Fireside Chat Transcript 6 Jun 2k20
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I've already sent the link for CSM voting in a broadcast, and I would like all of you to vote if you haven't. CCP is incentivizing it with some sort of a CSM democracy bonus as well, but the main thing here is that we need to do this. You guys all sort of know the routine on how to do this. In the past, it would be a lot more than just one week, but CSM elections, if you are returning, if you haven't ever bothered voting, we're only doing one-week periods for the CSM voting, so that means we only have 48 more hours to vote. And again, we need to make sure we get our slate of people on. If we do not end up with a Merkel-Chin nominate and our crew, we are at risk of having puppies taking out chumperges. Obviously, that's not a huge risk this go-round, but this is why we do the CSM stuff. It's not just for our own agenda, it's also to make sure we've got the right people necessary to cockblock any really dumb puppy ideas, of which are always legion on CSMs. One other item of business, which is this. If you are a Stain mission runner, if you've been running the Nirvana implant missions in Stain, you need to move your clones out of the Athenors over to the Asterhoos. So out in our little burner mission running zone that we've created in Stain, we put down a bunch of Asterhoos and we put down a bunch of Athenors. And we're keeping the Asterhoos, and we don't really need the Athenors as much, so we're yanking them down and make sure you keep your stuff in the Asterhoos. Alright, so the big news is this. I'm only going to be touching on worse stuff in so much detail, because if you guys have been on Ops with me blowing up structures, you've probably heard me talking about Mad Max Eve and stuff like that. And you've probably also heard me talking about how I've noticed that if I don't spell out exactly what we're doing on the mission or on a fireside in explicit detail, like we're declaring a fatwa on Snuffed Out or something like that, that our enemies have gotten lazy enough with their intelligence gathering that they just don't really... Either they don't care that we're murdering Snuffed Out, or they haven't really figured it out, or they're not taking it seriously, because we are blowing up a lot of random ass crap in addition to blowing up everything that Snuffed Out has. So we're just going to keep going with that. It's been working out really, really well. We have been blowing up tons of shit, as you guys know. And one of the things that I've seen in the past when we do these "optional deployments"... The first time that we deployed Jeff and we went out there with Typhoons and we started testing the Sack of Blood Doctrine, originally, that was honest to God like a "just for fun, we're going to get out of there and train some skirmish commanders to do some stuff and make some mistakes." But what we're doing now, as you guys know, is, yeah, it's a Jeff deployment. It's optional, but we're bringing all of the apparatus and the chain of command and the systematizing of strategic warfare to this deployment. So yeah, we are getting to a point where we've done a really good job of breaking Snuff. We are still having fights. There are still... That's one of the reasons why we brought our fucking supercarrier yourself last week. We did finally blow up that Dracos Fortizar, which is a bingo spot for me and some of you, I'm sure. So we did get that. That was cool and fun and finally, fuck that thing. But at around this time, if this was just an optional deployment, if this was just a Sig and Squad, you know, good fights kind of thing, people might start drawing down or thinking that this is going to end. This is not going to be ending anytime soon, guys. We have a ton of shit to blow up and the nature of EVE itself has changed such that a degree of constant offense within the limits of burnout for our coordinators and fleet commanders is going to be a thing. Just EVE 2020 now is a universe of war, which I'm in favor of because previously speaking, it was better to sit on our asses and get more Titans than kill the other guys' Titans. But everybody had free ISK, so blowing up their citadels, blowing up their subcapitals didn't matter as much because they could just regenerate them the next day. So in an environment where ISK is not free, when spaceships do not magically regenerate because everybody is shitting out so much ISK, it behooves us to be constantly on the warpath. So please do not assume that Jeff is dying down, that we are about to back off and go home and that this is about to be over because it ain't. And there's a couple things that go along with that because we are about to spend the next 48 to 72 hours on a good old-fashioned rampage that I am announcing now. Assuming I can get my words to work. So here's the deal, guys. As you guys know, abandoned structures, they pop, they're huge loot pinatas. We didn't anticipate the degree to which these things were going to be a problem in our own space. There was a great big purge, we lost a lot of citadels that were abandoned, and in that process we discovered the hard way that holy crap, if you guys were just on one of these ops, there's a lot of shit in these things. So we have changed our policy. Our previous policy was that goons would be mad if goons blew up goon stuff, right? If you came back from the game, from being away, and you found out that goons blew up your crap, that would fucking suck and you'd be mad at your fellow goons. We don't want that. However, what we've discovered is that if we don't do this, then the puppies are going to come in here and they're going to get like 10 freighter loads worth of our shit, turn it into dreads and kill us. So what do we do in a way that keeps goons from fighting each other? What we have just demonstrated, if you were on the op before the fireside, you saw this, is we're going to nationalize the debris. So it's not fair to goons to have goons fighting each other over their shit or just randomly blowing up their crap. So when there are citadels that are abandoned in our territory that are, and this is obviously just goons farm, it's not, we're not going to blow up allied citadels, they're allied citadels, but for goons farm anyway, we will be taking out our own trash. We'll be blowing up our own abandoned citadels and GSOL has already set up a system where everything that goes from the destroyed abandoned citadels that are goons farm, the loot will get processed into GSOL and basically go into alliance infrastructure and like reimbursement funds and that way it goes back to you guys. So the reason why that's kind of a thing is that it's great to have a policy like that, but we need to act on it ASAP because these structures are going to get blown up by bad guys if we don't blow them up ourselves. So you are going to see over the next 48 to 72 hours, a bunch of pings from our fleet commanders as we go through taking out the debris in our own backyard. And we also have some other stuff that's kind of a special lined up. And for clarification, can allied people help blow them up? Absolutely. Like this is, it's not saying it's going to be like a goons farm only fleet, but I'm obviously not going to like have us blow up one of Wibla's abandoned structures. Like Wibla can handle his own stuff however he feels like. But TNT people are obviously more than welcome to run around. I mean, you know, Perium will destroy goons farm destructors at goons farm's direction and goons farm will nationalize them and then it'll just go to alliance operations. And for people who are confused as to why we're doing this, one of the things, as opposed to just like, why don't you just turn the citadel back on? This is primarily going to be like an alt corp situation where like somebody had an alt corp that they had an asbel in and then they wandered off from the game for good reason or just because they got sick of it, whatever you want to say. They're deployed, maybe something happened, but you can't fuel it and thus it's abandoned. That means that you need to have like a director level character to have access to the citadel to be able to keep it functional. And if we don't have that, then we have to destroy it. Because if we could just make it not be abandoned, we would just make it not be abandoned and then we problem solve. So the reason I'm going over this is I think it is a controversial thing to blow up our own crap and I want to make sure that everybody understands how and why it is done and that it will be handled in a way that we hope to be fair, i.e. it just goes back to the core infrastructure of the state. And if you're asking questions like, can gunners, yeah, like if we could just solve the problem in an easy way, we would have done it. Alright, so look for ops like that. We need to do this now, essentially, because it's not like we can say, oh, next week we'll do this because there are puppies that are running around and they're going to blow up our shit if we don't blow up our own shit. And trying to defend an abandoned structure is a huge pain in the ass, so there you go. And yes, we've actually been, that's a good question to get our imperative, have we been trying to contact people, is there a way to do this? We have been sending emails, we have been doing a whole bunch of stuff to try to get people to come back. We're not just like doing this in a punitive way. But for the people that have not come back, that we have not been able to get in touch with, that we have been unable to contact for weeks now because this has been coming, we have known this was coming for more than a month and a half now, I think at this point, this is where we are, this is what we have to do. If a structure drops something worth selling instead of milling, can we bid on those instead of them being reprocessed? The things are not necessarily just getting reprocessed, dude. We are having GSOL cart everything around in freighters and then they're going to sort of liquidate it however they see fit. It's not like stuff is just getting reprocessed and then forgotten about. It's kind of like the same kind of thing that Minilove does. Minilove has tons of stuff and those assets become useful in a variety of ways. Let them come try to kill the forts, we can kill them. Well that's a noble sentiment, Mullet Master, but my sort of desire from a strategic perspective is that we keep the alliance on offense. That we keep attacking the bad guys and that our homeland is cleaned up enough that we don't have to worry about "oh we're going to have to clone back every time some random person hits one of these things." Because keep in mind guys, the way that the abandoned structure mechanics work now is there is no timer system. There's just one, they burn through all the way down and that's it. So it's not like "oh we'll go back home and defend our stuff at the reinforcement timer." There's no reinforcement timers. So again, for the guys that are already on board with this, it sounds like I'm over explaining things but I am over explaining things because I think it is very important that if we are going to be blowing up goon stuff that it does not descend into fucking anarchy. So there you go. So that's why. We're not just going to stay in Delve and defend stuff that people have abandoned, we're going to blow it up and nationalize it such that we can do things that are more fun, such as blowing up bad guy stuff and also blowing up bad guy things that have been abandoned, which we have also started scouting the hell out of. Recon has been all over it, I'm delighted by what I see. Doctrines will vary because you don't really need a particular fancy doctrine for it, like I think John Hartley had pinged for a Harpy fleet for the one that we just popped. Are we using Alpha clones since the mains are deployed? No. I mean a lot of people do have stuff in 1DQ1 still for homeland defense and things like that, and we're just going to be forming up fleets normally. One of the joys of our deployment to F7C is that with the Jump Birch network it's really not that far away. All right, so let me see what else we got. There's a... it's actually a pretty good question, Nerza, that you're asking about trying to set things up such that the cap/subcap shuffle isn't as much of a pain in the ass, but I believe we have looked into that and figured out that it wouldn't actually work in a practical perspective because of something involving Mumble, but that is a challenge we've tried to solve before, and we have run into a brick wall in the past at least. But it's not like your concern is invalid. All right, I'm basically taking questions here. I need to... Let me see before I send on this handline. Okay, yeah, we're mostly going to be focusing on Q&As because I'm going to round up the fireside shortly and we're going to go off and blow up a bunch of structures. There's a ton of killmails. I guess they don't really give... do these things actually give you guys killmails? The abandoned structures that we've been blowing up? Okay, so there's a bunch of fucking killmails that we're going to be getting here, and that's going to be cool. Yeah, I've been... Lord Trinjar, thanks. It's been interesting. Like, EVE has gotten... it's a lot easier as a returning vet to come back. Like, I haven't been actively playing in the client in several years, and it's just been a lot of fun to get stuck in. Like, the game is just in a much better place than it was the last time that I tried to not pure metagame, and it's been a blast. "Will the fleets to kill these structures be strategic or peacetime?" They'll be strat ops. Essentially, like, these are... This is a good question. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. I'm not sure if I'm going to answer this. All right, well, I'm going to go ahead and call it then. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I'm going to go ahead and call it. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately. I have no idea what sort of weird net outage just happened over here, because normally I can reconnect to Java almost immediately.