Fireside Chat Transcript 2025 01 11

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Asher Elias:

Hi Koahi. Is hot water just original flavor soup? A soup has to have an ingredient other than water, so no. What does water have in it? Minerals? Okay. That's not soup. It's diet soup?

Ranger Gama:

If it's got minerals in it, it's a solution, not water.

Asher Elias:

There you go. Is the ocean a soup? If you heat it up, it is, yes. By the way, to people messaging on Mumble, please join Jabber. The channel is Elysium. Elysium on Jabber is the channel. Internet Knight says, Asher, I finally got my Leviathan. I wanted an avatar, but you told me no like six months ago. Good man. Good man. Getting the Superior Titan. Avatars just stink.


Especially if M. Night Shyamalan makes them. You're welcome, Brodog.

Asher Elias:

Gleeker says, Asher, how well do you like farm animals? I like them pretty well, I guess. Dash says, three levies or one komodo? Three levies, easy. Titan fight when? Not for a while. Leviathan, signature look of superiority, indeed. Uh, Tariel, I'm not sure what you're referring to off the top of my head, so I can't give you any news on that. Cyber Ralph, you just bought an avatar skill? That is unfortunate. You know, titans better than no titans, but we just, like we just say, the avatar is the least good titan.


Yeah, the reason, the reason we don't let people build new avatars is because we used to have like 75 percent avatars. So you'll be, if you have, if you want a titan and you want it to be a giant butt plug, that is okay. You just should buy it on the forums from one of the many former avatar havers. That's all.

Asher Elias:

The last time I was on a farm, I got in a fight with a goat. Uh, I forgot that I'd put a Nature's Valley, uh, bar, you know, like, granola bar in my pocket. And the goat definitely was able to tell, and we, uh, He, he was trying to get it, and I kind of locked horns with him. I don't have horns, but I grabbed his, his horns, and we were, I was pushing on the goat. He was trying to get that Nature's Valley. Yeah, I won that, geez. Not gonna let some goat out goat me.

Apple Pear:

If only it was a Kirkland one, he would have left it alone.

Asher Elias:

Are you implying that goats are too good for Kirkland bars, Apple?

Apple Pear:




Ranger Gama:

I don't think that's an implication.

Asher Elias:

Get out, sir.

Ranger Gama:

I think he said it flat out.

Asher Elias:

Get out. Guys, can I just tell you a secret? If you want, like, if you're feeling down, if you're feeling down, if life's got you in the dumps, I got one surefire way to get that up, and it has nothing to do with EVE Online. Go to YouTube. And type in, pick two animal names, like type in lion vs. bear, type in lion vs. bear, or tiger vs. lion, or whatever. You'll find these old videos that are very exploitative where some circus had the animals fight each other. It's terrible. Don't even watch the video. Go to the comments. And there are people who are so super invested in which animal would win a hypothetical fight, and they flame each other so hard in the comments. Like, you are a moron if you think a lion could beat a tiger or vice versa, it doesn't matter. And they will scream at each other. And they, there, there are months long arguments. If you click, like, you know, expand this comment, just two animal supporters fighting it out for months over who would win this hypothetical fights. It is, if I am feeling a little low, it pulls me right up. It's amazing.

All right, I'm going to get to, uh, get to my agenda. So people say it's like, uh, It's like honey badgers. Others versus facehuggers versus series. I don't know what that is. Goku versus Naruto? Naruto? All right.

Okay, so, uh, want to shout out yesterday. Yesterday we have a giant shout out to Guard Bees and Locust for making the first Locust Weekend run very smoothly. Uh, we have a lot of learnings that we discussed from the weekend, uh, so far that we will apply to the next one. But, uh, we had a huge, huge turnout. There were a ton of you guys. They're sucking on croc. And there were a lot of you guys who showed up to guard them. I wanted to give a special shout out to, uh, Rose Allari. That was someone who was called out. She was called out for doing a great job and putting an extra effort on the weekend. So shout out to Rose for doing that. Thank you so much. Um, we have been discussing how to improve Locust. We've got some ideas and, and, but overall it went extremely well. Happy about that.

Now, um, now I want to talk about making money. Let's just keep on going on that. Uh, we're off in the new year. We're looking forward to what might go ahead. If you are involved at all, you should be making a ton of money in the game. Uh, make it in real life too, guys, obviously, but in the game. Start saving up now. Get your money. Get it banked. Let's get ready for whatever may come. So, uh, that means start getting money. If you need to get into a dread, for instance, uh, LendingBee exists. If someone could find the LendingBee thread and drop it in here. Go ahead and, uh, get Lendingbee started, get yourself a Dread, maybe your corp has a loaner program. Start running, uh, beacons right now, get yourself some money, uh, now is the time to run beacons, now is the time to run Ishtars, now is the time to run Rorqs. It is easy to make money, people are making hand over fist, if you are not, you're missing out. You start enjoying those people.

Uh, we need people to get dreads and get carriers. If you have a super carrier, please make sure you have a carrier on that account. If you do not have a combat dread, buy one, if you have one, buy two, if you have two, buy ten, that is what we need you guys to do. Um, Internet Knight says run beacons and beacons pay off your dread in like 10 beacons. That sounds about right. I mean, it just, um, you can just boost yourself up so quickly, uh, and get them going and a lending bee loan, basically the small ones are uncollateralized. So if you need to get going in a dread, that's the best way to do it. Lord Mike says, quick mention, if you want to do beacons, please join the SIG.


The SIG being Beehive.

Asher Elias:

There you go.


Uh, one quick circle back on Locusts, uh, just based on a couple comments in chat. Um, so, these were short pulls on these moons, so the same moons will last us longer next time. Uh, additionally, uh, Kaz is looking around, and uh, I was gonna make a joke, but it kind of ran away from me. Um, we're looking at adding some more moons as well. The next Locust Weekend in February is an area with more moons that are full pulls.

Asher Elias:

There you go. I heard Sniper had a good full pull last night. He was telling me about it in great detail at our meeting. Okay, so...

Ranger Gama:

If it was gonna last longer, isn't that what you promised her always, Sniper?

Asher Elias:

Speaking of, uh, speaking of ratting, we have a new rule. Um, it is a 1 billion isk incident for blue shoots in ratting. So, um, what this means is that if you are AoE ratting with, like, Stormbringers or Smart Bombs, if someone warps into your site, you are now limited to one billion in reimbursement to that person. So if you're in an Ishtar and you are warping around without a care, and you warp into a Stormbringer, uh, you still will get fully reimbursed by that Stormbringer. We encourage you guys to dscan ahead, uh, if you can. Um, this is still there to protect the person who is sort of just doing it, uh, while they're watching a movie. The person will still have to reimburse you up to a billion isk, but if you are running a expensive setup, like you are running five stormbringers or seven thunder children, don't run thunder children, uh, or smart bomb ships, and you warp into someone else's AOE and they kill you, that person will be capped at one billion, uh, for blue shoot reimbursement. So it's just a simple policy, uh, to try to, uh, reach balance. And I think it's a good one.


One, one quick clarification, just so people aren't confused. Thanks. It is, uh, one, it is per incident, not per ship, and this only applies to situations that happen where you die in a ratting site because you warped into someone doing AOE. It's not anything to do with other kinds of blue shoots. Those are still taken very seriously.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, if you intentionally shoot someone, that is an entirely different thing. This is about accidental blue shoots. Uh, I also want to talk about another ratting thing. Uh, Rorquals. If you are in a Rorqual, we have been advising you, um, if you see a carrier on grid to immediately panic, that is still true. And then remember, Rorquals have an ancillary shield booster. Uh, if someone could link the Rorqual fit thread, that'd be great. Rorquals have an ancillary shield booster. Uh, you are to save that for when you PANIC now. The reason being is the new DOT, uh, damage from the Cenotaph, uh, can punch through PANIC. So you save the ancillary shield booster when you panic, then you ancill. And the Cenotaph cannot kill you in PANIC. And so that's uh, adjusting for that. So, uh, there's the two things to remember if you are, uh, krabqualing, or doing Rorqualing of any kind, is if you see a carrier, immediately slam that PANIC button, and save your ancillary repper for when you PANIC.

Are we doing anything about the cenotaph being crazy OP? I don't really think the cenotaph is crazy OP. It has good uses, but, uh, I wouldn't go crazy OP.

Let's see. Looking through my stuff, I think. Oh, yeah. And then the last one that I had is the surprising one. And here, get yourself ready for bingos. Uh, PI. We need PIs. If you can PI all the things, we are still needing a lot of it. So, uh, CCP has made it easier to set up finally. So there are less excuses than before. There's your bingo, and I am done with my agenda. If you have questions, go ahead and throw them in, and I will try my best to answer them.

What happened to Helldump? It went into retirement until next Christmas, Ragnar.

Carson Beck doctrine fleet when? I get that reference? Good job, Roddy.

Any more regional moves ops? Sharp Reeves says that. Yeah, Sharp, we will be doing them, but it is on a lower pace now. Keep an eye out for them. Move op today? No, no, we don't have any move op planned.


Oh, I wanted to follow up on, we were talking about the PI templates last week. I did some more testing and the extraction ones are not limited the way I thought they were. So you can basically make, uh, like a template and then use it on any type of planet that supports that material. So that is a good thing.

Asher Elias:

Uh, Asher, did you join a secret Santa? What did you get? Yeah, I got some amazing gifts. I got like a fitted Marshal. Um, I got a Golem and then I got, um, and I don't have to say that the Khizriels I got like two pretty cool, fitted Khizriels. I did three secret Santa's. Okay. Uh, I gave out three, in my opinion, pretty good gifts to the other people, uh, and two of the people accepted it, and the third person, uh, hasn't yet, or there was some contract mess up, I don't know. But yeah, that was like the, uh, that was, that was, this was definitely the most I've ever gotten. It was certainly better than the unfitted Daredevil in Jita that I received once. Yeah, Dash, there is definitely maybe a, maybe I was getting brown nosed a bit.

Quick question, I got my first Dread, Combat, so is there any Sig I should join? Yeah, join Capsworm. If you're not in Capsworm, you should join Capsworm. Tacticent. All

I got was a Crow? Well, it just, you know, it's luck of the draw, Eagleclaw. If it was from a new player, that's a nice gift. If it was from some rich old bastard, then you got screwed. That is the luck of Secret Santa. You have to take the joy in the giving, not the joy in the receiving.

Nikita says, will there be armor doctrines in the near future? Now just shield. Uh, I have been around for a long time.


I am so sad that Zintage isn't here. He would love to talk for ten minutes about this.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, I have been around for a long time, and armor and shield oscillate back and forth. There will be armor doctrines in the future. I have answered the same question about shield before.

Long live Goldenfleet. Now Goldenfleet got melted.

Bring back Baltecs? Yeah, that'd be nice.

Beyond, if you're going to quote me, I said Joy, not Join.

Yacht fleet, that was great.

Khabris says, what's up with all these Russian Pancake Barghest fleets? Uh, Barghests are really good as sort of a third party doctrine. They're extremely strong in that role, and so that's probably why you're seeing them.

I want a Kronos fleet. Uh, I don't think the Kronos is particularly good. It's not particularly bad. But I just think that for what you're paying, you're not getting a lot.

Someday I want to see a Typhoon Doctrine, says Curon. So Curon, we killed a Keepstar with a Typhoon Doctrine. Typhoons are strong. Um, they have their uses. Uh, and also Sigma runs Typhoons, so our allies have them, which is one of the reasons we probably wouldn't adopt them in goons. But, um, then we had, yeah, we had them in GEF. There's an old video, uh, somewhere out there with me not being quoted.


The downside is third armor doctrine.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, there you go. Uh, Lana Lane asked a good question. Any big Alliance level takeaways from the MER from December to share? So, yeah, uh, the takeaways that we're doing extremely good. Looked at the data, and it's pretty good. Pretty pretty damn good. Um, I would say that I don't think we're fully online yet. I think that there's more room for us to grow. Our growth has been immense. Uh, you guys have gotten quite huge, which is appropriate for goons. And I think that's, um, I think that we're looking at what our enemies are doing, and how we compare to them. And it seems like we're comparing pretty well. And I think, but I do think we have more room to grow, uh, and start out pacing them. And that's, I think, an important thing is we want to get to the point where, you know, we were running at a deficit compared to our enemies for a very long time. So I, I think that moving well ahead of them will be sort of a good sign for us.

Asher, takeaway or thoughts on the Great Reset. Um, I don't really have any, any deep thoughts on it. I think that, uh, I think that mostly been, hmm, for show, I would say. I think that, I think that a lot of these people haven't really changed their opinion on things. But, um, we'll see what happens next.

Is Goon Vegas coming up? Is that actually true? I don't know, I don't follow meets up, I say.

Ranger Gama:

This coming weekend.

Asher Elias:

There you go. Oh, sick. That's gonna be cool. X-up if you're going to Goon Vegas. A thick three X's four X's. All right.

Uh, Futility, I think Ohio state wins that game. I, I really don't like either of those teams, but I'm going to be rooting for Notre Dame, but I think Ohio state wins it.

When is Imperium news on Twitch going to come back? Um, I think that you talk about, what are you talking about when you say Imperium news on Twitch?

Can you talk about cherry picking and remind everybody not to? Yeah. I mean, I don't think we're running an official, you have to do this first policy at the moment, but it's something that we will implement if it becomes a problem to like a high degree. There is a level of overhead that we sometimes want to avoid and having people police it, but if it becomes such a problem that it, you know, people are not taking care of themselves, we will start doing it. Um, so please fully Hoover your anoms. Don't cherry pick.

What are my predictions for the Super Bowl? \I don't really have any Super Bowl predictions.

What's up with 100 plus Init drops on goon caps? Uh, so we are not, uh, blue to init anymore, so they are, are, are free to drop on our caps and we are free to defend against it. I would say that our guys have been doing an excellent job in adapting to that and defending against it.

When are we going to burn Jita again? So, Burn Jita is less possible than it was before. It's not that it's impossible. It requires a lot more setup and it probably won't be as good as it was due to mechanical changes CCP made. So it's not something that we're necessarily going for.

Am I going to do another sumo stream this week for the tournament? \Uh, yeah, I was thinking about that Cass I might, I might just do a nightly stream if I can get the, you know, the, uh, NHK is, um, the Japanese broadcaster is working really hard to copyright strike every single highlight video, which is very short sighted, but that's a whole nother story.

Farrell, I'm sorry to hear about your cat dying. That sucks, dude.

And then I think, Dave, did you say you lose, you lost your dad? No, man, that fucking sucks. My condolences.

Did we ever get around to sponsoring a Basho? Uh, that is something we talked about at the time. We didn't do it then. Maybe it's something we could do it again. So, the thing that we could do that I think would be awesome, but it would require a pretty significant fundraise. The aprons that sumo wrestlers wear when they come into the ring, they're like very colorful and have designs on them. I want to find a picture of the sumo aprons so people know what we're talking about. It'd be cool. But, um, If those aprons are like sponsored by like fan clubs. So what I was thinking is that if we identified a up and coming sumo wrestler and we paid for his apron, we could have a Fat Bee, they're like silk aprons, so they're expensive. We're talking about in the thousands of dollars, but, uh, the wrestler would wear this apron with the Fat Bee on it into the ring, um, would be super cool. So that was the idea.

When are you going to do Leshak fleets again? Um, Leshaks, uh, did eat a bit of a nerf? So they're sort of in the background right now. If there's an appropriate time, we'll do them, and they're especially good for bashing still.


If you want to fly Leshaks, join Totality Squad. It's one of the doctrines we use in Pochven.

Asher Elias:

Did you know our fat bee is in Escape from Tarkov? I did not know that. It's in some other games too. So, uh, I think some goons have just thrown it in places they've been working and stuff like that.

Can we have an Asher's Zappy Boys Ratting Fleet at some point? That is pretty funny when you can just spread out. I think we would need to move, we couldn't do it in UALX because I don't think there's enough, um, enough anoms in there. We'd have to go to another system. But, it would be funny to see if we could clear out a fully spawned system and have zero anoms in it.

Did you invest in the meme coin by hawktua? I'm gonna be honest, man. Hawktrua, uh, had my interest for like two weeks. I liked that video, but, uh, I've sort of lost interest.

Muninn artillery no longer exists.

Shoutout for Minitru if you want to buy or learn how to make custom bees. That's a good shoutout. Minitru are good people.

Jackdaws, um, I don't think they're really in the cards right now. They're always sort of at the fringe of the meta though, so it's not to say that we wouldn't run them ever.

Bring back Eagles. Eagles ate like five nerfs, Dragard, and I don't think they've been appropriately compensated for the new meta, so it is unlikely to bring back Eagles. I'm not saying it will never happen. They do have a place, but I think right now the Ferox Navy is clearly a superior hull to the Eagle.

Nightmare Doctrine? Unlikely. Some people like them. I think Zintage is a big fan, if I remember correctly. I don't like nightmares at all. Never been a ship that I liked. I don't make decisions, like, solely based on this. I mean, we have a team that does it. Um, I can slam my fist down and say no if I want to, but I generally let them make their decisions.


NotAlvin, Shadow Cartel is right there if you want to go fly shitty armor nightmares.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, I do believe BFL does join, or sorry, does um, run Nightmares if you want to join them.

ESS Defense in Impass, um, that is mostly up to the people running it there. We don't have like an organized system for defending your ESS in Impass.

Can we add a NanoLif to our doctrines? I think it'd be useful though. Super bump, uh, supers off tether for funsies. Yeah, the NanoLif does have some actual uses like that.

I don't know if that's accurate, but it says our incursion sig is doing nightmares in February. We're getting a lot of incursion spawns, so if you guys enjoy running incursions, then we have way more opportunities than we did in Delve. Well, that looks like the confirmation that they will be doing nightmares.

Uh, Suss, boy that's a great name. Susserasynthesisia says come do a small gang class this coming Friday at 2000 Eve. I don't know about that class, but it sounds reasonable.

Apple Pear:

I always wonder what the definition is for small gang. I always see small gang for fleets below 100 people, but that's just me.

Asher Elias:

That is what you would think. I think small gang is probably, to me, 12 or less.

Ranger Gama:

Then what would like a nano gang be then, Asher.

Asher Elias:

Nano isn't is nano iss not a size. It's, it's an operating mode. It's, it's how the gang, you could have a, you could a nano gang. Yeah, you could have a nano gang with like 20 people, but, or a small gang, nano gang, which is 12 or less. But, you know, uh, it's not, it doesn't, nano gang doesn't mean small gang. It means that they're going fast.


All I know is that a nano gang can't be bigger than 25 people because then they wouldn't be able to fill 'em in out like cowards.

Asher Elias:

There you go, that is a good point.

Pico gang gang.

Artemis says he's fast. We didn't know that Artemis appreciated though.

All right. I think we've now delved into everything we're going to delve into this week. Thank you guys for showing up to the fireside. I'll see you all next week. Have an excellent one. Catch you later.

Apple Pear:

In 40 minutes we have a strat op.

Asher Elias:

There you go. Up in 40 minutes.