Fireside Chat Transcript 2024 07 28

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Asher Elias:

Hello, my friends. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. All right. I will make this relatively quick. Thank you all for showing up. We have a lot of people here. We've got, uh, almost 2100 people on comms right now. Uh, the turnout was tremendous, especially after I told you guys, you know, don't, don't, uh, you know, alarm clock for this. I know some of you still did, appreciate that. Still, there will be more alarm clocks in the future to be there for.

So. Here's the quick rundown. Um, about a month ago, I would say we, uh, decided to attack Catch. And so we had a plan, uh, from the start dropping this Keepstar in U-Q, was a part of the plan. Uh, but we decided to start out with, you know, low intensity attacks, um, you know, going in after them. And then, uh, we would go in, you know, whole hog, which we have done now. So, uh, what we have done is we've dropped the Keepstar next to their Keepstar, it is now online. The first time I believe this has ever been done in EVE Online.

Our plan all along and what we are still going to do is to move into this Keepstar, U-Q. So we will be moving immediately after this fireside into the U-Q Keepstar. Our enemies have run away. They are now in the 1P Keepstar. They're in the 1P Keepstar. We will keep pushing forward. They will have to fight us or they will have to run.

They have two choices. Fight or run. We're going to push forward again. We're going to keep pushing it. We're going to get you guys fights. So, bring all this enthusiasm. Bring all this enthusiasm to the next fight. It's going to happen in Chinese time zone probably. See, we will make these guys fight us.

They do not want to fight. They are afraid. Their morale is shattered. We are going to keep pushing. That means I need you guys at timers. We have right now, in enemy space, we have their Sov being hit. We have their Skyhooks being hit. We have their Metanox being hit. You guys need to keep showing up. I know you will.

We're gonna push hard. We are going to make them fight us or we are going to make them run. That is the only message that I want to get across. They will fight or they will run and we will do the pushing. Come back to your fleets, start your move ops. That is all I have to say. I will see you all in U-Q.
