Fireside Chat Transcript 2024 06 22

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Asher Elias:

Alright, hello everyone, what's up? Hashtag goons are always hard.


Man, I missed the fireside for a couple weeks.

Asher Elias:



I had all kinds of memes to catch up on.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, yeah, you really, you need to, you need to show up every week or you're going to miss out on something weird. Oh no, not Hawk Tua, please not Hawk Tua, Hatt0r1.

That's like the siren song, man. You gotta love those southern girls. Yeah, if we ever adopt the hawk doctrine, that's, that's the obvious go to. Can we please include the URL to the mumble channel in the fireside? Because I'm extremely lazy. Nope. Because I'm extremely lazy and I would have to figure out how to do that, so.

Unlucky. Yeah, I need a, the Panthers are definitely going to fuck around and lose this. It's crazy.

Apple Pear:

What you're basically saying, Asher, is you need a secretary to do those things for you? So maybe he applied for that?


Apparently, DeltaFlux pities this fool, because your link is in Elysium.

Asher Elias:

There you go.

Alright, so I got a lot of news items this week. We got some stuff going on. First of all, I know over the last few weeks I've been saying, Hey guys, next week we'll have some more info on, you know, SOV and all the upgrades and all that kind of stuff. And guess what? For those of you who have not, not been following the news. CCP delayed it. They might, they might make changes like it's next week. Yeah. Yeah. It's definitely a CCP moment. So once again, I'm going to be like, Hey, maybe we'll have some more info next week, but they, they literally delayed coming out. So there you go. What are they doing? We don't know. We don't know. I mean, people are assuming that they're going to make some improvements, but I wouldn't, I wouldn't get my hopes up too high on that one. It could get worse. That's all I'm saying. It could get worse.


They're taking the approach of, if we don't know what we're doing, nobody else can know what we're doing either.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, it's the U. S. military doctrine.


Yeah, there you go, Jordan. Coin operated IHUBS that you have to put PLEX into to get anomalies to spawn.

Asher Elias:

Oh, don't. Don't. Don't give them ideas.


Ha ha ha ha ha!

Asher Elias:



Ha ha ha ha ha!

Asher Elias:

No. Alright. So moving on from that unfortunate bit of business. Shoutout to AirstrikeSassin. First Skyhook kill. He's been killing some jumpbridges too. I called him out, I don't know, last week or the week before. But he got the the first Skyhook kill on the server as far as I know. Perhaps the first two. I got the kill mail, let me link it here in channel. Ah, someone else got it for me, there you go.

Alright so, shoutout to our boy AirstrikeSassin.

And guys, I got some sad news. As you know we all get older as time goes on. And sometimes you have to hit retirement age. And the sad news is that the retirement age has come for the Sacrilege fleet. Big Sac daddies are no more. We have a new fleet replacing them. We are bringing out the Ferox Navy Issues. They're so overpowered. The Ferox Navy Issues, we basically had to adopt them. We weren't like even keen on it, but Yep, F's in the chat for Sacs. I know, I'm missing him too. If you guys want to yell at someone, yell at Zintage. I'm definitely going to throw him under the bus, because I wasn't on board with this one.

But you can yell at him. But FNIs are a good fleet. And and we're going to be adopting them through the posting.


We can hype that a little bit better. Fucking hammer fleets back, boys.

Asher Elias:

Sorry Zintage, er, sorry Stef, I just just I miss Sacs too much. It's hard for me to, my heart's not in hyping the FNIs, but FNIs are actually very good. They're, they're, they're overpowered. Their balance is, is way out of whack for what they do and their cost.

Apple Pear:

And yes, we're going to keep normal Feroxes also as a separate doctrine. So don't mix and match, no mixing and matching, but they're two separate Doctrines and we're keeping them both.


Yes, so normal Feroxes stick around primarily for ESS stuff and alpha fleets.

But yeah, the, the Navy ones are not particularly expensive. So.

Asher Elias:

All right. And then we do have a Ferox Navy skillplan, so it should be up now. If it's not, it'll be up soon.

I talked about this last week, but if you have a Rev Navy we have a new fit for it, we're just changing out a neut for a nosferatu. So if you're looking for some Nos, you can get it on the 1DQ market. A bunch of people have replaced those already. If you have not, make sure you get yours done. It's like Fast and Furious 1 through 3. NOS is what we're all about. So go ahead and throw that on there. But they're the are for sale in 1DQ.

Apple Pear:

Make sure you buy only the 80 million ones and not like the 150 million ones.

Asher Elias:

There you go. All right. So I don't know if you guys have heard, but we have a timer. The bads have dropped a Fortizar coming out Wednesday in Chinese time zone in EX6. So we are going to today, we're going to deploy caps forward. We're going to move caps to 4-07. So it's not a full deploy. What we want is everyone to bring one capital for the move ops. We're going to move one capital to 4-07 and stage them there. That, you know, we've been saying EX6 is our line. They've dropped a Fort in there. So we're going to move one Capital. If you have whatever, you know, Capital you got, move, move it over to 4-07. After the fireside, we'll be doing move ups. And those are going to stay staged there for the time being. That'll they're ready to go on wednesday and for any future events going on in that area.

Conrad says you want every player, every character to bring a capital. You know, listen to your heart, Conrad. If you, if you want to move every character with one cap, that's fine with us. Obviously that'll give us more uses, but if you just move one, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna go crazy about it. All right I don't know if this is his, his GSF name, but I want to shout out boy, what a name.

I want to shout out Ser Fukalite from ADFU if you have not heard this story, this is a pretty good one. He got pranked and was told if you guys want to repeat it, it's Ser, I believe, It could be some, he could be like, Ser Fookleet. No, I believe it's Ser Fukalite. He got pranked and he was told that there was a skin that you get for doing 10k ship spins.

Is that you, MichaelJabba? And so he spun his ship 10, 000 times. Alright, MichaelJabba. Spun his ship 10, 000 times and then was very confused when he did not receive his ship. And shout out to CCP. They heard this story and they issued him a CCP issued medal, the whirling dervish medal, which he is the only person to ever receive for getting 10 K ship spins.


I have a screenshot of that. I'll throw Elysium for people.

Apple Pear:

That's amazing.

Asher Elias:

Click the link from Sniper. Well, yeah, don't, unfortunately, I think this is the only time the medal is going to be issued. You should have been the first one to get pranked.

Alright and the timer for our Wednesday timer for the fort being dropped is 13:24, so expect this to form about 12:30 Wednesday.

There's a new QQ channel which some of you might not know, QQ is kind of like Chinese Discord. For CNTZ Goon members and corp recruitment. So. If you aren't QQ, which means you're probably a Chinese player, then you can check out our new channel there.

Alright, and I believe that is the end of everything I intended to talk about today. So if you guys have any questions, go ahead and throw them out there. I saw Si_Bulba saying, you know, I'm glad that people are working on new doctrines. That means we're looking at them. Yeah, we're definitely. The fitting jabber is always active.

QQ is also ass ass in French. I don't know what that means, but it sounds funny.

Apple Pear:

It almost sounds like arse. It's like your ass. Like, where your poop comes out.

Asher Elias:

[Asher laughing noises] Yeah, yes that is where the poop comes out, Apple. Okay, I'm sorry.


I'm glad we finally distributed anatomy to the Danes.

Asher Elias:

Where the, where the poop comes out? Huh. Yeah, Apple Danish.


You didn't know? Whatever, it starts with a D.

Apple Pear:

Apple's Danish. I don't know if you guys didn't know that.

What's my favorite kind of calzone? Oh, I love a taco. Yeah. Thats my favorite calzone? Oh, man.


Italian food's too spicy for Asher.

Asher Elias:



Alfredo sauce might be okay.

Asher Elias:

Yeah. Do you think CCP is sandbagging out space to provoke us to war? I don't really know exactly what you're getting at, SawMan, but I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if they think that might happen.

Yes, Will. We know it's where the farts come out. We know very much from you.

I hope there are defense strategies in discussion for a neut who mount a carrier jump drive generator strike fleet to our space. Yeah. We've discussed it.

What are the chances we get one to two new test systems for new mining or PVE upgrades? Yeah, so Anita, we will have test systems. Like, that's That's going to happen. Have a general idea of where we want to put them, and we have a map, but so obviously when we see what the changes are going to be, if there's going to be changes, we don't know then we can, you know, we might adjust that, but we have a plan as of right now.

So if things just launch as they are, we, we are ready to go with the, you know, immediately with the plan.


I don't know if this is bingo bait, but a friendly reminder, reminder that chat related to the fireside goes in Elysium, not mumble.

Asher Elias:

There you go. That, that definitely was bingo bait.



Asher Elias:

I am watching the Stanley Cup, I'm not watching the Euros. I think the Cup of America starts in, like, today.

Any fit for Rorquals in light of Booshing carriers? No, just the guidance that we gave last week, Rambo, which is if a carrier of any sort lands on your grid, just, just panic and call for help immediately. Obviously an enemy one, but I would even do it for a blue.

Will there be an alliance buyback for Skyhook resources that we might acquire from our enemies? We, I don't know if we discussed that, but probably, yeah, that's likely.

We have Skinner now. When are we getting cat ears? I saw you could put little googly eyes on a ship, so maybe that's closest equivalent so far.

Congrat congrats on your bingo mach one. What is Stanley Cup? It's the trophy for ice hockey.

Yeah, a Rorqual can be scrammed. But, an ECM burst exists, so I wouldn't say it's foolproof.

What happened to the Hel we captured yesterday? It went into the SRP pile.

Is there, yeah, Ghoster says there's more than one kind of hockey. Yeah, Europeans play field hockey on their feet.


Wow, another sport that Europeans play wrong?

Asher Elias:

Yeah, no, they play it on their feet. They run around and they, they don't, yeah.

I can't give you the Hel capture story time. Maybe Sniper can, but I, I don't remember.


I can.

Asher Elias:



There was a random Hel gating over by NPC Delve, and Beehive noticed it and dropped on it, and the guy was like, I'm an ex goon! And he was in goons for, like, a month, like, seven years ago. And never registered on services. But, he was nice enough to jump out of it, and so we jumped in it, jumped back to 1DQ, and So yeah, plus one, plus one super cap for the Imperium.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, if you guys ever go AFK, you know, registered back first, like, there's no, I was an ex-goon. That's not how it works.

Apple Pear:

Talk to your corp leadership, have your corp leadership reach out to myself, Sniper, Zintage, etc. And then we make sure your carrier, or super, or everything, whatever is in space, gets safely to a place.


Yeah, we have a great track record of getting these docked, as long as we know about them before we log in. And obviously there's like the new launcher shit, where it defaults to launching characters, and so like that might get people, but yeah, if you have friends coming back or, you know, there's somebody applying to your corp that like has a cap logged off in Delve just yeah, corp leadership, reach out to us you know, the people Apple mentioned, somebody in the directorate, we'll, we'll get you sorted out and we'll get them safely back into back into the structure. And yeah, Stretch, like obviously there is that option, but if you're just like coming back to the game and you're like, Oh, I'm going to like see where my characters are and you click on one and you don't know about that option. Many people have lost things to that and it is unfortunate.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, we, that happens probably more than you guys realize because we're not publicizing it, but lots of times people say, Hey, I'm logged out here and I want to get joined back up. That happens, you know, certainly weekly.

Are you going to Vegas? Yeah, no, I'm not going to Vegas.

Asset safety is actually. So we have we have a keep in NPC space, and it's not a good idea to, sorry, it's not a bad idea to move your super capital there if you're going away for a long time.

Because the asset safety in system is very cheap. Si_Bulba, I actually might go to that fan fest, there's a non zero chance at least, so. Someone did link the ship spin screenshot, but if someone can grab it and throw it out there again, that's good.


I got you.

Asher Elias:

There you go. All right, we got any other questions?

Alliance policy question. Will the new mining escalations belong to the miner who gets them? Or do we have to share them with anyone that scans down our fleet in space??


I don't think we know enough about how they work yet. We will figure that out once we've seen a few of them and see what happens. There's a bunch of stuff about like the new sites and whatnot. We were talking about this in illum earlier, but we, there's like not even really published details out yet, so.

Asher Elias:

What's your favorite anime Asher? Looney Tunes is my favorite anime.

Ah, oh, Miren is trying to trigger me. What does you yanks call the sport where you run around with an egg in your hand? We call it football because it's played on foot.


I call it cooking breakfast, personally.

Asher Elias:

Sports played on foot are called football and have been since the 1400s. Soccer was invented in the 1850s about, meh, let's say 400 years after the word football started being used. So when Euros get all high and mighty about, Oh, it's football cause you hit it with your foot. It's not. It's because it's played on foot. Any game played on foot is football. You can call basketball football if you want it to. Euros suck. That's all I got to say. Golf is played on golfing shoes.

Apple Pear:

And he's surprised why nobody from Euro wants to...

Asher Elias:

I know. With this toxic environment I'm creating.

Apple Pear:


Asher Elias:

Yeah, rugby is football. Like, literally, it's a football code. Football is just a group of sports. Eva, I just said in the 1850s, so I agree with you. Everything is football. Except polo. Polo is not football. Why is golf called golf? Probably because of something Scottish. I don't know the etymology of the word golf. Hey, if you guys ever go see polo, polo is awesome in person. Yes, it's wonderful. But it is actually awesome. Yes, quite. Horseball, sorry. Horseball is amazing. What is the Afghan game played on horseback where they fight over goat carcass? I think that's a Kazakh game, not an Afghan game. But yeah, I think that's Kazakh. Kazi, yeah, that sounds about right. It is metal.

When will the Buffalo Bills win the Super Bowl? They already had four chances and failed, so I think it's unlikely ever. Sorry Razor maiden. All right, someone's linked to Wikipedia. You can look it up, the goat head game. Yeah, aren't the Vikes and the Bills on, on, on, in different divisions, right? Or conferences, I mean? Could they, could they not play each other? And one would be guaranteed to win? Yeah.

How far are we on the Palatine Keepstar? I don't know the exact number, Jethro, because we need to take some back. So, we've actually gone a little bit backwards.

Will Logi only fly Bassis now? I don't mean, there's a reason to fly Scimitars. I don't know exactly what our doctrines are running in every doctrine, but Scimitars do have value, but Bassis are generally preferred. Yeah.

Apple Pear:

And we still have our electric heat guns, so.

Asher Elias:

What does that have to do with Scimitars and Bassis?

Apple Pear:

Oh, I had one ask if only Bassis, like you can also use Guardians for that one. I didn't read the question, I just only heard it.



Asher Elias:

Yeah, okay. You've really contributed a lot today, Apple.

Apple Pear:

Yeah, yeah.

Asher Elias:

You really are where the poop comes from.

Apple Pear:

Yes, yes.

Asher Elias:

Alliance skins for Doctrines when? So, have you seen an alliance skin feature? Because I haven't.

Can I get a Hawk Tua and spit on that thing from you? I mean, I guess you just did.


Oh, no.

Asher Elias:

Alright. I think we're firmly in the madness realm at this point. As much as I enjoy that, because they're probably, I don't know, when someone organizes one, I guess. Alright, thank you guys for showing up. Next week, maybe I'll have more to tell you, or maybe I'll say, Hey guys, we'll know more next week. I don't know. I don't know. We'll find out. Just remember, you now know where the poop comes from. I'll see you next week. We'll ping the move up when it's ready to go. See y'all later.