Abyssal Deadspace

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Don't fly a Stratios into the Abyss, lol.

The Abyss is about actively engaging with PVE, and reaping substantial rewards for that effort. We, and EVE generally, lack any centralized, updated, thorough guide on what to fly, how to fly, and what you might encounter while doing PVE in THE ABYSS. The goal of this guide is be useful and accessible, whether you're a cute new bee in an Alpha clone, or a vicious bittervet with more ISK than sense. Despite how scary it may sound, the abyss can be a fun and engaging place to spend space pixel time.

Below are some reference links to other resources for flying in the Abyss:

  1. https://abyss.eve-nt.uk/
  • This is a basic EVE tracker that can be very useful in tracking your progress through the Abyss. It collects data on everyone else doing abyssal runs so you can see what is popular and what isn't in terms of ships and fits. It does not give you much in the way of context so be wary as using it as your only source of information, lest you want lose 144 million ISK Worms in T1 Dark sites.
  1. https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Abyssal_Deadspace This is obviously someone in EVE Uni's dissertation on the Abyss but like a lot of information in EVE Uni while it is great at describing the ins and outs of what something is, it falls short in giving solutions on how to actually do it. Still, it's a wealth of information so definitely give it a read.


Abyssal deadspace is (mostly) a series of 3 deadspace rooms in a chain connect by TRANSFER CONDUITs (basically an acceleration gate with a triangle RP name). You can enter abyssal deadspace by using a tradeable item carried in your cargo hold, called an abyssal filament.

Entering abyssal deadspace via filament requires that you are currently in a fleet, and that you use the right number of filaments for the ships you plan on bringing. The current breakdown is this:

  • 1 filament = 1 cruiser sized hull (no T3Cs)
  • 2 filaments = 1-2 destroyer sized hulls (you CAN use T3Ds)
  • 3 filaments = 1-3 frigate sized hulls

The number of filaments is based on hull type. You cannot mix and match, and you have to use the right number of filaments, even if you're only bringing in 1 frigate. If you are in a frigate or a destroyer and are going solo, you also need to be in a fleet and bring the correct number of filaments for whatever type of portal you are opening. So, if you are running a solo Kestrel, you need to form a fleet for yourself (don't even put an advert up just open the fleet window and hit "form fleet"). Next, you'll need to make sure you have the correct amount abyssal filaments for whatever type of abyss you're running, so if you're running a Calm Dark (Recommended most for newbie Kestrel runners) you'll need 3 filaments of Calm Dark, you'll need to be in fleet, and you also need to be away from structures and somewhere in space. General advice is to make a safe in the system you are using and run it there. If you are running them in lowsec or nullsec, be warned, your gateway can show up for people hunting juicy ships so take that into consideration. Most abyssal runners use an alt in Highsec for this reason.

Abyssal filaments come in 7 tiers, numbering from 0-6. This corresponds to the difficulty of the rats spawned in each room, and the average value of loot you will fail to extract when you die to the timer.

Tier 0 - Tranquil
Tier 1 - Calm
Tier 2 - Agitated
Tier 3 - Fierce
Tier 4 - Raging
Tier 5 - Chaotic
Tier 6 - Cataclysmic

A large part of abyssal deadspace encounters is how random they are - each room is chosen from 12 different seeds of 7 faction rats (see: below), and populated by a semi-random distribution of rats. Each room also has 1 bioadaptive cache (loot box), 0-3 resource caches (many players rightfully ignore these), 0-2 triglavian towers, and 1 TRANSFER or ORIGIN CONDUIT. These are gates to the next rooms in the chain, or back to the spot where you filamented in (respectively).

The structures cannot be destroyed, and the towers can either help you or fuck you over because that's how the abyss do.

NB: the entry point spawned by an abyssal filament doesn't despawn. This means that people can, and fucking will, scan down where you entered the abyss and gank your dumb ass when you extract. https://zkillboard.com/kill/88439908/


By now you’ve probably noticed that there are several different flavors of abyssal deadspace filament. These correspond to the weather and effects present in the rooms you will encounter. Each type of filament offers one penalty, and one bonus. The bonuses are always the same, but the penalties range from 30%-50% in T0-T3 filaments to 50%-70% in T4-T6 filaments. The weather and effects apply to ALL SHIPS AND DRONES inside the deadspace pocket. That means that your new EM hole is also a new EM hole for that fucking triangle burning through your structure.


The forecast is not sunny.

Electrical: ELECTRICAL: 30-70% penalty to EM resist, 50% bonus to capacitor recharge

  • By far the most costly type of filament, and the easiest to run due do the relative prevalence of active-tanking (read: shield boosters and armor repairers) in abyssal deadspace. electricals were insanely profitable to run but like everything else that becomes popular, they've also become the most expensive to buy on the market. Electricals are fun to run because you can do things which are normally impossible, but people have a very hard time transitioning from electricals to anything else for exactly that reason. They are good way to expose yourself to abyssal deadspace but the cost of the filaments makes them the least profitable to run.

EXOTIC: 30%-70% penalty to KINETIC resist, 50% bonus to scan resolution.

  • Exotics have a pretty good loot table and the penalty to KINETIC resist makes them generally not very intimidating, as most of the dangerous rats inside abyssal deadspace will use OMNI, EM, or THERM/EXP damage (im looking at you, Pythagoras). The scan resolution bonus is stupid and bad because :ccp:, but at least the guys shooting you aren't benefitting from it either. Exotics are also one of only two types of filament which can consistently be run at high tier with a passive shield tank.

DARK: penalty to TURRET OPTIMAL and FALLOFF RANGES, 50% bonus to maximum velocity---

Dark filaments are in a very weird spot. The penalties mean that bringing any drone or turret based ship into one is almost a guaranteed loss mail, but the velocity bonus also hurts missile DPS. That being said, they are hands-down the most beautiful thing in this game, and the fucking art department deserves a god damn medal for how good they look.

These are almost exclusively run by frigates and jackdaws (do not bring a fucking T1 destroyer into the abyss unless you are trying to be stupid), and with some fairly good results at higher levels (only a 30% loss rate, for a trio of HAWK/HAWK/NEMESIS which is usually paid for by your second loot cache).

Running these can be suicide if you get a spawn of Sansha rats, as they apparently don't care about optimal range or tracking and the speed makes these guys even harder to hit than normal. Leave these alone, generally, unless you're running low-tiers in a missile ship or know what you're doing.