Fireside Chat Transcript 2024 08 31

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Critical GEZ Structure Update:

Asher Elias:

Alright, hello, hello, hello, hello. This is going to be a quick fireside because we're in college football week, or season now, so I got things to do.

Ranger Gama:

And what he means by that is his team is kicking off in a few minutes and he has to go and watch them. I won't say lose because I don't know anything about them.

Asher Elias:

I mean, yeah, that is exactly what I mean, actually.

Ranger Gama:

Um, and the fact that none of you responded with the hand egg ball thing, I'm disappointed in you, uh, European Goons.

Asher Elias:

Cause they know that it'll trigger me and then I'll start talking about it. There we go. Emp, Empanuse is my man. Try being a Purdue fan. Yeah. We got a couple of those here. Isn't Kiritar one? I'm pretty sure Kiritar's one.

Ranger Gama:

Ha! Oh BP, that was cold blooded, man.

Asher Elias:

Alright, we're gonna get rolling real quick. So, uh, if you missed it, we broke the N3- system in Scalding Pass. That was, uh, basically the southern-most jump bridge for Horde, uh, and so we snapped that. They have, uh, some of their people have, uh, have already began retreating to the next system back. Um, this is becoming a, a normal thing for them. They've become an expert at move-ops. These people know how to run a move-op so much better than we do. You know, they say practice makes perfect and, uh, they're killing it with this practice right now. As far as us, we're going to keep pushing.

Um, I have done one change to fits. Our Phoenix and Phoenix Navy Issue, we have added rapid torps. So if you have ever wanted to HAW your way around in a Phoenix or Phoenix Navy issue, we have those coming on right today. And you can add the rapid torps to either fit. I know Zintage has some terrible plans to do with them.

Uh, some of you have been asking, you know, can I rat in Angel space? And to that we say yes, we have Myrmidons that are fit for Angel space for sale in U-Q. So if you want to rat in that Angel space, uh, from U-Q and go over there, you are welcome to do so. We have Myrmidons for sale uh, in U-Q that will, that are fit out for Angel Space.

As far as our military plans, uh, over the next week, we're gonna keep pushing. I keep saying this and we keep doing it. Uh, and they keep falling further back. So they have a lot of people that they made promises to, either implicit or explicit, about how they would defend them. And, um, they're not really living up to that, or they're living up to it in a very, uh, very half-assed manner. So we're going to continue to push, uh, we're going to continue to, uh, attack their space, to try and fight them. Uh, we've seen them tell their members that, uh, they're going to fight, uh, and then not do it.

So far, uh, their, their response apparently has been to leak a, uh, uh, a channel that most FCs have access to. Um, that like a low grade channel leak has been their number one response so far. So, um, haven't really had much fighting from them, but, uh, we will keep pushing. That is the goal right now. We have a move up right after this. So if you want to get, uh, all the best Gooniversity leaks, that is essentially, essentially more or less what happened there, Ankh.

We're going to move-op right after the fireside and I am, I'm going to end the fireside today. We're going to do a short one because I have to be a college football degen. So I will see you all next week and I hope you all have a lovely week.