and see if anyone teleports on the undock. Supposedly that has been fixed. Yeah, Beer, we want you to undock in capitals. If you don't have a capital on that account, just undock in whatever. So we're going to just undock everyone at the same time. And we're going to see if anyone teleports away from the undock. That has been a persistent bug. Caps or Supers are preferred Kuno, but if you do not have one on that account, then log in a regular. Keep logging in now. Log in now.
Okay, I'm gonna keep going. We got some shoutouts, some recruiting, a lot of stuff going on right now. And Zohana, you have five minutes. Do not worry.
Shoutouts to the Server Fund. We are migrating to new servers within the month. That has been from the help and support that you guys have given. We are still a little short of our overall goal. So if you guys have a little monthly money, a little extra skrilla, just to donate to the server fund, sign up for a reoccurring donation. You can donate a dollar a month, $5 a month, $500 a month, and we'll just throw it out there and maybe manifest it. But yeah, we could definitely use a slight bump to the server fund, which would help us reach our new goals. All the money goes towards, you know, GSF related services, so none of us are being enriched by the server fund money as much as I would like to do that. So please sign up for that and support monthly if you can, if you have a little extra money, we appreciate it very much. And you do get a very nice forum bee.
I wanted to say just a shout out to everyone here. Yesterday we formed for a timer in Delve. Initiative formed big. We formed bigger, which is, you know, credit to them. They formed alpha and they always form serious numbers when they do. So we knew we had to take it very seriously and we formed up and we had excellent numbers. You guys really, really showed up girthily. So well done to both groups, but in the end we did, yeah, actually form quite a bit bigger, I would say. All right.
And I do want to also shout out our whaling SIGs or, and you know, hunters. They got an avatar, I believe this morning. If someone wants to link that avatar, our avatar killmail. So shout out to those dudes. That's a nice kill. Killing a Titan always feels good.
This is why you shouldn't just try to YOLO the 49- gate to Catch by yourself. Cause shit like that can happen.
Asher Elias::
Yeah. Rammel, I'll get you your question, throw it to me after to get through this stuff, and then I will answer it for you, no problem.
Um, alright, and if you like playing space truckers, you'd like to be a truckers in space, SkyMules is recruiting. SkyMules are our elite trucking force. If you are German and you come home from work and you load up Trucking Simulator, perhaps you can be a Sky Mule and contribute to the Alliance by that. So, Sky Mules is recruiting, and Delta Flux has linked the Sky Mules recruitment thread. There you go.
If you're getting questions about what's going on. When's the next major war? All this kind of stuff. I want to just say that the next major war probably will sneak up on you. There probably will not be a giant oorah type speech. There will be pings, a fight will start, and you'll be like, I did not expect a giant fight to show up. So, if you want to be in the next giant fight, please watch your pings. Please show up to those fleets. You will be surprised when that happens
. It could happen any time, so that's about as cryptically as much as I'm going to say. John Hampton, if you're a German, yeah, that's, I know what those Germans do. They love those trucking simulators. Like, 90 percent of the games sell to Germans.
And I think that's everything that I wanted to talk about on my agenda today. So I will now open the floor to questions. Go ahead and throw them out there and I will try to answer your questions as best as we can. And we are not going to undock yet. Stay docked. We will give you more time to log in. Go ahead and jump into UALX and dock up if you're not there. Yeah, you can use the safe cyno and jump in and then dock up.
Are we going to do any more move ops through 49-? Yes, those will still go on. GirlInFlames asks
The goal is to do about one a month.
Asher Elias::
There you go.
And we'll get them on the calendar.
Asher Elias::
GirlInFlames asks, how do we donate again? There is a server fund link that was just pasted above. If someone could repaste it, that'd be great.
Do you guys do doomsday scenario simulations and director channels to prepare for when bad things happen? I mean, I think my brain is just a doomsday simulator Koahi, so I just, I try to think of what the worst thing that can happen is and prep for it, so I'm ready for it.
Can we have more INN fight coverage? If that's an INN thing, I can't answer for that, but that would be cool.
Thoughts on CCP Okami's mining dev blog, Coming Soon Tea. So I don't have any inside information, uh, Kazevop. I will say I feel somewhat bad for CCP devs. Often they want to do something and are hamstrung by what they can or can't do. And that's, you know, that's, that's a rough job, but I'm hoping that they come up with something interesting pretty much him.
Yeah, acceptance is the first step, right? So it's good to hear from them that they acknowledge it's actually a problem.
Asher Elias::
Yeah, that's true.
Kazanir is a big Okami fan. Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I'll comment actually. So this is a funny story. I, when he joined CCP, I was like, I recognize this guy's name, where do I know him from? And I went and looked, and it turned out I had played this game, you probably have not heard of it, but if you have, yeah, it's a Monster Hunter clone called Dauntless. And when I played it, it was actually one of the better progression systems I've ever seen in a game. I played it with my roommate who is not a gamer at all, but she got into it for whatever reason a couple of years ago. And they had this really cool, sort of, Remort Prestige system that had replaced the more traditional Monster Hunter style levelings. So you got to essentially level your character to max level repeatedly, and this is how you would progress through the game, and you just got better and better at it, but it kept players involved in the whole progression curve. So you would see really experienced players down at level 2 redoing their stuff, and you weren't always just fighting with noobs as you learned the game, I just... it was cool. And I went back and learned and it turned out that this dude who then joined CCP a couple years later was one of the principal people responsible for this progression system that I had seen and was a big fan of when playing it. So I've seen some of the dude's prior art. I was glad he joined. I think he's been there about a year now. So I'm hoping for good things. That's all I can say really. But good, good job to CCP on, on a pretty good hire.
Asher Elias::
Encouraging, good to hear. All right, let me scroll back here. I'm trying to see if I missed anything.
Uh, yeah, Rathani, I see you have a bug with Exequrors. That sucks. CCP please.
Apparently Dauntless fell apart, I'm guessing from what Curran said, they fell to pay to play.
Sad. I have to, I'll have to go look.
Asher Elias::
That's rough.
F in chat.
Ooh, they got bought. Yeah, wow.
Asher Elias::
Yeah. Jeremy asked how my trimps are.
Oh, some people are asking about the Init thing. So basically, it was the whole drama bomb, but more or less what happened is some rando people, and like, I mean a handful, like three Brave guys, did this thing where they lanced outside of a POS shield, which was immediately declared an exploit after it happened, so it wasn't technically an exploit, but it was. And Shines was, I would say rightfully, pretty pissed about that. So he went over to Brave space and dropped a fort, shot a couple things, and, you know. He wanted to send a message that he didn't appreciate what happened, and I think there was a couple of Brave dudes who, you know, it wasn't a Brave thing, it was just a couple of people in Brave, working with some other people who were not aligned with them. And this happens a lot where you get a couple of idiots doing stuff, or people you just don't know, or someone makes a bad decision, or whatever. But they probably should have known better that it was an exploit. Shines is pretty pissed off. He goes and he sends a message to Brave, but Brave is our ally. So we formed up to support them as well. And I think that's probably the wrap up for the Tempest and the Teapot. And we'll see what happens, but I don't expect there to be a whole lot more of that.
Question about an Irmalin move up. We'll get something on the calendar soon.
Asher Elias::
Yeah, that should be happening. The calendar should be happening.
It'll happen in the next month for sure.
Asher Elias::
Yeah, Thematic. I mean, when you're moving that large, sometimes you get TIDI just by moving that, that happens. Yeah, Rammel, I like that. I like that, uh, suggestion.
Is it true that Sniper is really an eagle? Yes, that we have verified. He does have talons.
I actually am an Eagle Scout, but that has nothing to do with the name of my character.
Asher Elias::
Alright, I think we're wrapping up the questions. So I think we can just go ahead and push the button. Are we ready to go? Everyone ready to go? Okay, so what we want here is basically we want to know if people get punted out of the Keep undock and into a random safe spot that happened before.
So I'm just going to count us down. Let's go 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Press undock, baby. Let's go. Undock, undock, undock, undock, undock, undock on all your account.
Waiting for the tie dye. There it is.
Asher Elias::
There it is. Yeah.
Oh no. I have a client that says failed to connect to the server.
Ranger Gama:
I'm getting that on mine too.
Oh no. Did we just crash UALX?
Asher Elias::
Did we break it?
I think we did.
Ranger Gama:
There's only like a thousand people in the system.
Apple Pear:
It says also fail to connect, oh my god.
Ranger Gama:
We may have just broken EVE, Asher.
Asher Elias::
No, it's still up. I'm undocked on my main and people are undocking, but...
Ranger Gama:
Well, I mean my screen shows that too, but is this just like, you know, lag that I haven't, you know.
Asher Elias::
It's still appearing.
Apple Pear:
Yeah, it looks good. They could have fixed this like months ago, so I didn't need to deal with it during the move ops.
Asher Elias::
We, I will at least give some limited props to EVE's's leadership team here. They were very motivated. We have been bringing this up forever, and I know it's been on their list forever, but during the Summit, some of them really went after it. And went after their various team members to try and track this down, and they managed to actually track it down relatively quickly once that happened, and be able to reproduce it. It was heinous to reproduce, but props to the CCP leadership team for getting it done in the end.
Apple Pear:
I think you have the wrong microphone selected, Kazanir.
That's possible.
Asher Elias::
Alright, yeah, I mean, so, X up in the fireside chat, or sorry, Elysium, if you, if you actually got teleported, don't fucking X if you haven't been teleported, please. Someone's robbing the ESS, should we go and say hi? Yeah, I'm gonna initiate fleet warp with our Titan fleet.
Our Titans are breakdancing right now, it looks weird.
Asher Elias::
Oh yeah, the physics engine just kicked in, I think. Alright, well grab your screenshots while you can, I'm going to call dock in a minute. Go ahead and grab your screenshots. Alright, well, I think that's been a pretty good impromptu test, it seems like no one got the teleport bug this time, and this server is not reinforced, obviously. So go ahead and dock up, guys, for showing up to the fireside, thank you guys for the impromptu stress test. I think it's probably just a Goon doing it because 1.7 million in the ESS, so you guys don't need to go defend it.
Alright, and I will see you all next week. Have a lovely week, I'll catch you all next one.