Fireside Chat Transcript 2024 11 09

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Asher Elias:

Alright, hello, hello, hello, hello.

This fireside is not brought to you by Raid Shadow Legends, it is brought to you by HelloFresh. More on that later.

Ranger Gama:

I'll say, 1 out of 10 Asher, should have been Kirkland Brand.

Asher Elias:

Uh, Costco actually doesn't do any sponsorship, so it really wouldn't have made sense in the context of, you know, cheesy YouTube ad raids. So I would say it was more like a 8 out of 10.

Ranger Gama:

Uh, 5 out of 10 on your justification.

Unknown Speaker:

It's brought to you by Raid Shadows Legend.

Asher Elias:

All right. Hello friends. I'm going to quickly do a, uh, a fireside and then throw it to Mr. Ranger Gama to answer your questions in particulars and tell us what's going on this week because my team is losing and my mood is dictated by a bunch of young men playing a stupid sport, so we'll keep going.

Um, so week three and things are going, uh, really well, really well. We have been moving an immense amount, um, and then putting up new infrastructure, you guys have probably seen it. Corps have started anchoring their own structures, so if you are involved in your corp, you may have seen, have new places, new homes, that kind of thing. There's a lot going on. Um, we're extremely happy with the pace of development. Rome was definitely not built in a day, but we are, uh, and my team is really moving the ball. I'm, I'm so distracted here. We are, uh, they're building out exactly the way that we hoped. Uh, I will say thank you to our enemies who have decided not to fight us on the move, not to stop us, uh, on developing. Um, that is certainly a choice that they made. We had planned, obviously, contingency plans for, uh, you know, full deployments for all that kind of stuff. We were ready for that, but we didn't have to use them. And, uh, that speaks about them and their motivation, I guess, more than anything else.

We've been getting some excellent fights, uh, shout out to, obviously to Arcadios who loves to go out and get in some, uh, some brawls and he's been getting in some lately, and then we've had, uh, several in Detorid, so, there's been some good fights going on. We're looking to increase that as time goes on.

Right now, though, we are still focused more on getting set up. We are, we are far from getting done. There's a list of upgrades that have been done that I'm going to let Ranger talk about, and It's very impressive, but we are not finished yet. There are still many more upgrades to go. So if you guys are like, hey, when are we going to go to war? Um, first off, future plans. Second off, it would definitely not be this week anyway, we have several more weeks to get Rome built. You can, um. You can see the pace of what's going up. You see the infrastructure that's going up. There's a lot of upgrades that you probably can't see. And, uh, I think the thing people are most excited about probably as far as like getting going and visible stuff is Beehive going up this week. Uh, that's pretty much all I want to talk about.

I just wanted to commend our guys. Wanted to say thank you to the GSOL dudes. Thank you to, uh, you know, we've had Recon running cynos. Uh, especially this week is a week to say thanks to GSOL. Uh, thanks to Kunmi, who is a shitty GSOL. And, um, I wanted to commend them because they've been doing a great, great job and putting up a lot of stuff, a lot of stuff. So give your GSOLer a hug.

And then Ranger, I think I'm going to throw it to you, let you, uh, get the particulars and, uh, answer some questions. All right.

Ranger Gama:

All right. You can, you can go watch your team with the hand egg ball there, man. We got it.

Thank you, sir.

Apple Pear:

Have fun losing.

Asher Elias:

Oh, wow.

Ranger Gama:

That was cold. Damn.

Asher Elias:

Apple. All right. Fired. See ya.

Ranger Gama:

Can't be fired. That's what we all need to do. All right. Note that for the directors, anytime you want to get fired, you just tell Asher, this team sucks. Don't do it. Uh, okay, so, couple of quick things and then we'll get to the to the move op that Apple just pinged.

Zintage has put in some doctrine updates. So ENI's upgraded to strategic. Retris downgraded to peacetime Stormbringer fleets can be retired. Electric heat guns are retired. SIF Marshal pod saver will fit update, So if you've got a wolf in your SIF Marshal or anything like that, so make sure you get that. And then, Goof Logi added to SIF Fleet Threads Merged.

Jesus, Zintigin, why did I just fuckin read that? Um, bonus points for new subforms for, uh, Peacetime, SigFits, Capitals, all those kind of pieces. Uh, probably should have actually read that before I just read it to you verbatim, cause, you know, Zintigin typing, but that's okay.

Apple Pear:

One of the advantages is that you can now see all the cap fits before you get into the capital in the cap form, so that makes your life a lot easier.

Ranger Gama:

You can set up training plans, everything like that, if you want.

Uh, next really quick one from, uh, Ankh, Gooniversity has got the newbie handouts are in UALX. They're operational now, so if you are a newbie, you got newbies joining your corp, they need the, uh, PVP and handout packs, those are available in UALX. The PVE ones are coming soon. They're not quite ready yet.

Uh, oh, I should link that thread.

Faros already did it. Faros, I see your name there.

Okay, uh, Next one, big update from Stickz. We are updating, I shouldn't say we, Stickz and the fitting guys have updated the Citadel fits, so let me get that.

All new citadel fits for you when you're putting up your new citadels. Make sure you uh, actually looking at those. The old fits were Uh, I believe Stickz and Zintage's version of it was dog shit is what they said. So these are brand new fancy fits for you all.

We are going to be doing, we're obviously doing the move up today Apple just pinged that, that is going to happen. We are going to do an Irmalin move up in the future Uh, so tbd it is coming. We haven't forgotten about your stuff in Irmalin. It is coming with that And I have an upgrade list from Stickz. Let me put that.

Oh, okay. That was a terrible format. Just there we go Okay Yeah, Darth, if you expected me to do anything correctly, where the hell have you been, man? Anyways, there's the list, um, and as Brodog pointed out, that list right there, only 50 percent of our space is fully upgraded. So that list is going to be getting bigger.

Okay, Directors, did I forget anything before we turn over to Apple for move ups? Claudia, shut up you.


Uh, yeah, for people asking, every, uh, every area of our space will be getting upgraded. Uh, it's just a, we're working our way through it. The big push this week was for Impass. Uh, Impass has all of its upgrades save, what, like, one, uh, one or two mining sites. We've got one big mining. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


Yeah, it's like one big mining, two small minings, and a couple of rattings, guys. Other than that, Impass is fully done. And, uh, Sniper, you're working on a forum post, right?


I am. Uh, Apple, do you want to go ahead and ping your fleet and people can start getting in while we answer some questions real quick?

Apple Pear:

I pinged the fleet already.


Oh, cool.

Apple Pear:

And we have 165 people, so we can use like 94 people.


Those rookie numbers. I need to pump that shit up. Uh, let's see. People are doing a bit of spamming, so. Um, yeah, so we're, we're going to be posting maps instead of updating the, uh, the spreadsheet. Uh, that's what I've been working on during Illum and during the fireside. So I've got a nice, uh, nice big, like 4k map that you'll be able to open. Uh, it's going to be a web based thing eventually. Um, I'll, I'll end up having to explain

it in the forum post, but I'll tease you guys with the link.

Um, As far as, I saw somebody ask me about like, uh, keeps and Impass, there's a keep in YJK, that's going to be the main one, where you should put your supers. I saw a couple other things about upgrades, let me look real quick. Uh, when can skyhooks be expected? So we're doing it as we upgrade things, uh, once we're relatively done, uh, we'll let people know, and then we can start filling in POCOs.

So as soon as we get the regional move up done, which is what Apple's fleet is for me to cover is when beehive goes up. So, uh, the more people that get in that fleet, the quicker we get it done, the quicker we get to spinning up beehive. So make sure to join that fleet. And, uh, yeah, so we're going to work on it. We'll get a bunch more info out about upgrades. Uh, we've been focused on actually upgrading things this week. Um, but yes, we'll get, we'll get some info out there.


I did see a question about the jump bridge map. Uh, it is, uh, slowly coming online. We have a handful of jump bridges that we're waiting on, uh, like, essentially time for the strategic index. Um, but we're doing the ones that we can in, uh, like, a priority order for, like, strategic jump bridges first.


We'll get the, we'll get the wiki updated with a current list, uh, later today.

Uh, somebody asking about minor threats. There are a ton of minor threat upgrades in the B-R constellation of Immensea.


So while you're looking at dead titan wrecks, you can be farming your six of tens. There's also going to be, uh, a lot in, uh, Catch. There is a, um, yeah, that's a, another big talking point. We have two constellations in Catch for Sansha ratting opened up, uh, ready to go. Um, we will get that posted and let, um, so you guys can get out there and start farming Sansha as well.

Ranger Gama:

Uh, so PI factory systems are coming. The, uh, Dynax has been working on that with finance to get that list. We do have a post with that that will be coming.

Uh, part of Stain open? No, stay out of Stain. Don't go into Stain. Very, very simple guys, don't go to Stain.


Don't go to Stain, the man is right. Uh, I'll answer the question, someone asked about Mercenary Den. Uh, when the expansion drops on Tuesday, 3 days away. If you want to train the skill, you may anchor Mercenary Dens in Impass. Same region Beehive is covering. We only want you to put them in Impass for now while we test things out. See how it goes. Uh, we will evaluate things on a day to day basis at that point. Maybe Impass's temperate planets fill up immediately. There are very likely to be many additional rules, changes. The Welp gods only know what we will do.

Uh, but for the time being, you're welcome to put Merc Dens on our own planets in Impass, and then we will see how things go. The Alliance reserves the right to change that. We reserve the right to blow them up if you screw up somehow. And on and on and on. It's not, this is not just a free for all. We're just opening Impass for the time being. So beyond that, watch for a forum post or watch broadcasts if you're interested in the Revenant content.

Everyone is capable of training the skill that lets you drop mercenary dens, but we certainly do not have enough temperate planets for all several ten thousand of you in the alliance. And so, keep in mind that if you're training that skill, most likely you will have to spend your Merc Dens on temperate planets outside of our space over time. Just keep that in mind, before you inject.

Apple Pear:

So what he's suggesting is drop them in all of enemy space, especially Pandemic Horde and NC.


Yep, we'll talk more about this almost certainly this coming weekend. At the fireside after they've been out for a few days after we've experimented some, this will be on the list for many weeks upcoming.

But for the time being, you're welcome to put them on our temperate planets in Impass pending other changes.

Apple Pear:

Since everybody's quiet, this is a perfect time for everybody who's not in fleet yet. I have like 10 spots left to join the fleet now and we're going to op3 and we start moving our sub caps so we can move, etc.

We're not going to do a long move for hours, etc. So if you want to move, uh, something from 49 to 4-07 get logged in now and get done early because I'm not going to stay there for very long because Beehive wants to do Beehive things. So, uh, everybody get ready, come to op3 and we're going to get that done.

Ranger Gama:

Guys, let's let's do that. We were trying to keep this short so that you all can be the filthy krabs we all know you are but after the move up join op three. Let's uh, cover the gate We'll get some stuff moved and then beehive will go active after the move up is over All right, guys. Enjoy your weekend. Let's go, uh move some stuff and then you guys can be the uh filthy crabs. We all know that you are.

Cheerio guys. Have a good day