Fireside Chat Transcript 2024 05 25

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Asher Elias:

What up, guys? Hello. We do have a fleet out, so I expect us to have a little bit lower attendance today. [name] just keyed up for a millisecond. Be careful there. We probably, if we bring back !Clap, it probably should be limited to like once a day or once every half day or something. That'd be pretty funny, yeah, you get one clap for every pap. Pap for clap. No no Burn Jita announcement Vertizvos, interesting name. There's your bingo card. I don't ever look at the bingos cause I don't want to, you know, I don't want to influence them one way or another bingos should be natural. All right, I think we can get about started now. We're at 420 in the Fireside channel. It's pretty good. It's the weed number.

Okay, so patch countdown week two. We're we're still looking forward to it. We we don't expect to see the patch notes until probably June 4th. So next Fireside we'll not have much more information unless CCP releases more. We're, we are planning as best as we can right now. But definitely sort of waiting with bated breath for the patch notes and more information. And then we can really dig our teeth into it.

I wanted to say, this is something that we have introduced. It's lemmings.imperium. It's an in game channel. Lemmings.imperium is in game. And the reason being is there's always been sort of a tension between people who want delve.Imperium and other Intel channels as an Intel channel only. And those who are like, no, it makes sense to coordinate. You know, it makes sense to coordinate catching people because this is the channel that people post in. So let me paste this in here. So that's the channel. So if in the future you are coordinating, hunting someone down, we will refer you to a lemmings.imperium. Lemmings.imperium is just the home defense in game channel. That's basically what it is. Home defense in game. I do get really annoyed personally when people are like, guys, Intel only, you know people are actually trying to hunt people down, but now you can just say, Hey join lemmings.Imperium and do home defense.

Yes Apple?

Apple Pear:

Just be nice.

Asher Elias:

Yes. Just be nice. That it's free. Being nice is free. So yeah go ahead and join that channel in game, and it's just a great way to coordinate with people who are also hunting down other groups and, and, you know, other people that are coming in, and it actually could lead to some exciting fights. Indeed, be aggressive.

Okay, so, moving on from that, we, we saw an announcement from, from Gobbins that they're going to attack Catch before the patch. I just want to reiterate here that we do not care. Our border is EX6, so if Horde wants to fight us, they can come to EX6, that is fine, we will fight you in EX6 or behind EX6, that's all fine, I, I, I think they do not want to do that you know, we have been exceptionally, exceptionally game for fighting them, and for instance Tri dropped what they called a content fort, and, so we brought the content, we brought, you know, 800 drakes. And then Horde showed up sweaty in paladins and long range dreads. You know, these people are not there to actually fight. They only want a cheap win that they have a good, a good shot at like dunking and no chance of losing. Right. So if they think they're going to get that in Catch they're wrong, they could, it's going to be in EX6. Please come by us in EX6. We do not care about anything beyond that. I just want you guys to understand that. Like we are. They've been exceptionally exceptionally game to fight, and these guys want to fight, and that's fine. They can come beat us in EX6, and they can see exactly what we'll bring.

There's some changes to moon mining coming up. This is just like a general reminder there's going to be passive moon mining. The alliance is going to do that. Corps will still have to active mine their moons. That is what the moons were put out there for, so corps will not be anchoring passive moon miners. If somebody in your corp is talking about that, just be aware that that's not, not a thing. We want moons either taken advantage of by people actually mining them, or the alliance will set up passive miners on them. So that's essentially the only news on, on, on moon mining for now.

But what about the Imperium Sov in Feythabolis? Yeah, exactly.

So it's actually a pretty small update this week. I'm gonna go see a movie pretty soon, so I'm actually gonna get out of here pretty quick, but I will open the floor to some questions real quick. If you got questions, throw them out and I will answer them. Yeah, Furiosa.

On passive mining, I heard the alliance will be taking all the R4 and R8 moons for passive. If corps already have moon and moons and they are active mining them we are not going to take the moon from them. That's not part of our plan right now.

Mike Head says, Does the Imperium have plans to invest in lower tier combat anom spawns? I don't know exactly what that means.

Omni, I'm going to see Mad Max Furiosa.

Borseks, I will not buy your Naglfar.

Will 1DQ be able to power all the current plan structures? Botia, I don't know that we have the exact details on that, but we're ready to pivot as needed.

Ranger Gama:

Botia, that one's definitely in future plans, because the CCP hasn't given us the numbers on what can power what, and all that kind of stuff. So TBD.

Asher Elias:

Max asks, what if a corp isn't using their moons and just letting them sit there? Usage is something that we're interested in. We can check and see if they're being used. So you know, we'll see. We are very incentivized to have moons being flipped over because we want members to be making money on them. So if they sit around for too long, that's something the corps know that it's not something we want.


Right, yeah, I can add a little to this. What we don't want is someone going and saying, Oh, look, this and this corporation isn't using their moon. We, we have data and we did take that data into account when we redrafted out, I think, a hundred plus moons a couple of months ago to a set of member corps. So we're interested in it. I, I would not, I don't want to set an expectation. They're like, every moon is going to get mined every single month, and that's something you can watch for, and we'll pull the moon immediately. Don't take that. It's a lot, it's a lot more relaxed than that.

Asher Elias:

We don't need any reports. We have the information on what gets mined.


Yeah, but it is a policy that if corps are not mining their moons, they're supposed to turn them back over to the alliance. That's how we ended up with over a hundred over time that we gave back out, you know.

Asher Elias:

Are alt corps able to passive moon mine? No, no one is able to passive moon mine.

Ooh Sarah Bjorndotter is suggesting that Ranger Gamma do a Goon Swarm history event fleet. I think it's a good idea.

Ranger Gama:

I did one last month, so. Of course I did it for KFU, but that's not important.

Apple Pear:

That's a long time ago, last month.

Asher Elias:

Zintage I'm not gonna just tee you up, you can you can ask a question and maybe get me to do it.

Thoughts on the renters in Impass? I think that we should make their life as rough as possible.

We need an Asher Epic Stories fleet, I can probably do that.

So we are not going to defend Catch, right? Don't let them advance without punishment. Yeah, Remi, I think you've absolutely misunderstood what I've said. We are fighting at EX6. That is our border. That's what we care about. Catch is not a space that we care about. So, there's no advance without punishment. There's nothing like that. They can come to EX6 and they can fight, or they can just take space that we don't care about. It's like saying, oh, so you're not gonna defend Providence or you're not gonna defend Detorid. Yes, correct. We aren't gonna defend Providence. We aren't gonna defend Detorid. We will defend our space.

I do have my old, my old podcast Atrum, but I think those would probably be way outta date.

Am I allowed to build my avatar now? We have a swap program. I think Kazanir can talk more about that.


Right. So the answer is still no. If you want an avatar, what, and you wanna build a Titan, we would prefer that you build a different Titan.

This is, it's a policy, right? You build a different Titan and we'll find you an avatar to swap with. Someone who wants to not be flying an avatar anymore, there are a bunch of those people too. I just, I just married some, some Titan wives the other day in Titan Swarm who swapped an avatar for a Ragnarok, I think it was. This is a couple months back now, but it does, it happens regularly.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, if you want to build a new Titan, don't build an avatar. We can get you an avatar, you can build a Titan that is more useful than an avatar.


Right, exactly. This helps us change the composition of the fleet over time. I know it sounds totally weird, and I'm really sorry if you own an Avatar BPO, that that's the way the game is for a couple of years. But that's, that, that's how it is right now.

Asher Elias:

How do Minmatar ships rust in space, there is no oxygen? There's like free oxygen, right? But I mean, I think they just, you know, go through the edge of the atmosphere. You know, you're, you're, be creative. They're also probably built in an atmosphere.


There are a wide variety of reactions that can happen with metal and space gas.

Asher Elias:

Do you guys know about cold welding? Where if you put two really clean pieces of metal together in, in space, they just weld. Spontaneously weld, because they don't know where the edges are. There's your space fact for the day.

Is the titan swap thing for all imperial members or just goons? I think that's a goon thing, but you should reach out to your leadership about that, because..


It is, yeah. It is technically only Condi, because that's the composition of our Titan fleet. So consult your Alliance leadership. But we're also happy to help arrange swaps, if for whatever reason, that is something that you end up needing.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, if your leader wants to do that, we will be happy to get a swap done for you. But that is up to your alliance leader, what they want to prioritize as far as Titans go.

Can we confirm the new expansion is not touching NPC Delve, I mean the Sov thing? I don't know exactly what you mean by that, but NPC Delve should stay NPC space if that is what you're asking.

The avatar is so good it became bad. Yeah, that is actually kind of relatively accurate. You know that is the problem with these hulls that are, are really hard to get in and out of is that, you know, you, you buy one thing, you know, I bought the best haul and then eventually it gets changed and now you don't own the best haul.

GSOL hiring event? Yeah, probably pretty soon, Slushy. We, we will definitely need more GSOLers come patch day.

Does the no metanox for corps apply to low sec regions? Eagleclaw, we are working on that right now. That's a, a good Kremlin question. I believe there's a Kremlin coming up in about a week, so good place to ask there.

Since we were talking about caps, what dreads do we get? We get the Rev Navy or Zirnitra, and then either the Phoenix Navy or the Moros Navy. And then the Phoenix, and then everything else behind that. But Rev Navy and Zirnitra are our most preferred hulls right now.

R4s are a dime a dozen. How do you plan to try and passive mine every single one? We'll find out, won't we?

Naglfar, we do not want Naglfars, no. Yeah, Mike Head, we are planning right now, and as we get more information, we'll have more plans. So, do not worry about that. The FC team is itching to go. Like, there's impatience over here.

Will there be Locust moons converted to passive? Unlikely. I mean, our, our goal, what we want is we would, like, number one, we want people to mine moons. We want that going to you as a member, rather than to us. Like, that's more important. There are going to be, you know, moons that are not worth it, or are in inconvenient places and are hard to get to the mine, and that's where we're going to be looking at that kind of thing. But we're not looking to take moons from you guys and turn them into passive income for the alliance. We're looking to keep you guys wealthy. Like that is, we talk about, we spend about 25 minutes today talking about how do we get our members wealthier, quicker? This is a very important thing to us. How do we skip them ahead on the worst part of the game, which is the early curve. You can accelerate a new player into the isk-making enterprises, then they're, they've skipped the worst part of the game. So that's a huge concern to us and something that we spend a lot of time thinking about, how do we make money for our members? How do we get them rich? Cause your success is our success.

Yeah. It's a good time to mention lendingbee and I think we'll be talking more about this in the future, but you can get a 5 billion, no collateral loan essentially anyone can get this loan to get you started on bootstrapping your way up to the the ivory tower. And we're gonna have more to talk about that in the, in the near future, but it's something that we talk about a lot.

Yeah, Da_baschti, you got it right. It's good to have everyone have a broad base of wealth.

Yes, Ragnar. ((12:17:58 PM) ragnar_schwartzkof: so just to clarify we are not allowed to get our crypto currency affiliate link pinged out, right?)

When is the first Avalanche Fleet doctrine planned for it? Yeah, that, that's highly overpowered. I have been enjoying Reddit, like, lose their mind over, you know, just, up things goons are saying and then yelling about how goons are bad when it's not even a goon posting it. Now Reddit is a place that is actively hostile to us. The moderators banned goons from speaking there. They delete goons posts like that. Just it's, it's good to be aware that essentially not only do we have the whole galaxy against this, the whole galaxy controls Reddit. So what you were seeing there is not indicative of the truth. Delete by Gobbins is pretty close to the actual case there. Reddit is, you know, the people at the Eve subreddit are actively trying to suppress Goon Posts, suppress Goon Posters. This is like going on right now, it's in the hands of our enemy, and we have really no recourse there. So just be aware that if you are a Reddit reader, and I do, I do check it myself, if you are be aware that you are seeing a sculpted narrative to make us look bad. That is the point of Reddit now.

Yes, Sarah Bjorndotter, that is basically what I'm saying. I mean, we could bring back the Reddit swarm, but as long as they're all the moderators, it doesn't really matter. They can delete whatever they want. There is no accountability. I'm not saying you shouldn't post there. I'm saying you should be aware that your post is likely to be deleted, possibly deleted, and that you are not hearing you know, an even narrative because they are deleting and actively blocking goon posters from posting.

All right. Looks like we're wrapping up on the questions. I don't see anything else that needs to be answered.

Thank you guys for coming. I will see you all next week. I'll let you know how the movie goes. Take it easy.