Fireside Chat Transcript 2024 07 06

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Asher Elias:

Hello, what is up Goons? Yeah, I mean, no claps for me when we just clap them. I don't need any claps when we're given the claps. Brisc is hot here, and then my AC broke for two days. It was brutal. Yeah, sorry Kaminar, I couldn't make it last week. I had a personal thing I had to attend. Uh, no, Bernin was actually at a funeral. The opposite of a marriage.

Alright, let's let people get in here. You know what, Altarari, though? At least it's a dry heat over there. It's uh, it's 90 percent humidity here for me. Yep. Yep. Dude, uh, I'm not a fish, but my skin is luxurious. There's a reason Alterarri looks like an 85 year old man. Dude's had all the moisture sucked out of him.

Apple Pear:

I sent you a message by the way, uh, Asher.

Asher Elias:

You sent me a message? Okay, I'll look at it. All right. Um, good numbers so far today. Just got a big fight. Um, can I use priority speaker? What do you mean? So I talk over Apple? Yeah, I'll give it to myself. That's a good idea.


If people are listening in the fleet, it's so the FC doesn't.

Asher Elias:

Oh, got it. That makes more sense. Like the Apple thing better though.

Apple Pear:

In general, you don't have to use that when I'm around because like, I never talk. So yeah.

Asher Elias:

All right. So let's get rolling. Um, yeah, sorry. I wasn't here last week, but I had something to handle. Um, but everyone took care of it. It was good.

So we've had. I would say a pretty good couple of weeks. Um, I want to say welcome to a bunch of new, uh, Chinese members, Chinese corps who have joined us in the last few weeks, we're really excited about that. Um, and we are expecting some more. So, um, this is not really the Chinese time zone. I don't know that there will be a lot here, but I still wanted to welcome them anyway.

Um, it's, uh, it's really cool to have them joining us. We've, uh, we've had some good fights. Zintage, are you around? Can you link that fight that you had, uh, the other day? That was an excellent fight, that, uh, and we've had several of those. Ahh, Weasle, I like that. We've had several big fights going on, and, uh, we've won basically all of them, and including one we just took. Can someone pop the BR for that fight that just happened? Uh, this fight was not, uh, over anything that I'm aware of, other than just shooting people, but it's nice to shoot people and win. Okay, over an Ansiblex. There you go. Big strategic objective. But congrats to our FCs there. I was listening to a bit of that during the ILLUM meeting, um, and it sounded like it was going really well.

They were doing a good job. Won the fight. Reffed the Ansiblex. Good job. And then there's Zintage dropping some Catch fights that have been going on. Well, uh, we moved their capitals. Some of you saw that. And then, uh, if you are around in, uh, moon time, Australian time zone, uh, Chinese time zone, early EU, that's when these fights are happening. And they're obviously going on and going pretty well. So we're, we have a lot of momentum now. I really like what we're doing. Um, you know, we defined a line in the sand and as soon as they came to it, you guys stepped up in an immense way. Uh, and I'm really proud of that. I want to talk about something a little closer to the home front.

Um, I've been talking about this on the Firesides for the last few weeks, and, uh, Rorquals. You can now be jumped away by a carrier. If you see a hostile carrier or a friendly carrier warp in, just throw your panic in right away. Add in panic. What I would recommend is, I used to, um, I used to put my, my Rorqs, when I was doing Krabquals, I would put them right on top of each other so you can combat refit off of them. I think now that that's more dangerous, I would just put them 20 kilometers apart. That way, one carrier can only jump one Rorqual, rather than grabbing all of yours away from the, the rocks. So, if you are a Rorqual pilot, I would move them further apart, just as a, I was just thinking about that a minute ago.

Uh, you can, you can fit scrams, but, uh, um, that's, you know, if you want a scram chain, that is a possibility. I don't know if panic actually gives you E War immunity like it does in Siege. Uh, because if it doesn't, uh, ECM burst would be an issue, but, uh, we need to look at the panic module again.

Zintage Enaka:

It's not, but the industry core will stop you from being ECM'd.

Asher Elias:

The, uh, yeah, sorry. The Indy core. That's what I meant. Thanks. Okay. So yeah, you could do a scram chain then. You can also scram the carrier. Yeah. If you get it in time. I think the overall thing, and those are all good things if you're able to do them, but it's better just to panic as soon as you see the carrier.

Zintage Enaka:

To be clear, when you see that carrier, there's going to be 50 blops behind that carrier.

Asher Elias:

Yeah. You should probably panic anyway. And then, use Delve911, that's, uh, pretty good. I would just go ahead, if I'm, if I'm, For you, I would have my, you know, !bping written out on Delve 911, um, and be ready to send it immediately with relevant info. That way you just literally, you know, click into the Jabber window and hit enter and you're good to go. And that'll expedite your, your save there.

Zintage Enaka:

It's better, guys, that you ping early because you messed up and accidentally pinged early, than for you to ping three minutes into your panic.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, great call.

Uh, I wanted to shout out, we had, uh, two goons who were highlighted in the EVE community meet, actually kind of 3rd, um, Wilhelm retold the story, Wilhelm Arcturus retold the story about the ship spinning medal that we talked about on the fireside a couple weeks ago, and he put it in his blog and CCP picked that up, and then Razor Maiden got put in with his, uh, his Titan SRP shirt, so there's a link to that if you want to check it out, but, uh, here's some Goons getting recognized in the, uh, CCP publication.

No, Palantine keepstar update, uh, killer. Nothing to report right now.

Shirt replacement program when? yeah, that's a, that's an SRP program we do not have yet.

Uh, this is not something, uh, strategic other than, um, If your spouse, if your husband or wife, uh, is listening right now, if you're the kind of person who forces your spouse to listen to your Eve meetings, uh, or you want to just turn on your speakers right now so they can hear it. I just want to shout out all the spouses of Eve. We were just talking about this the other day and how much a lot of these Eve spouses put up with from, uh, people, temper fights and, or wearing t shirts with Titan SRP on them, the spouses of Eve are probably the true heroes of, uh, of EVE Online.

Uh, alright, tell Mrs. Brisc if she asks for a stream. I will, I'll run a stream then, Brisc. She's so much nicer than you, it's, it's just only fair.

Alright, uh, Alliance Tournament team has applications. They're prepping for AT Season. So if you're interested in the Alliance Tournament, there is a application. I'm pasting it in.

There you go. Go ahead and apply there. I have done the Alliance Tournament multiple times, uh, myself. I don't know, I've done it maybe four or five times. Thanks. It's very fun. Uh, it's pretty exciting. And just getting one win there is always super exciting and enjoyable.

Uh, and I do not watch food streams, Uma Thurman. Thank you though.

Yesterday or not yesterday, the last time I streamed, I went onto Google maps and I went around the world. And I talked about all the people who are cool and all the people who I hated. And it turned out I like everyone in the world except Parisians from Paris, France. That's the only people I hated. So if you're from Paris, sorry. If you're from anywhere else in the world, you're cool with me.

Apple Pear:

I understand why you don't do food streams. It's way too spicy. They use all kinds of spices there.

Asher Elias:

Dude, I would hate it. It'd be awful.

Yeah, that's the one thing. Whenever you say that about Paris, like, every other French person is like, no, no, we hate them too.

Yeah, Theo, you're good. All right.


One of the things they added for the AT this year is having like a spokesperson that can kind of speak for the team while the actual team members are, uh, like dealing with setting up for the matches and whatnot. So we, we brought on her. In fact, Our, uh, spokesperson for the team.

Asher Elias:

We put, we put in our yappiest person in charge of it.

All right. Um, that is everything I wanted to talk about. Uh, I just wanted to let you guys know how things were going and they're going good. Now I will take questions. You got questions from in, uh, Elysium on Jabber. Please do not put them in mumble and I will answer your questions as best as I can.

Best number, best letter. Okay. Uh, best number is Four, best letter is D yeah. Tario says, can we get an Atrum Fireside sometimes? Um, I don't know if Atrum would even like to do that. I could ask him, I wouldn't mind it.

Apple Pear:

I think that's a good reason to have him do it anyway, because he doesn't like it.


I mean, you wouldn't be able to be here for it, Asher, because it would definitely be too spicy.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, that's for sure. We might get cancelled after the Atrum fireside.


Uh, somebody may have already asked a question, but if not, I'll preempt it. We've been working on prepping a bunch of stuff for testing out some new SOV, and we should have stuff live this weekend.

Asher Elias:

Oh, yep, I meant to cover that, yeah. We should have the SOV stuff up really, really soon, as far as ratting upgrades and that kind of thing, where, uh, like, it should be well before next weekend. So, um, imminently, that should be up. And we'll send out the information as soon as we do. Thanks for reminding me, Sniper.


No problem. On that topic, this guy really wants it answered, because he keeps spamming it. Uh, the, as far as we know, the old mining anomalies go away under the new SOV. I'm just giving you shit, Ashade, don't worry about it.

Asher Elias:

Uh, to the guy who was asking, I would give, I would give Alterarri a hug. There you go.

Uh, someone mentioned a PI stream. I know I did mention that, oh, six months ago and I will do it. I did. It's, it's sort of 1DQ by Christmas. Uh, I will do it. It's just going to be when, is the question.

Ranger Gama:

You got to make sure you have the, uh, the elf Dynex around to help.

Asher Elias:

Yeah. No, like that's the whole thing. I'm going to do it without knowing anything about it and looking up no guides and just see how long it takes me to set a PI. Basically, I wanted to do a 24 hour stream and hate my life.

Beyondnoxx UNP:

PI by christmas.

Apple Pear:

You think you can get it done within 24 hours? Like, I think you're done, uh, you're taking a week for it.

Asher Elias:

Is that, is that too optimistic? Yeah, potentially.

Why does CCP hate me wanting to mine asks Durand_Sunsteel. Yeah, the mining upgrades for this seem not, to not be upgrades. That's, that's for sure. I imagine we'll see some adjustment there. I have no information on that. But, it just seems like they're not well thought out.

Sarah Bjorndotter says, Hi Asher, I've been thinking lately and we appear to sorely lack a detailed record account of both the Casino War and Beeitnam, especially on geopolitical aspects and economic aspects. I was thinking, would it be possible to have a calendar event involving people who were playing at the time, especially from Corps Diplomatique, who could share both our new and old members potentially be localized? I was thinking Ranger Gamma and whoever at Corps Diplomatique are hosts. So, uh, that's a good idea, Sarah. Um, and on, as an alternative that I'm actually working on a video of just happened that Eve from my perspective, 2014 to 2016, I've been writing my script down for that. So I should hopefully be putting that out eventually. Um, I think that there's a lot of information that's pretty fun and most of it is expired now. And I'll probably move forward if, uh, if I like doing it. So, um, Yeah, that's something I want to do personally, and I think that's a good idea too.

Tariel says, I claimed the idea for myself again. Yep. Sir, you stole my idea, sir.


Cassador, that's extremely harsh.

Asher Elias:

I didn't hear what he said, but whatever Cass says is incorrect.


He went, Asher will release that video after his 20th fleet this year.

Asher Elias:

So never, right? Yeah, exactly. That is rough. That's rough.

Uh, BirdTheGodless says, What's happening in Catch War Update, please? So, we have a line, uh, EX6 and behind is what we are defending. They've tried to come across it a few times. Um, and we've defended it very well. That's the, the War Update. There's really nothing to say beyond that. It's what we've been saying for a while.

Zintage Enaka:

It's basically the reenactment of the siege of 1DQ.

Asher Elias:

There you go. Um, Killer, we just kind of went right into them.

Like, it wasn't, it wasn't, you know, sort of spaghettied into owning them. Are member corps allowed to drop skyhooks outside of Goon Sov, like in Lowsec. Uh, Darth Reaven, I would ask that at a Kremlin meeting.


Skyhooks can't be dropped in, uh, Losec, so.

Asher Elias:

There's, there's your answer. I think he probably means Metanox.


Which there is a policy for that you can read.

Asher Elias:

Uh, Asher, which systems will be made for building super caps? Whichever one, um, check, check the home ec thread. Asking me about building super caps is not the right person to ask.


Yeah, so there's not going to be any changes to that in the short term. Like there's no reason to convert a system that has a super cap upgrade so that it can no longer have a super cap upgrade. So until a time where we can't use the legacy upgrades, the legacy upgrades will stay in place.

Asher Elias:

Someone asked about 4S. They're going to Initiative. We wish them well. Uh, Apsalar says if you are interested in becoming a guard bee, submit an application here. That is a good thing. Guard bees are good.

Apple Pear:

Did you talk about the move up we're going to have after this with all the carriers people should move and faxes and dreads.

Asher Elias:

Sounds like you should.

Apple Pear:

We're going to move more carriers to 4-07 and more, uh, especially more faxes. Need people to move more faxes and also more dreads so you can get into the fights that, uh, our friend, uh, Zintage linked before. So, we use, we use, uh, carriers a lot. If they show up with, uh, anything we can use to shoot with carriers, we will do that. So, bring carriers, bring breads, and especially bring more faxes.

Zintage Enaka:

I will say, Dread Pilots, I am working on ways to get you into these fights as well. So, uh, just watch out for that.

Asher Elias:

Bird the Godless says, any chance to make it easier when joining a fleet first time? Finding a fit is a bitch. Simple answer is to pre buy them. I was thinking another option would be to have the fit in the fleet channel added to the MOTD of the fleet. So the MOTD thing is, um, it would be nice, but I don't think it's really practical. They'd change probably a little too much. You can pretty easily, uh, buy fit, uh, using the feature. If you just copy it from the forum and go to the alt F and use the import button. Uh, the muscle memory on that takes a minute or two to get there. But, um, once you know how to do it, it's easy.


If you're in GSF proper, all of our Doctrine Fits are loaded in game as Alliance Fits as well.

Asher Elias:

And there's that. Yep.

Zintage Enaka:

All of our strategic doctrines, yeah.


Those channels are old and not in use because they are not owned by people in Goons, so please do not push people to use the Goon Fit channels. They are deprecated and have not been updated in years.

Zintage Enaka:

I'm still waiting for the day that one of you guys try and use Goon Fits and someone has gave you, like, 5MN, Rpkhs.

Asher Elias:

Adonis says, beware scam contracts. Go ahead. Always true.


Uh, as far as what fits where the forum is, the system of record for fits, uh, we do try to stay very on top of. If we update those, we then go push them in game.

Asher Elias:

When will the forum fit for the Rokh be changed to MWD? Well, we use both, uh, you know, fits so. I think it doesn't really matter.

If we have MWD, then they'll go to AB. The AB was more when we were using them mostly for, uh, defending ESSs. And for, um, fleet fights, it's probably more likely to be MWD.


Isomeric, I'm gonna ride yo camel to your house and slap you for that comment.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, Adonis said beware scam contracts. The two things to check on a contract, make sure that you hover over the actual isk so you can see like the total number. Make sure it's not, you know, uh, you know, a billion when it's supposed to be 100 million. And then check, scroll down and make sure the actual ship is included. That's the other one that can get people a lot. Make sure that it's not like a skin or something like that. Um, checking for checking a contract before you buy takes about 10 seconds and then you can be pretty happy with it. I got caught once, I got a, I got a hound skin rather than a hound, and uh, I gave someone 60 million isk that they, they did not give me a ship for and then yeah, it was rough. It was rough. It's honest. Great.


So we are going to do one system in Delve with a mining upgrade so that we can see how the sites work. They currently seem to be pretty fucked and flipping a system over is just a direct downgrade, but we are going to do one so that we have something to experiment with.

Asher Elias:

Adonis says, Bruh, I paid 500 mil for a Rokh skin yesterday. So that's why you were warning people. That was from personal pain.

Speaking of skins, are any of the player made ones good yet? Uh, I have heard only bad things about the SKNNR system. I'm sure someone will figure it out eventually. But right now, It doesn't seem that way. It seems pretty bad. I'll let people who have been playing with it more comment and channel.

Is it a war or just a sparkling skirmish? Uh, yeah, it's more of a sparkling skirmish, Noxar. I like that, it's a good question.

Weyland says, was it me who made the 15 billion destroyer? No, I don't know what that is. Is the Palantine Keepstar finished yet? It is nowhere close to being finished. This is a years long project, not Not anything that's going to be happening, like you guys are not going to see it this year if you're hoping that we're going to put it up for Christmas. It's not going to happen.

Ranger Gama:

We shouldn't say that actually you say it's for Christmas. You just don't tell them what year.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, Palentine by Christmas. You're right.

Yep. PI is always needed. That is just the truth of every fireside. I feel like I feel like someone really needed that one for a bingo. So I'm throwing that one out there All right, we got any other questions?

What system are we gonna do a mining upgrade? Uh, we'll announce it once we actually flip the upgrade, but probably Southern deve is a reasonable guess.

Will we ever have goon GPT? You can ask it about fits. That sounds, uh, that sounds like a terrible idea, to be honest.


That's just Zintages dms.

Zintage Enaka:

I was gonna say, you can DM me, you just might get more information than what you wanted.

Asher Elias:

Cassador asks, dread priority list, any changes? This also might be bingo bait, but, uh, nope. Zirnitra. And then, uh, we're looking for Rev Navies more now. And then also Phoenixes and Phoenix Navies.

Asher, I asked you about my Naglfar a few months ago. It is still for sale. Please buy my Naglfar. I will take it under consideration.

Apple Pear:

It's very simple to get rid of your Naglfar. That's very simple. You, uh, buy from Kunmi or from other Dread things, you buy a Navy Dread, and then you put your Naglfar in as trade, and you have to pay less for the Navy Dread. So you have a good Dread, and you got rid of your Naglfar. Problem solved.

Asher Elias:

Bernin asks, capital priority, carriers over dreads? That's a good question, Bernin. Um, and I don't think we've actually ever specified. Both useful. And so I don't know that I want to say carriers over dreads or dreads over carriers. We find a lot of use for carriers and, and seems like people have sort of fallen to the wayside of training them because they've been less useful. They've already been upgraded. I feel like they might get another upgrade in the near future. In the near future being CCP time, not, you know, next few weeks. So, um, I would probably, if it was my first ship, I would probably train a Dread, then a Carrier, but I would do both.

Apple Pear:

And please, get two alts. One Carrier alt, one Dread alt.

Yes. Because the great thing with a Carrier alt, you can train that to a Super, and a Dread you can train to a Titan.

Asher Elias:

Yes, sir.


Oh boy, there's a great one, Asher. Who is the DJ in DJ's Retirement Fund?

Asher Elias:

Hey, that's a good question.

Beyondnoxx UNP:

I thought the D was Silent.

Asher Elias:

So, obviously, this is very simple, guys. Just use logic. And obviously it's Mind1. That was the DJ in DJ's retirement fund, of course.

Zintage Enaka:

Boo. Boo this man.


Ha ha!

Ranger Gama:

I thought that was pretty on the nose there, Zintage.

Beyondnoxx UNP:

Which just means we know it's bad.

Zintage Enaka:

I mean, if we're gonna make jokes with it, I mean The D is silent.

Ranger Gama:

See, now that's just harsh.

Asher Elias:

What condiment does Condi reference? So, if you don't know, Malcolm, I think that probably was a setup. But if you don't know Condi, uh, Condi was, uh, or is on something awful, just the people flipping the bird, giving you the finger, emote, that's where Condi came from. Yeah, and then yeah, someone gave the serious answer, Darius Johnson, who was an executor before Mittens, who ended up being a CCP employee as well.

And then someone else asked a question and says someone, wow, thanks Asher. You're welcome, someone. All right. I think we've got fully to silly season on the fire side. Thank you guys for showing up. Good week as always. I will see you all next week. Have a good one.

Apple Pear:

Move up will start in like five minutes.

Asher Elias:

There you go.

Go to the move op.