Deafswarm - The Imperium's Relay Service

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What is Deafswarm?

Deafswarm is a relay service that ensures all members, especially those who are deaf or hard of hearing, can have a better experience during fleet operations. The leader in charge of the program is Joe Barbarian, who is spearheading this initiative with the backing of Clevwara, the Director of Community Development.

Why Is This Service So Important to Our Hearing-Impaired Members?

This service is vital because it ensures that hearing-impaired members can fully participate in fleet operations without feeling left out or disadvantaged. The alliance recognized the need to support our hearing-impaired members after instances of frustration due to inadequate communication during fleets. Understanding the importance of effective relaying, the alliance is actively looking to build a list of relay volunteers to create a more inclusive environment for all members.

How do I get Deafswarm fleet relay assistance if I am hearing impaired?

To receive relay support, simply ask for help in Fleet Chat. A fleet leader will assist by asking or pinging for a relayer to join their fleet, ensuring they receive all the critical information and enjoy the best content during fleet operations.

Why Is Deafswarm Always Looking for Volunteers?

Deafswarm is constantly seeking volunteers to act as relayers. If you're interested in helping out, your role will be crucial in ensuring that every fleet member, regardless of hearing ability, stays informed and engaged.

What Do Relayers Need to Say and Do?

Relayers play a crucial role in fleet communication, especially for members who rely heavily on visual cues. The following commands must be relayed to ensure smooth fleet operations:

Movement Commands

  • Align, warp, jump, anchor, approach/orbit, undock, etc. This is critical as performance and battlefield awareness depend on it.

Combat Commands

  • undock: (derp)
  • prop on: Turn on propulsion mod
  • 'burn: Get out of bubble
  • hold gate cloak: Stay cloaked on gate
  • retreat: Get out of fight, warp to anywhere unless indicated
  • gate XXX is green/red: Traffic light status for the gate (green = go, red = stop)
  • rep XXX: Priority reps on the person/ship (for logistics)
  • free burn: Jump/warp at own discretion
  • stand down: End of fleet

Note: If the fleet has superior numbers during combat, relaying primaries might not be necessary, as the fleet will target everything within optimal range unless directed otherwise by the Fleet Commander (FC).

How Can You Become an Effective Relayer?

Becoming a good relayer requires attentiveness and precision. Here are some key tips:

  • Relay Consistently and Promptly: Immediately relay commands when given by the FC. Delays can lead to confusion and reduced fleet performance.
  • Don’t Go AFK Without Notice: If you need to step away, inform the fleet beforehand. This helps manage expectations and minimizes disruption.
  • Use Broadcasts to Ease Typing: Utilize broadcasts to assist with relaying if needed.
  • Include Social Interactions: Ensure that deaf players aren't left out of jokes, x-ups, or general communication in fleet chat. Social inclusion is vital.
  • Typing Skills: Excellent typing speed and accuracy are essential for effective relaying.

What Are the Specific Commands to Relay?

While relaying every command is ideal, here are some shortcuts to streamline the process:

System Gates

  • Use abbreviations (e.g., 4-E, Y-2).

Movement Commands

  • or XXX = Orbit XXX
  • a XXX = Align to XXX (or "al outgate" if following waypoints)
  • w = Warp to
  • w XXX = Warp to XXX
  • wt www = Warp to whoever says "www" in fleet
  • wt fc = Warp to fleet commander
  • wt jb = Warp to jump bridge (assuming JB bookmark in system)

Jump Commands

  • j = Jump
  • joc = Jump on contact

Anchor Commands

  • anc = Anchor up, include orbit distance (km) if mentioned, e.g., “anc at 30”
  • anc XXX = Anchor up on XXX (if XXX is not the established anchor)
  • XXX is anc = Establishing XXX as the (new) anchor

Jump Bridge Commands

  • take jb = Take jump bridge
  • take jb titan = Take jump bridge on the titan
  • take jb buoy = Take jump bridge on the buoy

Special Commands

  • "JJJ" = Jump, Get Ready for Hostiles on the other side
  • "WL XXX" = Watchlist XXX
  • "FB XXX" = Freeburn XXX
  • "H XXX" = Hold on XXX Gate

In addition, we may fly logistics ships (logis). We’ll inform the relayer if we do, so if there is a logi anchor mentioned during fleet operations, please ensure to relay that information to us.

How Can You Get Involved?

To participate, you can start by reaching out to Joe Barbarian or Clevwara for guidance on how to support or receive relay assistance during fleet operations. They can provide you with the necessary information to get involved and help ensure everyone in the fleet stays informed and engaged.

Who do I contact for assistance or questions?

If you have questions or need assistance, you can contact Joe Barbarian, who is spearheading the initiative, or Clevwara, the Director of Community Development. You can also reach out in the Deafswarm Jabber channel for support from the community.