Fireside Chat Transcript 2024 07 20

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Asher Elias:

All right. Hello, friends. How y'all doing?

Apple Pear:

Doing good. It was a quiet week. Nothing happened this week, so nothing to talk about.

Asher Elias:

Yeah. We, uh, we did talk about, uh, pretending like I was AFK for like the first four minutes, but, uh, some people thought it'd be too believable.

Ranger Gama:

You have to lead it off, Asher, we should have done it this way and said, oh, well, you know, he had to step away to get a cup of coffee. He'll be back.

Asher Elias:

Yeah. Uh, Yvonne Page. Well, I'm gonna answer the text. Let them know it's the Fireside Channel on mumble. I was about to answer in voice, which is extremely stupid.

Apple Pear:

I do that all the time when people ask, in Fleet, like when people ask questions, and like OpChannel, yeah, it's in Op1, and then I assume somebody is just going to tell them in Fleet Chat, that's there, and I don't have to type it out myself. Like that, it always works out very well.

Brisc Rubal:

Because we're not on the same channel every week.

Asher Elias:

All right.

Ranger Gama:

BP that was cold blooded, man. Damn.

Asher Elias:

We're still getting people in, but, uh, also going so, um, pretty interesting week after the fireside yesterday, there was, you know, not yesterday, last weekend on last Saturday, there was a lot of, um, uh, a lot of things going on behind the scenes.

Um, if you happen to read it, I posted a letter, an open letter from the Imperium. We were, you know, we were gaining a lot of, uh, behind the scenes, uh, Uh, discussion on that, like, you know, if I'm writing a letter from the Imperium, I need to consult, uh, all leaders, consult everyone who has a stake in this, you know, talk to directors, uh, so behind the scenes, a lot was going on and then on Sunday, that letter went up and it ended up getting, um, I believe 670,000 people read it. So it had a lot of traction, um, people outside, you know, the gaming, uh, sphere, uh, I should say the EVE sphere, but in the gaming sphere, talk to me, you know, some of the reporters messaged me. So it ended up getting a lot of traction. And after, after that happened, we started hearing a lot of positive rumblings from CCP.

Uh, if you did not see it, uh, Gobbins. Uh, chimed in and put his support in for the letter. Um, Noraus put his support in for the letter, Dark Shines did. And then other, um, Nullsec executors put their support in for the letter. So we started hearing good things from CCP, uh, almost immediately afterwards that they were aware of it, that they were, you know, taking it seriously.

And. just to talk about that briefly writing the letter. One thing I wanted to do was it's really easy to like when you're upset about anything to just give sort of a list of demands or let your emotions run wild. But I thought it was very important to explain why we care about this thing. You know, this is Eve for a lot of us. It's our favorite game of all time. It's always going to be right. Um, and so it's different than anything else. And so this is why it's important. In establishing that predicate, you don't, you don't, um, you don't put them on the defense immediately where you're just like, Hey, I hate everything you've done that you're never going to get a result that way.

So communicating with them, them being CCP, in a way that resonated, that they understood, we're not your enemy here. We don't want to be your enemy. We want to, we're working together to make Eve a better place was important. And from everything I've heard that in, in internally, CCP took it that way. They were like, yeah, this is passionate. It's someone who's upset about some stuff, but they're passionate about Eve and they care about Eve. So that was really, really important and you know, that message came across to them and that's from everything I've heard.

So I wanted to establish why Eve is important, you know, what it means to me personally, you know, a personal note is always important, a personal touch is always important. This is why we didn't workshop it too much. We, we didn't want to make it just a list of demands. That was, uh. That was important to us. And then with what can only be described as rapidity for someone like CCP, they rapidly iterated some changes, which we're happy with, you know, we're not saying, hey, these are the final results. Um, and we don't think they are saying that either, but they came out with changes that immediately address some of the issues we had, such as with mining size, like the rock size, anomalies. Just, uh, ratting in general under the new system, uh, and other important things that they have already addressed in this patch, we expect them to iterate more. Um, so it was, it was a really rapid change that we're going to praise them for it because, uh, it's not done yet, but they are addressing our issues and that's exactly what we wanted them to do.

Um, Kaz, are you here? Can you talk a little bit about that from what you can, you know, declassify from your perspective?


Yeah, it's hard to know where to start. I guess the thing that they made very clear is that they did not want things to go this way. They really did expect it to be a rejuvenation of Nullsec, and there was a big canyon and understanding between how we see things and, and what, what CCP thought was going to happen. Uh, and so they acted pretty quickly to repair that. I think this is a pretty good patch for 72 hours turnaround time.

Uh, and I was really happy that Asher made the points the way he did, right? I've been in the trenches with them for a couple of years. And we've honestly had quite a good relationship in comparison to the history we have with them. Um, they do listen, but nevertheless, in the process of trying to really revamp what's possible with NullSec, they didn't hit the target immediately. Uh, so I was already sort of encouraged they've come out with one or two patches a week, which I think is very, very good. And I've expressed to them that, that historically, we've often seen that not be the case. And it's sort of a meme how oftentimes something will get released and not iterated on. Um, so we're happy to see that not happen, uh, with this, uh, especially when it, it, it's all buffs.

Um, and I do think there is a case for sort of doing things this way. I think we would all have been sort of unhappy, we were unhappy, that was how this got started, uh, when they, when they left something in a state that was essentially too good with the infinite repops, that's where we were, uh, just eight days ago. and had to nerf it, that's always very unpleasant.

So, um, I'm happy to take more specific questions. Let me look at chat if anyone has things on Equinox specifically and where things are going. So let's see.

Asher Elias:

A lot of questions, Kaz, to just summarize what I've been reading is, you know, what does the CSM do? Like, why weren't they listening to the CSM before this letter? That's a concern that's been brought up multiple times.


I mean, that, that's sort of the embarrassing part, I guess, is they, they do, they do listen to us. We had a number of meetings with them discussing the whole expansion. I think that's probably not, not violating NDA to say, right, they were not, they didn't leave us in the dark in the dark, uh, but at the same time the expansion is very large. It, it came out in sort of several patches over the course of the first two weeks before it was all fully available in the game. Um, and it feels like they, they just bit off a little more than they could chew because they installed a whole new resource map into NullSec.

And so as a consequence of that, by the time we were able to do real analysis, it was on TQ. You know, we didn't have the ability to war game the numbers like we're currently doing, you know, months in advance, and it would have been sort of problematic to give us access maybe to that level of information for competitive reasons, even with the NDA we don't know.

So I think, it's this sort of gap between they have to sit down and sort of project what's going to happen when the player base gets the numbers and then we have to look at the numbers and decide what to do and there is there's a big gap in in what that is so I'm glad to see them react quickly to that gap in understanding.

Um, I'll answer Futility 101's question, uh, do I ever think cap prices will come back to something more reasonable? Um, I think that's probably the biggest unaddressed or mostly unaddressed thing that would rejuvenate Nullsec. I was looking at a graph of of capital and super capital destruction numbers over the course of the past I think it was 5 or 6 or 7 years and it really has not healed compared to pre-scarcity and pre-industry patch and so that that's something that is newly on my mind. It obviously was not a topic this expansion and I feel like they obviously can have done a lot more. Um, so I'd love for them to readdress that.

Asher Elias:

And then we're going to open up to questions later. I actually don't have too much more to talk about, uh, prepared, um, you know, that patch thing was, you know, and the letter was an important part of what we've been doing, um, and a lot of behind the scenes work went into, into that, you know, it was seven paragraphs, but there was a lot of work behind it, uh, that often doesn't get seen.

Uh, as far as new areas that you can go out and, you know, test out we have we have one system for mining right now, and that is FM-. That's Foxtrot Mike tack. If you want to do the new mining, you can go ahead and go to Foxtrot Mike tack. That's where the mining is. In period basis, there is an entire, well, almost an entire constellation for ratting. So if you're interested in testing out the new ratting, there is some, some relatively significant differences and they have buffed it.

So in, uh, period basis, if you want to toodle on down there, uh, you can test it there. We will look at, yeah, great. We will look at, uh, going ahead and, and maybe converting more systems as, um, aid and desire comes in. There you go. But, um, right now...


We're going to get a post up as well.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, we, we were, we actually just talking about that in our Illum meeting. We 're going to put a post up, so it's not just me conveying it to you here. Um, and then, uh, there was like a, you know, a post about, uh, problems. Here's how I summarize it. I post about problems that we have essentially already solved, uh, on Reddit yesterday. I do realize that line members sometimes do not have, you know, the same, you know, access to this information.

So if you have any questions about that, Uh, I'm going to open up any general questions, but if you want to ask about those things, if you think there are problems that we haven't hit, uh, if you want to hear about it, you know, we do this meeting every week. No one else in the game does a meeting like this. No one else puts their directors in contact with their members like we do, so, um, and I'm happy to do so. So if you have any questions, throw them in chat now, and I'm happy to answer any questions that you guys have.


But yeah, and there you go, guys. I linked both of the maps together and the system in delve is the megacyte site.

Asher Elias:

Grapesizednuts, wonderful name, says, what is the future, is there a couple systems where there is population and lots of empty systems around it? We do not know the answer to that yet, Grapesizednuts, and that's one of the things I talked about in the letter, building tall or building wide or broad. Um, We don't know what CCP's vision is for that, and so we don't know how they'll implement it. Uh, you know, we moved the sand around, but is there a box, like I said? So, um, that's something that we are going to have to see. We, and I'd love to give you an answer, but we don't know. CCP will have to decide.

Is CCP open to deleting some dead systems constellations? We have never seen that. We think probably not.

Any possibility of a Querious deploy escalate to a war in the near future? Yeah, definitely a possibility, but you never know.

Why mega and not iso? I think it's just for testing purposes that I am not the first to answer that.

Do you think CCP will realize the Rorqual era level of production made must be the norm for the health of the game? They don't realize stockpiles made under Rorqual era in the game will stay stuck for a decade or two. Um, I don't think CCP really understood or grasped what scarcity would do to the game that, you know, uh, what, what was it? Autarky is anathema. It was really catchy phrase, whatever they said. It, it, it was not, uh, particularly, um, it didn't come true, put it that way. What, what they thought would happen did not come true. And I, I think that, um, but I don't know that they have actually had the, you know, come to the light moment yet.

Yes, thank you, Wilhelm. Abundance breeds complacency and scarcity breeds war. Right. Predictable inputs lead to stagnant outputs. Autarky is anathema to free trade. Oof. Yeah, none of that really worked out how they said it would.

Now we know the contours of the Null changes and their plans for going after enemies. So, Sunfro, uh, that is very much a future plans thing, but, um, I can just say that we have talked about that in great depth. So, we're there. I would also say that we don't have any plans set in stone because we don't know what the stone is going to be yet, but we have, we have been spending plenty of time talking about that exact thing.

Zintage Enaka:

Actually, Asher, we can probably point out what happened to a certain region this morning.

Asher Elias:


Zintage Enaka:

That's about the SOV changes.

Asher Elias:

You've been, spearheading a lot of that. So why don't you talk about it?

Zintage Enaka:

Well, this morning was actually some multi boxers and brave, but let me grab a Dotlan map real quick.

Asher Elias:

Basically, they said you shall not impass.


You could say that part of a conflict is no longer at an impass.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, there you go.

Zintage Enaka:

So the region of impass basically does not exist anymore, guys.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that was an excellent job. Guys just basically flipped the entire region of impass. And so it is now, it is now out of the legacy hubs now. They would have to SHUB it if they wanted to.

Zintage Enaka:

Yeah. Basically a entire rental region is gone now.

Asher Elias:

Yeah. Vartharian says, would you rather have an anathema sized turkey or a turkey sized anathema? I would rather just have no one say anathema. That would be my ideal world. If they just pronounced it correctly, that would be my, my, my best world.

Apple Pear:

But, but the Anathema is just a nice ship.

Asher Elias:

Uh, Rosaro says, will you address the Kontan Rekor post? I am happy to address like any issues brought up with it. Like I said, essentially everything you talked about in there, you know, the quotes are like, some of them are two years old and obviously hidden. Um, I don't think that you should leak DMs from people, uh, without their authorization. And, um, I think that, uh, I think that if you have any questions about that post, you should ask it and I'm happy to address it. No one gets shit on for asking a question.

One of the things that, uh, did raise an eyebrow from the reddit post when you sift through all the bullshit was that from an EU point of view, content does lack little. We also see a lot of our wartime FCs missing or gone. Are there any plans to reform SIGs from the earlier days, uh, and do something more determined in EU time zone? So, Basik Zero, I agree with you. Uh, the issue essentially is timers, and that there are really not a lot timed to EU. So it is hard to find EU content when people time out of it. Um, you know, one of our enemy's main strategies is timing to Chinese time zone. Uh, it's a totally valid strategy. It is an anti fun strategy, that is the intention. You know, it's a blue balls or hell dunk kind of strategy. Okay. And, you know, we can't force them to retime. So it is, it is just essentially us dealing with that. Um, I would love to be able to give you more EU timezone content. We do try to put timers of our own in there. Um, and so that, that is the one thing that we can, you know, uh, make happen is, is, is our own timers.

Apple Pear:

And also with a lot of Euto timezone FCs, like, if the wartime FCs go do everything, like myself and some others, then we don't have new FCs come up, so a lot of the stuff that's going on is great for newer FCs, and we have some new FCs coming up in Euro, so we let those, give those a chance to grow before the next war is there, so they can be ready to go and we have better coverage.

Asher Elias:

Um, Uh, lost it here. Okay, uh, Noera says, How about some specifics? Saying it's all been fixed is saying nothing. Uh, I don't know what specifics you want me to address. Um, that was a very long post with a lot of it being about, like I said, nothing. Um, one thing he said was poor utilization of game mechanics. You know, he was upset that he wasn't allowed to multibox in Pochven, you know, and, uh, I, I had like an hour long conversation with him a couple months ago where I tried to explain essentially how the game works. I took, I took my own time out and he just, didn't want it to be that, uh, some of it was just like insane, like financial, uh, mismanagement bordering on corruption, I believe is what he said. And, you know, Goonswarm was in incredible amounts of debt, uh, when I took over. We now have more money saved than we ever have at any point in our history. So, um, the finance, you know, it's just. I don't know what specifics you want me to address. If you have one, hit me up, but, uh, like the CI thing we talked about, there was one guy who decided that it would be running the CI thing that decided that we should ask for personal details on checks. And then once that was brought to us, we said, Hey, don't do that. And it stopped. Um, but you know, having a post to complain about that, um, like a year after it stopped is, I guess the choice you can make.


Yeah, someone asked about the, uh, the Goonwaffe attacks question. So previously, this, many of you will already know this, but right up until Asher took over, Goonwaffe was actually the corp that was the logi corp for the Alliance. The FC hangar ran out of there, many taxes were collected, it owned a lot of structures just like the logi corp does now.

Asher Elias:

The bills were made out of it.


Right, exactly. Some, some at least. Uh, and that, but so essentially all of, rather than paying member corp taxes, what that meant is that all of Goonwaffe's taxes went directly to Alliance income. That would, that was always the case. Member corps didn't actually start paying Alliance side taxes until 2015. There were many years where they, where they did not because the alliance held all the moons under different game mechanics.

So when Asher took over, we transitioned Goonwaffe to being more like a normal member corp, but we didn't install taxes because they had no money. And also they were technically in the system as a weird exemption that was not the normal checkbox. So it's a combination of laziness and hate. They are actually in a weird situation where they're starting from more or less literally zero, unlike any other member corp, but we wanted to give them a leg up.

So that situation lasted just over a year. Kontan is right that he complained vociferously about it upon discovering it, but he wasn't, you know, I, I knew that that was happening, and we just, we, we took our time with resolving that. I thought that was totally fair play. And I, I'm, that's why I'm talking about. I am happy to defend that. It's not, it's not corruption to want the member corp to have some extra income so that they can function when they're in that unique situation. Um. That that's, you know, there are plausible cases for that. Not that I'm offering a tax exemption. Don't come asking that, right.

Asher Elias:

But then we transitioned Goonwaffe to paying taxes and they pay taxes. Once again, it was a thing that has already been solved. Yes. Let me look through a couple more questions going on here.

Do CI checks still ask for your real life location though? No, they do not ask for your real life location.

Uh, one thing I will say, like, here, here, you know, stops here. Um, he said the Jay thing, and that is, that is on me. You know, I, I trusted Jay, he abused that trust. Um, And, um, that's probably the kind of thing that would happen again, you know, I, I'm going to be honest. I'm going to lean towards trusting people that I trust. You have to have some level of trust in here. You can say, Hey, Asher, you did a bad job. You should have, uh, you should have been more cautious or whatever. And that's valid. And that'll just be one of my flaws.

Uh, one other thing I want to discuss, and this is something that many of you may not know, um, is that unlike, I think, any other executor in NullSec, Um, I can be ousted, and this is something I insisted on when I took over. Um, the Directorate has the ability to remove me as the mechanical leader of, of, uh, Goonswarm Federation. I insisted that they have the ability to do so. So this is the only, I think I'm the only person who actually made themselves more vulnerable. You know, if you want to oust Gobbins or Noraus or anyone else, you can't do it. But I said, Hey, like the old system was a problem and it should be fixed. And here's how we fix it. So if, if they lost confidence in me, they can take me out. Um, So I'm not here to be here for a decade. That is not my goal. Uh, I don't get a vigorous pleasure from being space emperor. I'm here to serve you guys for the time that I do it. So if I'm doing a bad job, I am happy to go and let someone else do it. Uh, I don't think that time is right now. Uh, but if the directorate came to me and said that I would listen to them. Uh, and they have the mechanical ability to do so if I didn't. And I believe that is the only situation in Nullsec where it's like that.

From what Bashti said regarding the Jay thing. I believe we have diversified and spread assets out in a way they are better protected. Yes, we did. We did learn some lessons from that.


I have multiple comments on that, actually. Now you're getting me going. First of all, yeah, the asset Uh, splitting that we do, and the compartmentalization that we do worked in the Jay situation. He got a lot of shit, but he did not get a lot more shit that was in, in multiple other shell corporations, functional alliance shell corporations that we use, and that he just never had access to, because why would he, even though he had a role that should not have really existed in DJ. So that, that was point one.

But furthermore, that is mentioned in Kontan's post along with a charge of listening too much to old leadership over new leadership. But I think that that is sort of the exception that proves the rule, right? Jay had to come back. He was not active. The Alliance is fully operational. It continues to be, we've promoted multiple new directors and essentially every directorate over the course of the past few years. Um, and Kontan's own space job history has him, as a director, just, you know, less than two years ago, he had multiple shots at spacejobship. So I really want to emphasize that I have, I've, I've been a director a long time at this point, and two separate sort of timelines, and we're doing a really, I think, good job at that specific thing. It's total, total misrepresentation to say that there is not access to come do a space job and and render your own service to the Imperium just like Asher is.

Asher Elias:

Illum has essentially been entirely turned over since I took over two years ago. There is probably 10 percent old guard still in there.


Except maybe 15 but yeah yeah it's low.

Asher Elias:

Um, but it's essentially, other than that, Old Guard, it is essentially entirely turned over, so, um, and that goes throughout all levels, and that's also just normal eve progression, you know, people, there's a couple names that stick around for a long time, but, you know, mostly people coming to go in a period of a couple years, two or three, and you just have to be, you know, aware of that.

So, uh, if you've got more questions, throw them in here, I will answer any more you got. Thanks Kaz, appreciate it, man. Glad you're happy with the work I'm putting in.

Kerk asks if new, if rental empires are more difficult under the new SOV system. Yeah, probably. That is probably the answer, Kerk. Um, not a hundred percent, uh, probably.

Sirhan, who's been around for a long time, says friends come and go, enemies accumulate. That is actually very true.

Is Kontan staying around? Was this his, fuck it, I'm leaving post. Uh, he's not staying around in here. Uh, we kicked him, um, because leaking like numerous private DMs. So, um, I, there's no way that you can think I'm going to just take people's private conversations and leak them out. Um, and something I said to, you know, Illum earlier was like, you know, a lot of these conversations were like pretty old, but even if they were new, you know, it's absolutely your right to go into a DM and say, you know, I'm really tired of Asher, he's annoying me. Like I've done that before when, when I wasn't in charge, right. That is, that's human nature. So, uh, I'm not upset at anyone for if there's like something like, oh yeah, Asher really pissed me off because we have a lot of passionate people, and if you get to watch the sausage made, you would assume that we probably hate each other, but it's just people who really care about what they're doing and have strong opinions.

And sometimes, you know, not everyone can come on board with the consensus. Uh, and sometimes, you know, rare, but sometimes I just overrule. I say, you know, my gut is this. Um, you know, one thing we had a discussion about was, was just the letter last week. When to release it and there was some really strong opinions that maybe we should sit on it for a while. And I said, you know, no, I appreciate the input, but my gut is that we need to release this, you know, ASAP. It needs to go out right now. And I think in retrospect, that was the right decision. But, um, you know, there's nothing wrong with feeling, oh man, this, this was a bad decision. We could have done it better because that's true. Uh, everyone makes bad decisions on something. So I just, uh, so I wanted to address that, especially the part about, you know, um, putting that stuff out there without getting the people, the permission from the people you are quoting or talking about was, was an issue.

Uh, Brisc, I'm happy I pissed you off when I said you're 65. That was the goal.

Brisc Rubal:

So mean.

Asher Elias:

Mm. Diogenes says, if line members want to put in extra effort to help you and the GSF leadership team, how would we go about it? Are there any particular roles, job, niches we need to fill? Uh, Dio, the best thing to fill is don't, is do what you're good at. You know, that's how I became an FC. You know, there was a position need. I slotted into it. I did well. You know, do what interest you if I become a GSOL-er, it would have been awful for both me and the alliance. So, um, and you know, we're not we don't you can't just come up and say, hey, I'm going to be a director. You have to show, you know, talent, skill, promise. So just, we talk about roles all the time on here. If something appeals to you, you know, Hey, do you want to be a scout? Become a scout. Hey, do you want to work in Gooniversity? Become a Gooniversity, you know, all this kind of stuff. Um, and that's where you'll get picked up.


There, are a lot of SIG and squad leaders that we rely on to do things in their area of expertise. So if you're doing something you're good at, and we need you to do something, we'll reach out to you. And it happens all of the time with all of the groups that I interact with. Um, if we need stuff with Fraction Warfare, we need LP. Like, we go reach out to the faction warfare group. If stuff is going on in Pochven, we, you know, we have Killer as the director now, but before that it was talking to the leader of Totality Squad. Um, in that post, there's also lots of space jobs that are in there, like Scouts, GSOL, etc.

Apple Pear:

Also, sorry, sorry, also would like to talk about people being reluctant to join because English is a second language. Uh, for me, English is like my third language. And through the years, uh, mine got better, but I still get made fun about it all the time, especially if we have friends. System names, I butcher those and I just don't stop caring about it. And people feel reluctant to do things because English is their second, third, fourth language. Just do things. Like people are very forgiving of that. Like you, uh, and I understand that because it's hard to start, especially for me, talking English was not the hardest thing, but especially writing English.

That's very, like, I'm, I'm bad at writing Dutch, uh. I'm going to select it as, as you can think. And then doing that in English, it's even worse. And that's, you only learn and you only stop, uh, getting that fair by doing it. And nobody is going to make fun of you. Or they're going to make fun of you doing that. But you should, uh, Um, make fun of them, like they, they don't step up, you step up, you do a thing, you make things that make things happen. And nobody in this alliance will stop you from being an FC because English is not your first language. We have many people like we have missed and any other people that have like all those kinds of things.

So please step up.

Asher Elias:

One of the great joys of doing this is, like, I have seen people come in who have relatively poor English and listening to them get way, way better at it as they, as they, you know, FC or do whatever task it is that they do has been really great. Like, it's a really great way to just practice and improve. Um, but, you know, Eve is a simple enough game that you don't need to be able to, you know, speak, you know, super, you know, you don't need to be able to speak super loquaciously. Like, you don't even need to know what that word means. You need to know jump gate, you know, lock target, fire. It's a lot easier than that. Right. So, um, um, that's something that I totally agree with.

Uh, we had one in scroll back and I think I lost it, but it was Rosaro and someone else. And they were asking, you know, can you elaborate on the 4S thing? Uh, why did they leave? That was mentioned in the post. Yeah. Happy to. So, uh, basically what I'll say with 4S is that, you know, they were looking for specific things and we have a really strong policy that, uh, all corps are treated, created equally and treated equally. So, um, you know, they were unhappy with, you know, I don't actually, I don't want to summarize what they felt, but from our perspective, uh, we're not willing to, it doesn't matter if you're KarmaFleet, it doesn't matter if you're ASCEE, it doesn't matter how big you are. You know, you get the same treatment that any other corp does. So, uh, and that's not going to change. We, we, you know, every corp plays by the same rules, has the same rules and gets the same treatment. And if you got 10 real people or a thousand real people or 10,000 real people, it's, it's everyone's treated the same. And that's a policy that we're going to keep. And, you know, if other, if corps don't like that and they find that somewhere else, uh, maybe that that's not the policy or they just are happy for whatever other reason, uh, that's up to them. Uh, we're not going to change how we do that though.

Raylyn says, More of a gameplay CSM question, but is there a plan from CCP to incorporate the new planetary materials extracted via skyhooks into production? I have no idea, dude, already. I don't know. Uh, what the plan is for that kind of thing. I don't think so.

Apple Pear:

You should watch, have you made, uh, posted the stream on YouTube yet with you doing the PI stuff?

Asher Elias:

Yeah. . The, that was a great stream. Uh, I was, I, I I stuck to it really fast. I hit the ground running.

Apple Pear:

Yeah. So I think based on the stream, you, you should decide if you really want to ask Asher your pi questions, uh.


You hit the ground period.

Asher Elias:

I did hit the ground. That is accurate.

Uh, someone says, why don't I join Beehive often? We need you to make isk. Internet Knight, I spend a lot of time in this game, but it's mostly in answering DMs and, and, in channels. So, um, I, I do try to have a, uh, eve life balance. So, um, I would actually like to rat a little more. I've been thinking about doing Krabquals, but there's just only so much time in the day.

How much isk have you made from PI so far? Uh, I made 20 million, but only because someone gave me it. While Beyond is here, Palantine Keepstar update? Uh, we have not done anything with the Palantine, so I can answer Beyond.

Yeah, I do need a, I need a DM answering buddy, that would be good. Um, you know, you guys message me a lot, and I try to answer all of you. Um, you know, for, uh, you know, for Kontan, when he had a problem, I spent an hour of my time, I put a lot of effort into explaining things to him. He couldn't understand, or didn't want to. But, uh, you know, it's, it's, I'm, I'm happy to answer as much of your DMs as I can and try to get you guys either, uh, myself or answer for the right person.

Apple Pear:

I thought Ranger Gama was your DM buddy.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, he does, he does do that a lot though.

Apple Pear:

Ceema as your DM assistant, that would be funny. Only wrong answers.

Asher Elias:



Oh god.

Brisc Rubal:

That would be ideal, not gonna lie.

Asher Elias:

What is the best place to find others for Krabqual? We have a channel, I don't think it really got taken up bird that much, um, I would check in your corp, and then I would also ask, join Standing Fleet and ask people if they want a buddy, need a buddy, you could probably find one pretty quickly in there.

Asher, will you play the next POE season? Um, Elezar Samuel Harbour asks. So, Elezar, uh, no, um, Some of my friends, some of who are right here, have tried to get me into it, but it looks, it looks too much like the perfect, uh, mousetrap for me. It's one of those things that I would spend way too much time optimizing, and I just do not have that kind of time. I already got, I already got suckered into playing, so far, 12 hours of Baldur's Gate 3. So, um, I just don't have, I just don't have the time to, to do POE.

Why is PoE such a big overlap with EVE? I think it's because of the, like, the skill tree and the kind of person that it attracts. Um, is that, uh, is that they, they seem to, uh, they seem to tickle the mind the same way.

Given Kun_Nai says, or Kuni_Nai says, given the universe is infinite and space time is driven by quantum dynamics, when is the next GEF? Um, depends on if you observe it or not, Kuni. It really depends on that.


GEF is a state of mind.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, it's actually a superposition.

All right, if you got more questions, throw them in here. I'm going to try to answer any that are left. If I missed any of you, you can throw them again.

Can we have nightly parades in front of the Keepstar? Says Internet Knight. Internet Knight, be the change you want to see in the world. Join Skirmish Commanders, ping Knightly Parade Fleet. Maybe you'll get two people, three people, who knows? Soon you got ten people, now you have a real parade doing the, the mamba.

I love when Asher talks dirty physics to us. I will talk physics to you. If you get in one of my fleets, and you want me to talk physics, just go ahead and, uh, speak up and I will, I'll be happy to talk about it.

Uh, Asher, how is your overall mood after the thread? Do we need to send you ice cream? No, you don't need to send me ice cream. Um, you know, this is part of the job, and having enemies pile on and tell you how bad you are is just something you sign up for. So, um, uh, as long as it stays, you know, in game, in, on Reddit, whatever, that's, that's just part of it, and it doesn't, it doesn't concern me. Um, you know, I've been, I've been called a lot of bad names over my time in EVE, and I'm sure I will be until I stop doing it.

Apple Pear:

At least they didn't bring up your Jackdaw.

Asher Elias:

Yes thank you. Are there plans to bring ratting upgrades to Delve? Um, not yet, Gron. We are not ready to commit to that. So, I understand why you'd want it closer but it also has a lot of negatives at the moment and, uh, things are very unclear as to where it'll go.

So, probably certainly not in the short term. No, uh, no upgrades in Delve.

Apple Pear:

The FM- one has like some, not the highest grade upgrades but it has some ratting upgrades for the new system. So, uh, I think it's level 2 minor and level 2 major, so it's not the highest, but the lowest, lower one, so you could try it out there.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, Arrakis says, TBH, most of the zingers in that thread were by goons or enemies or terrible posters. It was pretty notable, uh, how bad some of that posting was. It's like sports fans who take things way too seriously, uh, and can't ever have a joke about their own team. It kind of reminded me of that. If you're in any of the, uh, MeMore subreddits where, you know, your various sports teams are made fun of each other, uh, it reminded me of the people who take their teams way too seriously. Uh, that's sort of what it reminded me of.


That's enough about people who like college football, though.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, that is one of my downsides, is I have interest outside of playing EVE Online.

Still the 24th best FC in the Imperium? Uh, I'd say, uh, Mirin. Yeah, that seems a little, that seems a little high, actually.

Zintage Enaka:

He's not even an FC anymore.

Brisc Rubal:

He retired. He quit FCing. He doesn't do it anymore.

Asher Elias:

I have, listen, I haven't FCed for 23 hours at this point, so

Brisc Rubal:

I mean, that might as well be a year.


I wanted to throw a real quick shout out in, uh, we're going to have a strat up going up shortly. There's some timers we might get a fight over. We, uh, kind of butchered a Rokh fleet yesterday. So.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, that was a pretty funny fight.


Stay tuned for some pings shortly.

Asher Elias:


Zintage Enaka:

Let's see if Sandrin wants to lose a second Rokh fleet.

Asher Elias:

Last time Asher was an FC we were late to the fight, well that is, that is in character for me. I, I don't normally show up to these firesides on time anyway.

Apple Pear:

That's the thing I yell to him the most about, because he's always late. Like that's the most annoying thing, like, the one thing you can count on when anything happens is that Asher will be late. Like that's just, just a thing and that's, yeah. And I yell at him. That's what I..

Brisc Rubal:

Asher is the only person who's ever stood me up for the meta show. I'm just saying, it's never happened before except with him.

Asher Elias:

Brisc, I think there was a pretty girl involved, so I don't really feel bad about that.

Brisc Rubal:

Look, I'm not going to give you a hard time about it. I'm just making a point.

Asher Elias:

Sorry, but also not sorry. Machariel Doctrine, so we can get to the fight on time when? Machariels are awesome, but yeah, that's unlikely. There you go, Graticus.

Alright, uh, if you guys have any more, any more substantive questions, throw them in there. I will see if there's any more. I don't want to leave anyone feeling that we didn't address anything that they want addressed.

Is there a ban on or a plan on revisiting the ban on low sec moon drills at the present it's just denying content income for Khanid enjoyers? Uh, not at the moment. Audemed. Um, we're not really interested in having people do solo moon drills at the time being is my understanding. It's something we've discussed a lot.

Apple Pear:

Also, Brave needs moons, like Brave, because they're smart. And Khanid is near them, so let them have a chance to grab those.

Asher Elias:

Barghest Doctrine, please. Would also run Barghest, says Zorgar and Chester Doom. So, did you guys see NC get absolutely smacked around by some ravens when they were in their Barghest fleet and lose like, I don't know, like a hundred billion uh, of Barghests. Uh, our Raven Navys are really, really good. Uh, Barghests would not be the upgrade that I think you think they would be.

Zintage Enaka:

Guys, we have Barghests at home.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, we definitely have Barghests at home with their Ravey Navies.


Also, Barghests are made out of unobtainium now.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, getting a Barghest fleet now is really, really tough.

Like that fleet's basically irreplaceable.

Apple Pear:

Also, also make sure, sorry, when you do Barghests make sure that, uh, Asher doesn't fly on, on, uh, how does he call it? Nestor? Nestor.

Asher Elias:

Yeah. Listen, if you're gonna bust my balls with an old meme, you need to be prepared, Snappy, you need to just get it out there fast. I did, I did fly into, I'm going to be like B Rabbit. I did fly into an asteroid with a Nestor. It did die. It's a pandemic horde, and Karma Fleet is at fault.

Uh, Nightmare Doctrine, uh, says Vassan Kumar. Probably not in the short term on the nightmares. Uh, it's definitely something we've talked about on the fitting team before, but there's no current plan for nightmares, but...

Zintage Enaka:

Asher doesn't want to let me use my 400 BPCs.

Asher Elias:

Yeah. Zintage is invested in them. So he does have a, he does have an interest in it. That more than just it being a doctrine, um, he has a financial interest, but nightmares are not, not impossible. That's one of those things. Like if we announced the nightmare fleet in three, three months or six months, it wouldn't be shocking. It would just be, you know, it's just not planned right now.

Alt-corp tax reduction to encourage skybreaker ratting more? No. That, that's not, there's a lot of negatives about that.

Paladin Doctrine, when? Probably never. Um, Horde spent a lot of money on their Paladin Doctrine, and then they crashed on our Rokhs and broke, and have never used it again. It's a home defense Doctrine for them now. Golden Fleet got melted. Vargar Doctrine, similar thing. Probably Yeah, I mean, Varger is probably more unlikely than a Paladin Doctrine, although it does have a couple cool things. Basically the only large arty hull with tracking and a range bonus, so that is a nice thing about Vargers.


Everyone would love a varger Doctrine, but we haven't justified it yet.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, I would love it. I've been fiddling with Vargers in Pyfa for the last, like, seven years.

Apple Pear:

The fleet that Snipers was talking about will be pinged in, like, the next minute, so if you want to stay here and talk with Asher, that's fine, but.

Asher Elias:

I'll just wrap up. I think we've, I think we've answered all the questions. So, uh, thank you guys for coming. Um, so be sure to stay tuned and we have some exciting things coming up. I will catch you all later.