Fireside Chat Transcript 2024 05 18

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Asher Elias:

Please calm down, Regalyn. Hello everyone, what's up?

Apple Pear:

Everything that's not down.

Asher Elias:

The Dutch are truly the funniest people of EVE, Apple.

Apple Pear:

You're welcome.

Asher Elias:

Arkhan, aren't you awake a little early for Alaska time? Hello, Juris. Yeah, I haven't done Mass Effect for like four or five days. I've been super busy. Hopefully I'll get back at it soon. I did not see minions, Woosi, I'm sorry. Still got people filling in, so I'm gonna wait before I start.

Alright I have to start on a, on a down note, and but it is appropriate to do so. Immediately after the fireside, we have a cyno vigil, a cyno memorial, for our friend Patrick Gattaro, or Patrick Miller who passed away last Sunday. So, if you can be there, please do so. He was a good friend to many people here. And it's a tough loss. So immediately after the fireside, we'll be doing a cyno vigil on the 1DQ undock. And I know after that all the space stuff is somewhat insignificant, but it's what we're here for. So we'll go on and talk about what we got to talk about for space stuff.

Okay. So the first one is CCP is doing a mass test this Tuesday, May the next week, that's actually, isn't that the previous one? Yeah. I'm probably looking at the, that already happened. I think. Oh, seven.


Yeah. That was, that was last week. And we had timers so we didn't try to get people together for it.

Asher Elias:

All right. Well, if you want to go meet up with your fellow goon on June 21st and 23rd, there is a Cleveland meetup. This is going to be near Innominate's place. So Innominate will be there. If you can make it to Cleveland, June 21st through the 23rd That is a really cool thing that you could attend.

Meet up with your fellow goon, see scenic Cleveland. An excellent time will be had by all. I mean, you guys don't want to go to Cleveland, Ohio? Why not? But yeah, we're hoping to have a big turnout for that, so if you can go to Cleveland, June 21st through 23rd, road trip time. Yeah, EVEsterdam also coming up next month. If there's a thread, someone can link that.

Is this the Cleveland promotional video, Zintage? The Cleveland song?

Excellent. That's a classic. They eventually hired that guy to do like a like a real video for it. Like I think a few years later. Anyway, that's, that's, that's classic internet, classic YouTube.

All right. So in a few weeks, about three from now, the new SOV system is going to debut with the sovereignty hub. So there is a 6 month period where you can wait and upgrade your current one to the new one. So that doesn't mean day one hair on fire, everything flips. So the plan right now, and we are going to adjust as we get more information. From CCP, from patch notes, that kind of thing. But the plan right now is we will do one constellation the day of, or thereabouts. So as soon as we can after the patch, we will switch one constellation to the new system. So if you want to test out things, you want to play with the new system there will be a constellation available, but we do not have a plan to flip everything over immediatly.

Now, if there are some amazing benefits that, you know we don't know about yet, maybe we'll look at doing it then. But until then right now the plan is to flip one constellation over. And yes a lot of people, Remy, have speculated as to what those benefits will be but they have not told us yet. So, we, we can't make plans on what we don't know. There are known knowns and there are known unknowns. But yeah, we're happy to pivot. We just had our Illum meeting, we discussed this. We're happy to pivot to doing more, more constellations, more systems. You know, if what they announce and what they show is, is really powerful and useful and it can be done immediately, then we have no problem with that.

Nina says, is there a Shub upgrade that will improve my posting? Such a thing is impossible, Nina. Thank you for asking though.

So some of you. May have seen me ping out and ask if we have a Dutch speaker. And the reason I did that is because I found this sentence. It is a sentence that is entirely in Dutch, in Netherlandese.

And it is supposed to be basically intelligible to an English speaker. So we're just doing a live experiment here. It's a little, it's a little like awkwardly, a little awkward in Dutch, it's not like exactly how you would say it. But this particular little sentence slash phrase is supposed to be intelligible to English speakers who don't speak any Dutch.

So this is a science experiment, yes and FarosWarrior from NED Clan, he's here, and he is going to now read the sentence to you all, and you can decide if you understand it or not. Feroz, go ahead.


The cold winter is nearby. A snowstorm is coming. Come into my warm house, my friend. Welcome. Come here, sing and dance, eat and drink.

That is my plan. We have water, beer, and milk fresh from the cow. Oh. And warm soup.

Asher Elias:

Alright, excellent. I'm very happy with this. Did, did any of you guys understand what he was saying? Yes, warm soup was one of the things that was available.

Apple Pear:

Yes, yes, I understood everything.

Asher Elias:

Thank you, Apple. Thank you, very good, very good.

Alright here, here's the link that I sent him that he read.

You, this is, this is in Dutch. Yeah, yeah, and Faros, you did a good job there. You didn't, you didn't choke. There was a little pause there, I was worried, but you hit it. Alright. Alright. So that is if you want to look at the sentence, you can click it there, and you can see the sentence that is supposedly intelligible. Can you get us to translate? Yeah, it says the cold winter is nearby, and a snowstorm is coming. Come in my warm house, my friend. Welcome. Come here, sing and dance, eat and drink. That is my plan. We have water, beer, and milk fresh from the cow. Oh, and warm soup.


You know, after that, I think I understand why Asher likes Dutch people. It doesn't sound like they have anything spicy to eat in their house.

Ranger Gama:

Wow. I mean, it's not wrong there Asher.

Asher Elias:

I mean, that meal did sound really good to me, so I'm not, you might be right. You might be right.

Apple Pear:

He just, he just not needs to come to on Wednesday. And then, then we have the spicy things. We have blow a hop on Wednesday. So yeah, then it's spicy.

Ranger Gama:

Is that cracked pepper or is it real spicy?


I think that's local to you, Apple. Not here.

Apple Pear:

A blow up for people who is like this food from Indonesia, like the former Dutch Indies and like the tradition in the Dutch Navy is that every Wednesday they eat food from Indonesia. And so that's a tradition and that's not only in there because we did it also when I was young at my home that we ate something from that part of the field on Wednesday. So that's like a tradition that is in a big part of the, at least the part of the Netherlands or part of the people that's there. And that might be sometimes a bit spicy.

Asher Elias:

Thank you, SpicyApple. All right, so moving back to EVE stuff this patch, there's going to be, you know, a lot of infrastructure for us to change and so obviously, it's going to take a while for us to swap everything If we decide to go for like a total changeover, which is probably unlikely, that'll still take a while because we're gonna have to build all this stuff and get the materials. If there is new materials, we just don't know everything yet. We're looking forward to it. We're definitely bashing our heads together just a few minutes ago, coming up with plans and planning what to do. But That's that's basically the state of play right now. You know what we know. We, we, we know that we are waiting for more information. We know that we're going to upgrade one constellation. And that's essentially the the information that you have until we have more info from CCP.

With that I will open this up to questions. If you have questions, go ahead and throw them in Elysium on Jabber, and I will attempt to answer them.

Someone said, any stockpiling Alliance projects? Yeah, we have several. We have pretty large stockpiles.

Which constellation? Should we announce that?


Future plan.

Asher Elias:

I think that's a future plans thing. We'll tell you as we get closer.

Logan says, Asher, how optimistic are you towards Equinox? That's a good question. I, I am optimistic that any sort of change is probably better than no change. So, I am guardedly optimistic. I, like I've said before on here, whatever changes they make, I think we will adapt them better than our enemies. And that's the most important part.

Do we have any general theories on how the patch is going to affect our enemies? That's a good question, Miratrim. So yes, we do, but they are very general in the sense that we don't know everything yet either. So we're, we're going to we're going to wait and see and learn more info on them. But we, we think it will be positive for us and certainly less positive for them.

Are we getting a diplomatic update soon? I can't answer that, but Diplos can.

Edwin says, Asher, can you give us story time for that wormhole war? I don't know enough to really give you story time for the wormhole war. It's not something I follow that closely. I've been reading some of the Reddit threads, so I have that information, which, you know, you could have got yourself from reading them. And it seemed like, you know, some of the people on the laserhawk side were saying that, like, goons we're helping them, and I don't know if we we sent fleets to certain fights, but I certainly know that there wasn't, like, a alliance level, let's help these people thing going on, because I didn't know about it at all. So, and that's so, I don't know if that was, like, narrative shaping, or whatever, but laserhawks just seem to be the, you know, the undisputed wormhole kings now. Yeah, okay, so, they showed up to a couple fights, which is, I think, different than goons are helping them, but that, you show up to any fight and people start saying that.

Hello Meow says horde and frat have a lot of space, which could become an issue for them. Correct.

Should we back up system.ini? I mean, always a good plan.

You mentioned doing one at a time, but how will it be split mining systems only and combat systems only and mix and match? That's something that we have not decided yet. We're gonna wait for more information. Making plans before knowing the information seems like a bad idea.

Skyhooks are not replacing Pocos, Kiri. They have not said that they're gonna replace Pocos. They said that they're gonna stay.

Patrick, that's a future plans thing, but it certainly is a possibility.

Am I going to get the new jump freighter? Kraken asks. I do not plan to get the new jump freighter. I don't have the old jump freighter.

Apple Pear:

It's also not a jump freighter, it's a normal freighter.

Asher Elias:

There you go.

Ranger Gama:

I'm sure quite a few of us will be getting the new freighter. Because, you know, freighter with guns.

Asher Elias:

Ceema says, how much wood would woodchuck chuck if Woodchuck has sov after Equinox? Wonderful question. I dunno how to answer that one.

Heirachama, what are you looking forward to with the expansion? I'm not looking forward to anything in particular. I don't think they've shown anything that's really up my alley yet, but I'm looking forward to a general sense of change.

Grapesize nuts says, are we gonna form raid fleets after update? Yes. That's a high chance of that.

Any chance these changes start a war? Garno, they're Garnu, they're higher than before.

Any hope for a war against botters? Fighting bots is hard because we are not bots.

What kind of milk is your favorite, Asher? 2 percent or whole.

Freighter doctrine when? That is possible. Actually possible that we might have a freighter doctrine. They're really well really well balanced. That's, that's sarcasm.

Seeing a lot of TFIs and BRs from other null blocks and low sec groups, will we be reinstating TFIs or do you feel Tomahawks are a good counter? We will not be reinstating TFIs. Everyone's very happy with Tomahawks. I don't think anyone is a, there's no TFI advocates right now. Obviously things can change very quickly, but right now, that is their current thinking.

Status on the Palantine, no new updates since last.

What do you think with more eWAR?

Apple Pear:

What we don't need is people sell their TFIs. You need to just like your Baltech, you still have your thing, you need to keep your TFI. Because at one point we're going to use TFIs again, and then you just have one already. So, the world is always around, we always come back to a certain doctrine, so just keep your TFI.

Asher Elias:

Facility 101 says, Asher, do you think the changes impact time zone taking in any way? Potentially, but I am, I am doubtful. I would hope so.

Can we get a new T1 hauler doctrine? I mean, we'll actually look at that. So, you know, these things seem so overbalanced, we might.

Has the GSFIT verified software list been released yet? I do not know, Weyland, but I can ask.

Bring back Baltech fleet, Riegelin says. Baltechs are unfortunately really not great in the meta right now, Riegelin. Like, I think the other thing was the tracking bonus for Baltecs, what made them apply to T3Cs, which were popular at the time, but since T3Cs don't exist anymore as a doctrine, really, in Null that is not there anymore, and then the damage for Baltecs is somewhat anemic compared to other doctrines, so they just seem to tend to lose in BS vs BS fights in ways that they didn't before, so, yeah, I don't think Baltecs are, are In the cards, as much as I'd like them.

Nightmare doctrine when? Probably unlikely for us to run Nightmares. But not impossible.

How is Asher's P. I. set up, set up going? It still has not happened.

Greggo says, Asher, is it true that you have A? Yes, that is true. Greg, I have A.

There's no point in Baltecs when Rokhs exists says Zintage. I wouldn't say no point, but little point in the current meta. The tracking bonus is relevant, they're just not relevant for the current meta.

This meta sucks. Need more brawling doctrines, Mac. I could not disagree with you more, Aoife, but you know.

Apple Pear:

I, I, I can agree with you. Need more brawling.

Asher Elias:

Apple does love to brawl.

Why are jackdaws so rare? There are a lot of options. Jackdaws aren't bad, but when we ran them, we just found that other things outperformed them. So that's probably why.

Is CCP going for an optimum density of players per region? I think CCP's optimum density would be thousands, because that would mean they'd be making a lot of money. The only way to increase density would be increased players, which has happened somewhat, or decreased space, which I think they're unwilling to do.

Aren't the upcoming Nullsec changes economically empowering large landholders like Frat and Horde? I don't think so, Mystic, but we'll see more details. Maybe they will but I think that probably not.

When the Bhaalgorn doctrine back? says Lord Jaxxum. Unlikely. Bhaalgorn just, it needs a balance pass. Not, not a great ship.


There was a question in chat about goonpraisal. It's, it's hopped around different domains. So the person that owns goonpraisal. com is no longer in the Imperium. But they gave us the code base to spin up ourselves. We had it on another domain and then we moved it. So it's on the domain that we have a lot of things on. So the right link for goonpraisal is I'll make sure we have that somewhere in the forums and like in the topic of gs_isk.

Asher Elias:

Thanks, sniper.

Raven two says questions about doctrines. They most often list only T 3D and T2 E war ships as the smallest ships. Are saber and interceptors useful or is it better to bring a line ship? Generally. You know, you don't want to have, you know, only three Dictors, right? It can cause an FC to have a meltdown. But yeah, generally flying a line ship is more useful, and the FC will ask, you know, hey, if we're missing the ship. The reason that, you know, T2 Ewar is listed mostly is because we used to have a problem of just like having 500 Vigils. And we, we, like that problem is mostly gone away.

Asher, any news on cat ears? The Skinner system is, seems like CCP cat ears, sort of. Yeah.

Zentron says... .


The next expansion stream is going to be on Wednesday and it's going to be talking about the new customizable skins on ship's system.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, there you go.

Typing in warp shots are so boring. Brawl is much more fun. It means commitment. Yeah. A brawling fleet is less technical, Zentron, but they're not my favorite, but a lot of members like them, so we do try to brawl with certain doctrines we can.

Zintage says, Jackdaws are way too slow is the problem. Flycatchers after their buff are basically jackdaws that don't have to switch modes. Yeah, that's a good point. The only thing, yeah, exactly.


It's also a lot easier to make a lot of flycatchers as opposed to jackdaws, because jackdaws need wormhole materials and flycatchers are just T2.

Asher Elias:

What's that called? Blue, blue loot or whatever? Blue loot.


Well, it's not that, it's more the gas and salvage and other shit.

Asher Elias:

Asher tries to talk about construction.


Goes as expected.

Asher Elias:

Mm hmm.

Blaster Vindy doctrine when? Not soon.

Anthony Monk says, Do you find yourself needing or wanting a nap mid afternoon? No, maybe you need to drink more water. That's my solution to everything, drink more water.

Chanel says, Brawling is fairly low sec only thing. Null has too many things that are good versus low-end static fleets. Yep Nullsec fighting is more technical than lowsec fighting. That's why lowsec FCs don't come to nullsec and succeed, ever. It's never happened. But nullsec FCs go to lowsec and succeed all the time. Because you can take the skills to lowsec and apply them perfectly. But you can't take LowSec to NullSec and apply them.

Byond says, just not us, we suck at LowSec. Yeah, we suck mostly because we Doctrines that are not LowSec compatible or equipped. It's a different meta, like, you know. And if you bring a NullSec doctrine to LowSec, it's not going to perform as well as a LowSec doctrine.

When are we invading Rakapas again? Probably not for a while. Going up north, really, there's no appeal.

Heidi, I have no idea what that sentence is.

When can we burn Jita? Casey asked. Good question. We have had some discussions about that. I, I, I won't want to make any commitments, but that's a stay tuned type of thing.


Wow, two future plans in the same fireside?

Asher Elias:

I know, right?

When can we burn Venal? Why would you want to burn Venal? Like, I really, like, there's nothing there. There's like one Keepstar and some forts. Not a lot, though.


He, he was baiting you about burner missions.

Asher Elias:

It's like a little, little, little pun. I gotcha.

Typhoon is the best looking battleship. Yes. Can I take it on an RNI fleet for style points? No.

When can we burn delve? We do that pretty much every day. But yeah, once the sov changes happen, we'll have to burn a lot of stuff.

Marshall is not the best looking battleship. This is not debatable. Sorry, Vyra.

Ranger Gama:

It's clearly a Raven.

Asher Elias:

It's clearly the Typhoon. It's clearly the Typhoon. Or, you know, the second best looking is obviously the Domi. Full potato. Mega is a good looking ship too. There actually are a lot of good looking battleships. Obviously the Domi and the Maelstrom are just the most beautiful, but there are other good looking ones.


2to5 says, Abaddon fleet when? Have you ever flown an Abaddon in a big fleet? And why was it fit with artillery? Oh, because it's bonuses don't help it fire its guns for very long.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, rattlesnakes, the old rattlesnake was amazing. The new one, meh.

Rorqual saved. Okay I think we're running out of questions here.

Thank you guys for showing up. We are doing a Cyno Vigil as soon as this is over. So if you can undock in 1DQ right now and get your Cyno ship ready that will be going on.

Thank you for showing up and I will see you all next week.