Eve Phrases

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Here you will find a list of commonly used eve phrases and commands.


  • Rules Lawyer is a participant in a rules-based environment who attempts to use the letter of the law without reference to the spirit, usually in order to gain an advantage within that environment
  • Dust: The former FPS game set in the Eve universe. Now dead.
  • Comms: Voice communication applications, usually not the one integrated into Eve. Necessary for long term success of any alliance.
  • CSM: Counsel of Stellar Management. A player-elected board whose ostensible purpose is to provide feedback to CCP on behalf of the player base.
  • CCP: Crowd Control Productions. This is the company that owns and updates Eve.
  • Loot Fairy: The RNG function that decides what will drop when a ship is killed. If the loot fairy likes you, an expensive kill will make you rich.
  • Bob: God of Wormholes. Worshipped by WH dwellers. They claim he is angered by people avoiding fights and must be appeased by driving the infidels from their homes. Reputedly named after the RNG function responsible for spawning new wormhole connections.
  • Winning Eve: "Eve is a strange game. The only winning move is not to play."
  • Skill Queue Online: Logging in only to update the skills in the skill queue.
  • D-Scan: The Directional Scanner. A useful tool for figuring out who is about to kill you.
  • NBSI: Not Blue, Shoot It. Standard operating policy in most of nullsec.
  • NRDS: Not Red Don't Shoot. Only practiced by Provi anymore.
  • NPSI: Not Purple, Shoot It. If it's not in your fleet, try to kill it. It is not a good idea to go NPSI while in the GSF outside of special events.
  • X up in chat: Type an X in chat so that people can find your character name. Used to volunteer for things, such as POS destruction.
  • o7: Emoticon for a salute. Traditional Eve greeting. Frowned upon in Goonswarm.
  • 7o: The Brave salute. Used to ironically show how bad they are at Eve.
  • Grr Goons: Any general negative sentiment expressed about Goonwaffe or Goonswarm Federation. Commonly heard from pubbies and Gevlon Goblin.
  • Fozziesov: The recent changes made to the system of space ownership, which shifts sovereignty focus from capital fleets to distributed small gang warfare.
  • HTFU: Harden the F*** Up. Shorthand for "Quit whining. Eve is hard. Deal with it."
  • CTA: Call to Arms. Pubbie alliances call their mandatory fleet operations this, often accompanied by such crap as 100% ratting tax rates for the duration of the op. These do not happen in Goonswarm.

Regions and Navigation

  • Nullsec: Null-sec is the region of player-claimable space that surrounds lowsec and Empire space. So named because the security rating of the systems is 0.0 or lower.
  • 0.0: Another name for nullsec.
  • Null: Another name for nullsec.
  • Lowsec: The regions between nullsec and highsec. Has turret guns around gates, but not really that different than nullsec.
  • Highsec: Land of carebears and Concord. New players often think Highsec is "safe".
  • Empire: See Highsec.
  • Truesec: The actual security status level of the system. Mainly used when talking about nullsec, as many systems have below 0.0 security status. The lower the truesec rating, the more valuable the potential loot in the system is.
  • W-Space: Wormhole space. The unmapped regions that exist on the other side of wormholes where local doesn't exist.
  • K-Space: Short for "known space". This is the regular space that most people live in, where your next door neighbors rarely change.
  • Static: A wormhole in a w-space system that always exists and always connects to the same type of space.
  • BM: Bookmark. A saved location in space that you can return to whenever you wish.
  • Safe: A BM that is not near any object that can normally be warped to. Created by placing a bookmark while in warp between two objects.
  • Belt: Asteroid Belt.
  • Space AIDS: Formally called Jump Fatigue. This is the mechanic that keeps you from using Jump Bridges all the time.
  • Space Condom: An industrial ship used as transport because of its 90% reduction to Jump Fatigue. Helps avoid catching Space AIDS.
  • JB: Jump Bridge
  • WH: Wormhole
  • Pod express: Self-destructing in order to return to your home station.
  • Grid: Eve space is divided into roughly spherical areas called grids. Anything you can shoot or that can shoot you is on your local grid.
  • Burn: Slang for "fly there". Usually used for manual flying on grid, such as "Someone burn me a perch".
  • Perch: A BM that is on grid with the gate but far enough away that you could still warp to the gate.
  • tac: The most common way to pronounce the hyphen used in many nullsec system names. "X tac 7" would be referring to "X-7OMU", a system in Pure Blind.

Players and Characters

  • Red: An enemy pilot. Typical overview settings color these pilots red.
  • Neut: A pilot with no standings towards you. Treat as though red.
  • Blue: Friendlies. May also show up as green or purple. Don't shoot blues.
  • DBRB: DaBigRedBoat. Notorious Imperium FC.
  • Mittens: Nickname for TheMittani, ex supreme dictator of the Imperium.
  • Vile Rat: Sean Smith. Head of Corps Diplomatique and largely responsible for the prevalence of diplomats in our game of Internet Spaceships. Currently dead, killed in the 2012 attack on the American embassy in Benghazi. Possibly just on a deep cover mission to abort God's titans.
  • alt: An alternate character. Having several alts makes Eve much more convenient.
  • Pubbie: Someone from the teeming masses of the idiot public. Generally clueless.
  • SIG: Special Interest Group. Each SIG has a particular focus, such as capital warfare for Capswarm or making money for Theta Squad. Membership in one SIG does not preclude membership in another.
  • Reavers: Don't exist.
  • Carebear: A person who dwells in highsec and does mostly PvE activities.
  • Nullbear: Derogatory name for risk-averse pilots dwelling in nullsec.
  • Provi: Providence Block. The assortment of corporations that jointly hold the Providence region. Like RP. Last bastion of NRDS.
  • Bittervet: Players who have been playing Eve for so long, they now play to spite the server.

Wealth and Money

  • LP: Loyalty Points. A form of currency used to get items from an NPC faction.
  • PLEX: Pilot's License Extension. A way to pay space money for your game time.
  • Moon Goo: Materials harvested from moons. Some are very valuable.
  • R64: The most valuable type of moon goo. Pretty much all of these are owned by major coalitions
  • BPO: Blueprint Original. A blueprint with unlimited production runs. T1 BPOs are common, T2 BPOs can be worth billions.
  • BPC: Blueprint Copy. A blueprint with limited production runs. Copied from a BPO or found as loot.
  • PI: Planetary Interaction. This is a system of using planetary colonies to extract resources and process them into goods for use in T2 production, POS fuel, and POS components.
  • SRP: Ship Replacement Program. Getting paid to get blown up.
  • Jita Price: The average price of an item in Jita, the largest trade hub in Eve. Jita price is used to gauge how much an item is marked up or down.
  • Rat: Short for pirate. The NPC ships that exist solely to be shot by bored players.
  • Ratting: Shooting red crosses for money.
  • Red crosses: Before the recent UI updates, NPC ships would show up on the overview with cross-shaped icons.
  • Red triangles: The new red crosses.
  • POS: Player-Owned Starbase.
  • TCU: Territory Claim Unit. Used to claim a nullsec system for your alliance.
  • IHub: Infrastructure Hub. Provides all those nifty upgrades like the Encounter Surveillance Unit that provides all the extra anomalies to rat in.
  • Isk Faucet: Any activity that generates new isk from the system instead of simply transferring isk between players. Income from ratting is an isk faucet, income from selling ore is not.
  • Isk Sink: Any fee that removes isk from the system. Wardec fees are an isk sink, the cost of your newest ship is not.

Ships and Fitting

  • T1: Tech 1. The most basic form of each module.
  • Meta: Modules that are between T1 and T2 in power. Dropped as loot from rats.
  • T2: Tech 2. More advanced modules created by doing invention on a T1 BPC.
  • T3: Tech 3. Currently there are only Tech 3 cruisers and destroyers.
  • Faction: Items obtained from by cashing in LP. Often as good or better than T2, but usually expensive.
  • Deadspace: Items obtained by running deadspace complexes. Very expensive. Not usually worth the cost.
  • Officer: The most expensive modules, used only by tournament pilots, elite pvpers, and people with more money than sense.
  • Point: A warp disruptor or warp scrambler. A ship that is 'pointed' is one that currently can't warp away and is trapped. They also can't use a MJD.
  • Long Point: A warp disruptor.
  • Short Point: A warp scrambler. See scram.
  • Scram: A warp scrambler. A ship that is 'scrammed' not only can't warp or use a MJD, but any MWD that it has active shuts down.
  • Stab: Warp Core Stabilizer. These modules are used to counter the effects of a warp disruptor.
  • Magstab: Magnetic Field Stabilizer. This is the damage mod for hybrid weapons.
  • Gyro: Gyrostabilizer. This is the damage mod for projectile weapons.
  • Prop Mod: An AB or MWD. These are your "go faster" buttons.
  • MJD: Microjump Drive.
  • MWD: Microwarp Drive.
  • AB: Afterburner.
  • VNI: Vexor Navy Issue.
  • Hictor: Heavy Interdictor. Cruiser-class ship used in hunting supers. Can project a field around itself where warping is impossible.
  • Dictor: Interdictor. Destroyer-class ship that can launch interdiction probes, which act as temporary bubbles.
  • JF: Jump Freighter.
  • Super: Supercapital. Often used to refer to Supercarriers.
  • Mothership: Another name for a Supercarrier.
  • Logi: Logistics ships. These frigates, cruisers, and carriers keep people alive in fleet battles.
  • Space Priests: See Logi.
  • Space Coffin: Another name for a supercapital ship. So called because Titan and Supercarrier pilots used to have difficulty leaving the hull because supers were unable to dock.
  • Loot Pinata: Another name for a freighter. Shoot it to see what goodies are inside.

Fleets and Combat

  • FC: Fleet Commander.
  • KM: Kill mail.
  • Bubble: A mobile warp disrupter. They generate a field which inhibits warping in an area around them. Only Interceptors and specially fitted T3 cruisers can warp while in a bubble. Also useful for other cool tricks, such as drag bubbling.
  • Roam: A fleet that wanders through active space, looking for fights.
  • Stratop: A fleet with a defined purpose, usually attacking or defending some objective.
  • Slosh Op: A for-fun fleet, so named because a majority of the fleet is likely to be drunk.
  • Gate Camp: One or more players waiting on a gate, killing all enemies that come through.
  • Lemming: Someone who jumps through a gate before the FC gives the order. Responsible for scaring off targets and getting people killed. Don't be this guy.
  • Freeburn: Head to a destination as fast as possible, needing no permission to jump gates.
  • Tank: A ship's ability to sustain damage without exploding. A ship may be armor or shield tanked. Hull tanking is for experts only.
  • Passive Tank: A form of shield tanking, where the shield's natural recharge rate is used to recover from damage as fast as it is sustained. Most effective on ratting ships.
  • Active Tank: A form of tanking focused on repairing damage as fast as it is sustained. Ratting ships often fit some form of active tank.
  • Buffer Tank: A form of tanking focused on maximum effective hit points. Pvp ships often fit a buffer tank to better take advantage of available logi.
  • Brick Tank: A form of buffer tanking taken to such extremes that it significantly hampers the ship's ability to do damage or perform its fleet role. Often done on bait ships.
  • Gank: A ship's ability to do damage. Also, to kill a ship so quickly that any response from the target is weak at best.
  • Suicide Gank: Using cheap ships with high alpha to kill a target in high sec. Concord shows up to kill the gankers, but usually not before the target is dead.
  • DPS: Damage per second.
  • Alpha: The amount of damage done in a single volley. Ships with high alpha don't always have good DPS.
  • GF: Good fight. Compliment handed out after a fight is over.
  • Tackle: A ship equipped with a means to shut down a target's ability to warp. Often frigates equipped with warp scramblers.
  • Kite: To run away from a target while shooting at it. Kiting is best used when you can hit him well at range and he can't claim the same.
  • Brawl: Fight at close range.
  • Blap: When a large ship uses various techniques to shoot a much smaller ship with its oversized guns, usually resulting in a fast kill.
  • Tears: The sweet reward brought about by teaching other people how bad at Eve they really are. Comes in two flavors: Sad and Mad.
  • Plus One (+1): The forward scout, who checks to make sure the next system looks clear before a fleet jumps in.
  • Minus One (-1): The rear scout, who tries to make sure you aren't being followed.
  • Bump: Ramming another ship with your ship. Does no damage, but changes the alignment of the bumped ship, preventing it from entering warp until it is able to correct course. Works best on large slow ships, like freighters and titans.
  • Hotdrop: Using either a titan bridge or a covert ops bridge to put combat ships right on top of a target.
  • Concorded: Killed by CONCORD, the enforcers of the highsec rules, for attacking a ship that isn't currently flagged for aggression.
  • Awox: The act of shooting blues and/or enabling the shooting of blues.
  • Welp: Get something blown up comically.
  • Wardec: An official CONCORD-sanctioned war declaration. An active wardec allows all involved corporations to shoot each other in highsec and lowsec without repercussions.
  • Abort: To blow up a capital or supercapital currently in construction. Also called "coathangering".
  • Blueball: To not show up for a timer and/or to not engage another fleet. Basically, it looked like good times were to be had and then no good times were had.