Fireside Chat Transcript 2024 08 03

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Asher Elias:

Okay. Welcome to the very early edition of the fireside. I want to thank you guys. The numbers we had are insane. Uh, we had over 3,700 people in system and more outside of it. It truly an immense showing from us. Um, yeah, I was talking to our leadership because I was saying that we've done a An excellent job at bringing us back to the levels that we were used to years ago.

And that's a credit to you guys, to leadership, to everyone from the top to the bottom. I mean, this is, let's keep my, this is a Chinese time zone timer. So what I want to challenge you guys about is. Tomorrow is when they say they want to fight. We have many important timers tomorrow. So I want this energy.

I want this energy here tomorrow. We are going to keep pushing them. The Keepstar timer in 1P is tomorrow. I told you guys. They will fight or they will continue to run. They're already running away. We're going to push them back further. So they're going to fight or they're going to run. But I want every one of you should say bring the energy tomorrow.

Uh, this is when we are going to dip in the well. We're going to keep pushing them hard. And the timers tomorrow are an earlier one at 0830, that is a less important one, be there if you can. And then immediately again at 1100, 1100 tomorrow. So, 0830, 1100. 1100 is the important timer. I want every single one of you who is here today, who could be there, to come tomorrow for those timers. We will push them, we will push them back, we will force them to fight or to continue to run.

I'm going to talk a little bit about what I think is going on here. I think that Gobbins has made a tremendous miscalculation. I've talked about this before, and I will say it again, it is, it is, it is not smart. Um, That he's burning his morale for essentially no reason. And, um, I guess I'm not gonna say anymore because there's no reason to give him pointers. Um, from the sort of desperate tone of the pinging for the last retreat, uh, if you guys did not see it, it was pretty, um, you gotta put it up on Reddit, it was pretty, um, it was pretty Spin Master 9000.

So, he's denied his guys yet another fight, uh, he's made them retreat even more. Uh, today he was sending out a coke ping about how, um, NPC stations and asset safety are awesome mechanics. Like, that was literally the gist of his ping, was about how great asset safety and NPC stations are. So, uh, Uh, we are going to keep pushing them back.

They are on the back foot, and, you know, if you were in this situation and you could fight, like, imagine the reverse situation. They're, they're hitting our Keepstar and EX6, and we say, Hey, let's go back to 49U. Let's go to 49U. That's, that's where we're going to go. And then we went to 49U, and they came in, and we're like, Oh, you know what? Let's, let's go back across the border. Let's keep going. I mean, 4-07, then 49. Let's keep going backwards. Let's keep going backwards. You guys would be like, uh, hey, we want to fight, right? So They're doing the same thing and you guys would be unhappy and I guarantee you their line members are unhappy. Um, there's like one guy on reddit left fighting for them He's the guy who's been around for a year who is like the new religious convert But all of their other posters have even stopped posting so Uh morale is low. We're going to keep pushing them when they see these numbers. It has to put a little fear in them.

So if you guys bring the numbers tomorrow, it'll be, um, it'll be pretty amazing. They say, they say they want to fight tomorrow. So, Hey, there's a purifier next to me. I'm going to try and kill it. They say they want to fight tomorrow. So let's see, let's test it. They're telling their guys they want to fight tomorrow. Let's test that. Let's see if they show up. Um, they have a Keepstar, they have every advantage. So presumably with every advantage, they will take that fight. We will, we will have to be, uh, you know, assailing an enemy Keepstar. So we'll see.

Shariah says any estimations on what got asset-safetied? I have no estimation, but I guarantee you it was a lot. Um, you, you can't move in a week and then, you know, there will always be people left behind. Someone's always on vacation. Someone's always away. People just lost a lot of money by this blowing up.

Let me talk to you, uh, about a few things that are sort of some, uh, some, uh, keeping. Um, scouts. We need more scouts, especially now. So if you're interested in being a scout, uh, particularly US time zone, uh, you do get paps for being a scout. So it is a very good thing to apply to. We're always looking for more scouts. If you are someone who likes watching, um, then you can go, uh, you can go and be a scout.

And we need contracts in the U-Q market. Ships, ammo, drones, fighter, uh, all the other things. We need everything that can be stocked in U-Q.

Um, I will, I'll take a couple questions now. I don't want to stay here for too long because we've got other things to do. We are literally going after an IHUB right now. So, um, I will take a couple questions, but, uh, then we'll throw back to fleets. Uh, it's armor timer, guys, so we're not worried about, like, the hull. It's armor timer, then we're gonna put it into hull tomorrow.

Will we have move ops for caps from EX6? Uh, we will do some more of those.

Brisc, that was a good stream. Thank you.

I have insured Caps. Can this be rectified? It does take two to tango. Um, they say they want to fight. Let's see if that is the case. We would love to go there and have a fight tomorrow. And what are those timers again? 0830. And then the more important one at 1100. So that's 0830 and 1100.

Locusty says, I think the PH plan is to retreat so fast that our markets aren't stocked due to the fast moving front line. I love that. That's great. That's a lovely way to look at it.

What I'm hoping we get tomorrow, guys, I'm hoping we get a fight. I'm hoping we stomp them. Um, you know, uh, if, if I were them, I would probably take the fight because, uh, their guys morale is definitely, you know, in the crapper and, um, they would want to try to rectify it with another one of those big feeds they say that we'd love to give them. So, um, I think it's, uh, I think it'd be important for them to fight. There's some free advice for them.

Alright, so I don't want to take on and, uh, start, uh, talking for too long because we have an important timer. Um, I won't be doing the fireside at the regular time. This is, this is today's fireside. We'll see if someone wants to step up and do a regular fireside. Um, we can probably find someone in the chat. So, um, but, uh, tomorrow, 0830, 1100, be there, big numbers, come with your dancing shoes. I will see you then. Back to your fleets. See y'all later.