Fireside Chat Transcript 2024 08 24

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Ranger Gama:

So remember, Asher is never late to a meeting because, thems the rules.

Asher Elias:

Yeah. When I'm here, the meeting starts.

Ranger Gama:

I've never actually seen a class do that.

Asher Elias:

You've never seen a class leave?

Ranger Gama:

After 10 minutes no.

Asher Elias:

Uh, I was out of there.

Ranger Gama:

Well, I didn't say a person. I said a class.

Asher Elias:

I would have been a disappointing pupil for you, Ranger. Sorry.

Ranger Gama:

I think you would have like failed you in like two seconds. Be like, Oh, that guy.

Asher Elias:


Ranger Gama:

That weird internet nerd over there in the corner.

Apple Pear:

When I was doing college things, we had two and a half classes, and I was in a half class with all kinds of people from outside the city, basically, that lived, uh, uh, et cetera.

And we were very together, so like, uh, if that, those same things helped, we left as a whole group, like all the time, and did things as a whole group they couldn't control us. They were very happy with us.

Asher Elias:

I, I, that doesn't surprise me, Apple, that you were in a half class with the special short bus. I, I, I kind of figured.

Apple Pear:

Yeah, yeah.

Ranger Gama:


Apple Pear:

But luckily we didn't use buses here, we cycled to school, so yeah.

Asher Elias:

How Dutch.

Apple Pear:


Asher Elias:

Alright. Sorry, Isan, you're not gonna get your, uh, your bingo. Yeah. PP, no one tell him.

Okay. Alright, so, welcome to Fireside. We've had a, uh, very, uh, a very good week. We've been basically consolidating a lot of the stuff that you guys helped us take. Yesterday we had an excellent fight, uh, in Chinese time zone. We, uh, we fought in G-O, um, and, uh, and dunked in G-O. And then we fought in N3, which is in, um, Scalding Pass. Uh, we brought our supers, our carriers. Yeah, today, yesterday, uh, in Chinese time zone, most recent Chinese time zone. We, uh, we, we barely got there for it. Like we could barely get there in time, but we ended up reffing it, uh, had an excellent brawl. If someone can link the BR.

It was, uh, it was quite a good fight. I told you guys we keep pushing and we're going to push till they fight and there we go. We found something they'll fight over. We'll see what we can do and get more fights. That is the plan.

So for Tuesday, we have four. Four fortizar hull timers. Four fortizar hall timers. Uh, one is early Euro, one is US time zone and two are Chinese time zone. So we will have calendar up ups for those in, uh, in a few days, well, not a few days shortly. Uh, so good fight. Good job to our FC team. Well done.

Uh, speaking of good fight, uh, alliance tournament team getting a win over, uh, Test Alliance. Congratulations guys. That's a nice win, and against that squad, I feel like, uh, that's gotta feel pretty good. Good job, guys. Uh, Jenova says, who's Test? They are actually who is next.

Alright, so, we're basically, um, we're, we're, we're continuing to push on the outer edges. We're consolidating what we've taken. So, I want to say thanks to everyone who's been POCO bashing. Uh, we've seen a lot of people on their own initiative just going out and shooting stuff. Nothing goons like more than shooting a structure, and a lot of people are doing it. So, thank you guys for doing that.

While we are deployed, if you want to catch up. Har har, this is Snipereagle with a joke. If you want to catch up, you need to get yourself to 49-U. That is where the move ops start. So if you are trying to catch up, 49-U is where the move ops start. That also means that our enemies are trying to do timers in Delve, and that means CTRL ALT DELVE. Can I get someone to spam that link?

There we go, good job Ranger, that is timely. CTRL ALT DELVE. It's a requirement for everyone in Goons to have an alt in Control Alt Delve. Please get your alpha alt in Control Alt Delve, it is extremely simple. It will take you about 10 minutes to set up. Get your alpha alt in Control Alt Delve and get going. Uh, we will be actively fighting and we have been defending with our Control Alt Delve alts and they're extremely useful.


I had to find myself to unmute myself. Uh, it's not limited to Goons, so Allies, I know you guys joined the Fireside too, you guys are welcome to join as well. Uh, a bonus for Allies, is, there's a lot of people that list things on alliance contract in goons for goon doctrines and uh having that character means you can use that character to grab like GSF fleet doctrine ships off of alliance contract as well so that's another nice little perk for you

Asher Elias:

i hadn't thought about that that's pretty nice that's pretty nice. Yeah so it is what i said is mandatory for goons uh it is obviously not mandatory for our allies but uh you may join and that's a good word there Sniper.

Okay, I want to talk, uh, briefly about beekeepers. Beekeepers is, uh, a group that is here to handle interpersonal relations, uh, between goons. So, um, they will, they're an independent group that will handle your complaint. However, if you have a complaint about blue shoots or crab drama, that is not, that's not what beekeepers is for. Uh, we've had just a high false positive rate where people are going to beekeepers about, uh, like a crab drama or going about a blue shoot and that is an internal affairs thing. That's not what, uh, that's not what we're looking to have them do. So just be aware. I just want to let you guys know about that. Uh, we started that as a as a group about two years ago, and they have handled, um, I would actually say a surprisingly small amount of cases, which is a good thing, in my opinion, that there is a need for them. But if there is, they do exist and they're there for you.

Okay, um, I also want to shout out Gooniversity. Um, they've handed out a record of 303 handout packs in the first month of deployment. Uh, 184 in the war deployment. And that's approximately 3,000 frigates and destroyers. 16 billions in, uh, newbie ships. So, uh, shout out to the people who've been doing that. I want to especially shout out, uh, Calle Amatin and FarosWarrior for being people who are being really good about handing out people. Newbies are the lifeblood of our alliance. If you see a newbie, throw them some misc, give them encouraging word. Learning EVE and figuring out how to play EVE is very hard. The, uh, you know, it's easy to forget if you haven't done it for a while, but the amount of stuff you have to learn to play this game is pretty insane. So if you see a newbie, try to give them as much help as you can, because in a year that newbie will be the person flying the battleship next to you or repping you with logi or giving you links. So thanks to our Gooniversity guys, much appreciated. And thanks to those that were handing out, uh, frigates and destroyers and the newbie packs.

All right. And, um, one other thing I wanted to talk to you guys about other than the fight and some of the updates is there's just a pretty good deal going on right now. If you were trying to plex your accounts, uh, you can get 20 days and a rattlesnake skin or reasonably cool rattlesnake skin for 200 plex in the store right now. So, uh, that is a pretty good deal as far as plexing accounts goes. If you want to get 200 plex, uh, for 20 days, it's much better than, uh, 30 for 500.

All right. Uh, I'm not gonna do too many questions today cause we've got a lot of stuff to do, but I'll handle about ten minutes, five minutes, ten minutes of questions. So go ahead and ask questions.

I don't know if I said bucks or plex, but I meant plex.

MJ- when? Uh, unlikely in the near future.

Hikari, I don't know what you're asking. Um, if you're asking about like a super or something. Please wait for a fleet.


Rothan, I see your future plans question and I raise you a bingo square.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, Rothan, that's a, that's sort of a future plans thing right now. It is something we are actively discussing though.

There are two deals. The one in the in-game store is the one Asher is talking about. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.

Uh, we have some caps stranded. Okay. Yeah. Um, we could probably move them once the move op gets there.


Yeah. We'll, we'll get those after the move op.

Asher Elias:

Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense.

If we were aiming at capital PVE, what is the future? Waiting for the end of the deploymnt, moving our crab, crab quals out to catch, uh, probably moving them out, Hotology. So that is a future plans thing, so I'm not going to say for sure, but um, I think we're going to be here for, I would say, at least six weeks, I would say. So, um, once we get a little more settled down, um, when there's a chance to that happen relatively soon. I don't want to make any commitments though. So, yeah. Um, I'm super excited about college football and Georgia Tech did just win against Florida state, which is a huge upset.

Do we have any plans for Stain? Are we allowed to do stuff in the region? So generally we have no plans for Stain. Um, the Stain Russians live there. We, we have relatively good relations with them and we've had relatively good relations with them forever. We, we essentially stay out of their space and they stay out of ours. That's kind of how Stain works.

Can we move to Tribute? Um, yeah, probably next month. That seems like a good idea.

Apple Pear:

Make sure if you want to crab in stain, you read the rating rules before you do that, because there's specific rules about that.


The ones that tell you not to, yeah?

Apple Pear:

Yeah, those.


Saved you a click.

Asher Elias:

Are we taking Impass? Uh, there's not a plan for that currently. Like, Impass is kind of in the middle of nowhere, um, so. It's not really a thing we're looking at right now, but. Uh, who knows?

Taranak asks, if we've been living under a rock, same places to go and catch up as usual? Yeah, so we are staged in U-Q, Keepstar in Catch. If you need to move out there, go to 49U in Delve, and we'll move from there.

Can we go slap Goblins back to the Stone Age? So, like I said, uh, Hakari, that we are going to keep pushing until they fight. Uh, we had a great fight only some hours ago, and we're going to keep doing that. Essentially, that is the current plan. Uh, I am all about getting you guys action, getting you guys fights. I cannot control if they'll fight, but I can control us pushing. And, um, they either have to give up stuff or they have to fight, which is what they did last night. We'll keep doing that. Uh, we don't control the time zones. I know some of you guys say, Hey, can we get EU? Can we get US? There are stuff to do with EU and US. Uh, but you know, we can only, they control when they fight. So, uh, you will keep pushing and get, take the fights that we can get. We will indeed push it real good.


Jaxom, we have those scheduled every week after the fireside. So yes!

Asher Elias:

4thtime lasttime asked how the Alpha Fox doing. Is it Alpha Ferox? If that's what you mean. Uh, they're actually doing great. That's Control Alt Delve we've been talking about. And we've, found a lot of use for them.

Apple Pear:

Yeah, we had a few FCs stepping up to do that. So, uh, thank you very much for doing that. Take those flets out and defend stuff in Delve. Uh, just watch out for it. And, uh, make sure you have the Alpha ready to go.

Asher Elias:

Patrick asked about moving stuff from Utopia to U-Q. We've already done that, Patrick, but we'll try to get another move up going so that people who have not moved yet can move back.

Hikari asks about a 1DQ Titan. Should you let the sub die? I mean, it's useful for control, for control alt delve, but that's really up to you. For 200 plex, you can keep it running for 20 days though.

Yeah, we defended a bunch of stuff in the last week. Uh, they have basically made no progress in their annoying attempts. Like, that's what they're attempting to be is annoying, but it's not working.

Uh, Locusty asks about, um, Armat and Angels. Yeah, go over to Tenerifis or Immensea. And go spend it on something to do. Yeah, that's, that is the answer to the question.

Booty smackarack. Yes, we did say we will do another Utopia move out back to U-Q. Those are relatively easy to do.


Faros. His name better not be on the bingo card. I haven't seen it.

Asher Elias:

Yeah. But yes. Ragnar, that is such great.


I probably, I probably butchered the fuck out of your name, bud. And I'm sorry. Uh, but yeah, Aoife or however you pronounce his name. Uh, he does a nice job with the, uh, the fireside summaries.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, we, we've shouted out Aoife a few times.

Uh, Sonny asked about any more finance available to talk after the fireside. There's a finance channel that you can join. Here's someone wants to tell them the Jabber channel.

Uh, Justin, I don't know the answer to your question. I'll, I'll see if, uh, someone can answer it for you at some point.

Have you heard anything from CCP about changing the SovPower stuff? So, Futility, I'm guessing we're gonna hear stuff from CCP probably in October about what the plans are for the November patch. So, I would look to hear from them around then. I think that they're gonna be ending their vacation pretty soon, so maybe we'll see some stuff before that, but I don't know.


Yeah, there were some comments on reddit about maybe some kind of updates around skyhooks towards the end of this month

Asher Elias:

As far as an anciplex, we need to have 35 days of continuum of SOV lavatine, so That's, uh, that's the holdup.

Uh, 4thtime, you can rat in Delve, or you can come rat out here.


So metanoxes can be anchored in wormholes, but the, the like, profit margin on... there's only R4s in wormholes. The profit margin on that is pretty slim. It is still profitable, but it makes you like, 3-5 mil a day. The, so the metanoxes give you the raw Moongoo, actually. Uh, and not the ore. And so you don't get any of the pyrite or mexalon from R4. So the value of R4 from metanox is greatly lowered.

Asher Elias:

All right, cool. That looks to be about all the questions. Thank you guys for coming. Uh, we've had a busy week last week and we're going to keep on going on this week. So thanks to you to everyone who's showing up for fleets, control alt delve, uh, fleets in U-Q and then more fights, uh, in further out in space.

Appreciate you guys. And I'll catch y'all next week.