Fireside Chat Transcript 2024 08 10

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Asher Elias:

Hello, hello, hello, hello.

Ranger Gama:

You guys missed the perfect opportunity to pretend you couldn't hear him when you could. We could have fun with that. Disappointed in all you goonies.

Asher Elias:

Goony goonies.

Ranger Gama:

I was gonna say, because he totally didn't believe us last time that we couldn't hear him, so.

Asher Elias:

That's true.

Apple Pear:

And it was not even me saying it.

Asher Elias:

Alright, hello friends. Hello, hello, hello, hello. Got a lot of stuff to talk about. All right. Um, first off, uh, I know many of you already know this news, but I'm going to share with you, um, that our very dear friend, Innominate has passed away. Uh, this is after a long battle with cancer. So, uh, in that one way, um, it's a blessing that he's no longer in pain, but, um, we miss him very dearly.

So, um, There will be, I know the Meta Show is doing something to memorialize him today. And next Friday, we're going to have the official alliance send off. That's Friday night US time zone. [August 17th, 00:30] If you can make it there, um, please do.

Innominate was part of the game from the very start. He was one of the friendliest people that I ever met. And just one of those kind of souls that you feel is blessed with, um, something special. And, uh, I know you've all met that kind of person before where just them being around made your day better. And that's something that, um, is probably the best thing I could say about someone is that just being around him, uh, made my life better. And so his passing is, is very sad.

I know a lot of us have something we can say about him, a memory we can say about him. So if you can show up to memorialize him, please do. Um, if you have not yet seen it, uh, the First Imperial Palace is now the First Innominate Palace. It's gonna stay that way. Um, and, um, I think Kaz, did you want to say something about him?


Yeah, suddenly I can't talk, though.

Asher Elias:

I understand.


Uh, there's like a hundred things to say. Um, When my corp joined the alliance in 2010, of all the people who hung out with us on our jabber channel, and made us feel welcome, there were like two names you would recognize, and Innominate was one of those. Um, I think we got promoted to the directorate right around the same time.

Uh, and a couple of years later, I went to work for this other company, leveraging some skills that a bunch of goons had taught me about web development. And they were looking for a support guy. And I said, hey, there's this fun employed guy, you know, video games. Yeah. In the context of this video game, he's like the most responsible, sober-minded, you know, person I can possibly think of, actually. And that, that's who Noms was in the directorate to me at that time. And, you know, he got the job and that's how we ended up in, in league with Frenchman for the second time in our lives. Uh, and I mean, I, and I was space fired month, months later, this is in 2015, right? I was, I had already stopped playing EVE.

Uh, so if, if you don't know this, for really all of the last nine years that he wasn't battling cancer, Noms was also running a cloud company, right, and helped take that company from what, when he joined it was 15 people to, I think something like 350 now, I don't know the count. You know, at one point he had over 50 people working for him. He ran their entire support department. Um, you know, that that is who he is to be right. Uh, I knew him as, as Brad for all those years and, and he was just amazing all the... You know, you can double all the stuff that you know about him and I just didn't want that to go, you know, without a mention.

Um, you know, we, he did this... I think 10 years ago he would not have told you that he would have gotten the opportunity to go all over the world with a company that was just like that. That's how they were because we were from all over the world and I think he probably died with more stamps on his passport than most people ever have a shot at.

You know, so I just wanted to say that about my friend. That's it. Thanks guys.

Asher Elias:

Thanks guys. Um, if you only knew him from space jobs, he was an incredible person and there's a lot of people in this alliance and outside of it that are hurting because he touched a lot of lives. And that's, you know, in the end, that's what you can say we're here for is, you know, the impact that we have on others. You think about, going forward, he'll have made an impact on me for the rest of my life. So, um, he's going to be deeply missed. He's going to be deeply missed. I, there's, there's no pivot here, you know. We have other things to talk about, and, and, I wanted to spend the time talking about Innominate and how he'll be missed, and, uh, now we go forward with the space stuff.

Alright, um, man, okay. It just, it's just, you know, uh, guys don't, don't you know, do PI and that kind of thing. You know, it, it, you know, the thing is, this is, this is the stuff Innominate loved too, and he ran our, he ran our IT services, you know, he was basically, um, he was basically Goon tech support too, at the same time.

So, um, I'm just going to go forward with what we got to talk about because, um, that was the thing he loved. He was, he loved EVE Online.

All right. Um, let's see. Oh, Siren Swarm. It's, uh, I guess it's spinning back up. It's, it's, it's, it's being reorganized. Uh, Betty Rage is doing something with that. Can someone link the Siren Swarm link, please?

So, yeah, thanks for linking that, Greg, the cyno vigil.

So, yeah, if you're a lady, and you're in, uh, you're in Goons, or you're in the Imperium, I believe, um, as a place to go talk with other gals. And, uh, no, having seen the survey data, I can understand why you would definitely want your own space. It is, we are, we are overwhelmingly male dominated. Um, bro, Sephiroth, come on, man.

Um, let's see. We have, uh, Sniper, do you want to talk about affordable care in some way?


Just had to find my unmute. Um, yeah, so this is for, you know, the people that are here, also for the people that aren't. Uh, we get an inordinate amount of IT support tickets that are about, hey, I don't have an account on affordable care. How do I fix that? Uh, so you fix that by using the right password. Uh, so we have two passwords. You have your forum account password, and then you have your ESA password that you use for Mumble, Jabber, and Affordable Care. So, like, at a corp level, if you guys are hearing people say, like, Oh, you know, I get an error that, like, uh, you know, it tells me I don't have an account. It is old software relying on older software. And the only message that it gives you, if your login is wrong, is your account couldn't be found. So people do have accounts. They just need to use the right password. So it's, it's on a, it's on a list of things that will get rebuilt at some point. Um, but for now, like just help us help your friends, your corp members. Your alliance members, uh, you know, get stuff set up properly and get logged in and get their SRP.

Asher Elias:

Alright, uh, Directors, is there anything else on the agenda that I need to talk about before I get to the big thing?

Apple Pear:

Aside that, uh, aside that people shouldn't loot structures when GSOL or anything is there, when we are shooting structures, uh, we're golden.

Asher Elias:

I thought this went without saying, but guys, if we blow up a structure, that's, that's, that's, GSOL is looting it. Don't loot it. Especially, please, please do not salvage it. I don't know how, how much more to tell you guys this. Do not salvage a structure. Let GSOL do it. Uh, FCs, if, um If, you know, someone's looting or salvaging a structure, you are, you are free fire on them.

Do not, do not worry about that. And I also don't care if someone's showing up in a hauler, even if they're not in your fleet, just verify that they're not GSOL and then shoot them. You don't need to wait till they do it. You just shoot them.

Ranger Gama:

But yeah, that was the whole list there Asher, you can get to your other notes.

Asher Elias:

Alright, cool, okay. Okay, cool, so here is the strategic map. Here's what's going on. Here is something to get hyped over. Um, I know, I know you guys love to pitch tents. So, um, Gobbins has made a huge strategic error. We have now blown up all of their structures that they were, um, catch and then incurs in. And instead of retreating, he has trapped a significant portion of his Dreadnought fleet and of his doctrines in a station.

Talking about an old school NPC controlled station. It is time to start pitching tents. It's time to start camping. For those of you who have never hell camped before, the time is now. Initiative has already deployed. Our allies Initiative already deployed. They have a fortizar off of the station. We are going to go, we are going to bubble and then we're gonna go crazy in this area because they will not be able to undock, they have trapped themselves in an NPC station. It is not like a fortizar, it's not like a Keepstar where you can just pulse a PDS. There is no PDS. There's nothing like that.

So, we're going to take our Ferox Navy Issues, our Dictors, our Hictors, our Logi, we're going to move them and jump clones to Utopia. And all of you guys who like to camp, I want to encourage you to be in Utopia, and stop them from getting out if they ever want to try to get out. If they try to get out, we will stop them. And then we are going to start raging on everything that is in the tantrum radius and beyond because they, they have trapped their own dreadnought fleet, um, in a NPC structure. It makes no sense. It is a strategic blunder of the maximum sort.

Um, they also have a lot of stuff trapped in asset safety because this, this was really poorly done by them. So they have stuff that stuck there for like 30 days. That means that we can anchor bubbles. It means we can Hictor bubble, it means we can Dictor bubble, uh, if you guys have never, if you guys have never Hellcamped before, it is very oppressive to be Hellcamped in. Um, and this is NPC, uh, sorry, this is null space, so there is, there are bubbles, it is not like, you know, a soda factory in Saranen where there's no bubbles.


Yeah, you might be confused, these systems have real names, but this isn't Syndicate anymore, this is still nullSec.

Apple Pear:

Syndicate is also Nullsec.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, but it's not, uh, it's not Saranen is what you mean. Yeah. So, this is very exciting, very, we're, we're happy to do that. We're going to be, uh, doing this camp for at least a few weeks and probably beyond that. Uh, and then we will be attacking, we'll be clearing out all the structures.

Now, here's another thing, guys. There were a lot of people, and I do mean a lot of people, who talked shit and hid behind horde skirts. And they said, you know, our, our diplos would go and talk to them and say, Hey, would you like to set up relations? And they would smack the hand away and say, we don't even want to talk to you. You know, Horde's got our back. And so we're going to see, we're going to see now, let's see how much Horde has your back. You want to, you want to slap the hand away? Let's see if Horde has your back. They don't have your back.


Pretty ironic that they let us Catch them in an NPC station.

Apple Pear:

It's just a Curse for them.

Asher Elias:

It is God's curse to make bad decisions, yep. There you go, Apple.

Ranger Gama:

Wow. The two of you, Jesus.

Apple Pear:

It was just a perfect setup.


This is just an immense war.

Asher Elias:

Yes, well done. Alright, so.

Apple Pear:

And also the funny thing, everything I read from our enemies is that we're going to leave after two or three weeks. I think we are now here for three weeks. So, of course we're going to leave, uh, U-Q partially to further ahead and camp them in.

Asher Elias:

The goons are going to leave after two or three weeks is what they said. Yes, um, they were incorrect. They've made several strategic blunders, several errors. So, immediately after this, we are doing a capital move op for those of you who need to catch up. And then we will be going, with our fleet, uh, to Utopia. We're gonna hop in the Initiative fort, we're gonna leave our ships there, we're gonna set jump clones there. Your death clones are going to stay in U-Q, jump clones in Utopia, and we'll set up the camp there.

You know, Initiative is very strong in EU time zone. Um, so, and also decently strong in the US, but especially in off time zones, we will need goons, we will need Imperium there, watching, just making sure that there's no breakouts. Um, you know, You don't even have to be on the station, you know, just make yourself a bookmark at the undock and sit on the fort in your dictor is totally a viable strategy. We can also anchor T1 and T2 bubbles. Those do take a long time to chew through if someone tries to undock.

So, um, These people are in the middle of a morale collapse and they can choose just to never come back to the station, that's fine. You know, if they want to leave, um, I don't know the exact number, let's say 800 dreadnoughts plus four doctrines trapped in an NPC station while we roam around and destroy everything, yes, we will happily take that. If that is the counter plan, if the counter plan is do nothing while we rage, that is a fine counter plan from them. If the plan is to break out. That's good. If the plan is to come down with the rest of their dreadnoughts that they have in their main station, or sorry, main space, and fight to get their other dreadnoughts out, that's a plan too. Every plan here is a plan that we like.

So, I hope you guys are ready. I know some of you have never, have never got to experience camping an NPC station. This was the bread and butter back in the day. And it is, it is a very enjoyable time to be an EVE Online player when you camp an NPC station. Like I said, no PDSs, no help. You can, you could just undock and that's all you can do. Um, you're also going to have to learn the station aggro mechanics. It's all a little different than probably what you're used to if you're a newer player.

Apple Pear:

Like, if you're scrammed, you can still dock, for example. So, like, there's things different than from, uh, the greatness of Citadels.

Asher Elias:

Doomlord, I would say, uh, Dictors are preferred. But having a Hector is good, especially if they start, like, a breakout, you'd like a Hector.

Apple Pear:

And for Kumi, we must not forget to tell that we have Hictors on contract, uh, on Alliance contract in, uh, the fortizar of Init, in Utopia.

Asher Elias:

So, uh, start hopping into U-Q, getting in your Ferox Navy, uh, get ready. And then if you are part of the cap move op, we'll be doing that immediately. I'm not going to take questions today because we have a lot of stuff to do. Um, but like I said, we guys, we're going to keep it pushing. Um, we, I told you when we deployed, we're going to push until they fight. And this is just part of it, you know, they have been running, their morale is shattered, they're weak. And we're just going to keep pushing, we're going to get them to fight, or we're going to destroy everything. And those are their only two options. So...

Zintage Enaka:

To be clear guys, your caps aren't moving, they're staying where they are for now. Yeah, it's the FNI's that are moving.

Asher Elias:

Thank you for that, Zintage. There is a cap move op to U-Q that was, uh, scheduled. So, that's what we're talking about when we say the cap move op. Uh, just the Ferox Navies are moving towards the fort in Utopia.


Yeah, and just a reminder on cap moves, guys. So, move ops start from 49- now. So, if you want to get your stuff moved in to Catch, uh, you need to join one of the occasional standing fleets. Or, you know, you need to like, cyno yourself to PUIG and then 49-. Work with your corp, etc. But any of the alliance move ops that get pinged start in 49- now.

Asher Elias:

Ben says no carriers for the hell camp? Initiative moved like hundreds and hundreds of carriers. So, uh, there will be carriers available, just not from us. We can move ours. It's only one mid away. So it is not a problem. Uh, if there, if a breakout is tried, it is not a problem to get there at all.

Apple Pear:

And it's not even

Asher Elias:

What we want to keep them from doing is we want to keep them from dribbling out, you know, four or five at a time. Um, and that's what, you know, you can prevent if they try a major breakout, they have to jump clone, you know, it's not, uh, it's not something they can do over and over again. So, um, you know, just keep them from sneaking out, you know, one or two. That's exactly what you do at the camp.

Apple Pear:

And as you noticed earlier this week, like you can just gate in from U-Q into 0SHT-A and then jump from the gate directly to uh, utopia. So like, it's very easy for us to get capitals there if we really need them.

Asher Elias:

All right, friends. Thank you for showing up, uh, in huge numbers to this fireside. Much appreciated. Let's go pitch tents. Let's go camp. I will talk to you on fleets. See ya.