Fireside Chat Transcript 2024 09 07

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Asher Elias:

Took me five times, but I played the game where I unmute myself as it scrolls down as everyone joins. Got here.

Unknown Speaker:

You don't just like, hit the search button, and then type your name, then right click on your name?

Asher Elias:

That sounds really smart, I had no idea about that.


The future is now, old man.

Asher Elias:

I like to play the game. It's like a click roulette game. Yeah, yeah, click roulette, yeah. I've definitely unmuted some people before that didn't realize that he could have talked during the fireside, some random goon.

Ranger Gama:

So you shouldn't talk about Sniper like that.

Unknown Speaker:

The next thing, next thing that will happen is he learned that he can search for a channel and press enter to join it.

Don't tell him that.

Asher Elias:

Wait, what?

I'll say it, yeah, quiet Beyond.


If you, uh, control F mumble, you can search for a channel and then click join it. How do you think Recon jumps around that quickly?

Asher Elias:

Whoa, that's sick, dude.

Unknown Speaker:

Type a person's name too, and you can join their channel. Yeah.

Ranger Gama:

Yeah. Yeah, they'll show you where they are.


Stop sharing the Recon secrets.


Welcome to the, uh, Mumble Tips and Tricks Fireside.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, yeah. I've done that for Discord. EVE reddit before, so. Alright, we're filling up. Looking good. Okay, so if you have questions, uh, you would join the channel Elysium on Jabber. Elysium on Jabber. And we'll go from here.

Um, alright, first off, uh, I hate to do this, but, you know, this is just how it is some of these days. I have to announce the passing of a fellow goon, a member of Balkan Kings, Zloguk Oprezni. He was a member of Goonswarm for 11 years. He was an amazing guy who was confined to a wheelchair due to an unfortunate event. And, uh, You know, had a courageous battle and passed away, uh, recently. He was a PB player and a guy that a lot of people respected. So we want to say, uh, RIP to him. We'll be doing a cyno memorial after the fireside for him. And, um, so rest in peace to him. /

And also, um, CCP Pan, a member of CCP, uh, passed away after a battle. So, uh, rest in peace to her as well. It's, uh, a rough day and, you know, we have to say these things more and more, but we want to remember our fallen members. So, uh, we will remember those too.

All right, uh, let's go ahead with business. Uh, I got a lot to talk about. Um, a great fight last night. Sniper, do you want to talk about that for a while?

I know you were involved in that and it was pretty awesome.


Sure. Yeah, let me, lemme grab the BR real quick.

Asher Elias:

I can paste it.

Go ahead.


I, okay. Uh, yeah, so we had a, we had a real fun fight in Otella in Pochven last night. Uh, friendly fleets. We had Alterarri with a Bee Foreign Legion fleet of nightmares. We had. Uh, Tetra and Arcadios running a Flycatcher fleet. Uh, we also had Killer and Totality Squad in Tornadoes, which, as is customary for running Tornadoes, you have to wipe your entire Tornado fleet at least once, and uh, Killer successfully did that. Got, got bombed by some other Pochven residents. Um, but yeah, we had a really good time. Uh, it was one of those fun fights.

We, we didn't really third party. Like we were, it was everybody versus FRT. Uh, Horde didn't show up. The quote from Horde about it was, uh, fuck Pochven. So. I guess, uh, I guess Mittens is in Horde now. Um, but, but.

Ranger Gama:

Damn, dude.


Um, but yeah, so we had a great time. Uh, we heard from some friendly neutrals that, uh, you know, this fight was going to happen. FRT was going to go totally bonkers. Um, and they did. Like this BR, you know, if you look at it, is, you know, like fairly equal numbers and one side is basically just FRT. Um, but yeah, so we had a lot of fun.

Asher Elias:

Can you describe like the, the pause and then coming back and that, that was really cool. Yeah. Yeah.


Yeah. Yeah. So the timeline of it,

Asher Elias:

it was to kill an astrahus, right?


Yeah. This was about an astrahus. So obviously it's just an astrahus, but you can no longer anchor structures in Pochven. So anything that, any citadel that exists in Pochven, once it dies, can never come back. Uh, and so, you know, it, there was a fleet, there was one FRT fleet on grid to start with. The Flycatcher fleet butchered that fleet pretty good. Then they had other stuff come in. Uh, everything from FRT on grid died, and there was 6 percent left on the Astra. Um, they managed to get on in, yeah, 6 percent hull. And they managed to get back in with another, like two fleets worth of dudes. And they just absolutely entered into this thing.

Asher Elias:

They dive-bombed it, yeah.


Warped in a giant sphere to it. They didn't worry about repping people. They just had everybody put their damage on it. So it did end up dying. Uh, and then it, they're like an abandoned structure as well. So big loot pinata at the end. Um, but yeah, it was, it was a great time. Uh, And, uh, yeah, anybody that managed to join, I hope you enjoyed it.

As far as why they cared so much, so a lot of when, when systems got thrown into Pochven, uh, you know, it was during, during the Great War, or I can't even remember what we call what, but the war of 2020, right. Um,

Asher Elias:

World War B.


World War B. Okay. Um, and so, you know, at the time it was, it was lots of, you know, high sec people and low sec people and whatnot, kind of pushing these systems. And so naturally, um, ones that were close to Jita got pushed in. Uh, systems that are close to Jita are also close to Vale. So you can, you can't light Cynos in Pochven, but you can like Blops bridge out. So I have a feeling FRT cared about this so much because it was on the side of Pochven that has like range into Vale and you can drop people out of, so.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, so there's, you cannot anchor another one, and then once it's destroyed, it's destroyed forever. Um, yeah, so, actually, like, I'm, I'm incredibly impressed with FRT paying the iron price for that objective, you know, I could never see, I could never see Horde doing that, like, so I actually, like, my, my respect for them just went way up watching them, you know, you know, because in the end, no one's going to remember, right, that that loss, you know, a month from now, but that structure will be dead. And that, that was, I was like, wow, that is, it is impressive. Like these guys earned a lot of respect for me. So it was really fun for us. We got, we got a fight. We almost defended it actually, which I don't think anyone expected. Uh, but they came in and they swarmed it and they finished it off. So that was, uh, that was a great fight for us and impressive from them. Uh, you love to see people paying the iron price in this game. I guess, I guess some people are finally learning.

Zintage Enaka:

I believe the term that got used was the gooniest of our enemies.

Asher Elias:

Yeah. I mean, that's not necessarily wrong. Um, yeah, so speaking of, uh, paying the iron price, although this one wasn't necessarily it, uh, the U-Q Keepstar Killmail finally populated.

It's on Zkill now, so if someone wants to throw that in the channel. Uh, but if you were part of that operation, you can now see yourself on the Killmail. It's now credited to your character. Um, Came up after a month, uh, and someone actually sent me a pretty funny thing, or I think it was actually in Elysium where they noticed that to the month in 2021, we had killed a TEST keepstar in the same system. Which is funny, I think that we had killed the TEST Keepstar 2021, A Horde one in 2024, both in U-Q.

Zintage Enaka:

On the same grid.

Asher Elias:

On the same grid. Yep. Exactly.

So, um, all right, moving on from that, uh, I wanted to say a thank you and a shout out to Boris Agnon. He has been our sort of IT, um. Dev manager for a long time. He's been winding down over the last month and today he's a officially stepping aside. He's going AFK, um, uh, and taking a well deserved break. Um, and then Sopleb is taking over. So thank you to Boris. Uh, if you could chat him at this channel, he's one of those people that's sort of an unsung hero. You know, these guys are often people that you don't interact with very much, but they are extremely important to the Alliance. And as an alliance leader, you get to know them very well, and Boris is a great dude. So, uh, shoutout to him. And, uh, like I said, well deserved break. Uh, he, he may come back, uh, he may not. Here's another thing I appreciate. A lot of times in these video games and stuff like this, you get people who get tired, but don't admit it. Right. And he came and he said, you know, a while ago, Hey, I want to start winding this up. I want to start passing stuff over and I really appreciate someone who does that. So shout out to him. Uh, he's going to, he's going to maintain the server fund. He's not going away. Um, he's not like leaving channel. So because of the way the Patreon works, if we moved it, it would cancel everyone and you'd have to redo it, which is a huge pain for everyone. So we're just gonna have him, we're gonna have him continue to run it. Um, And if he, if he decides that he wants to go just totally, like he wants to totally retire from the game, and from any involvement, then we'll move it. But we don't want to do that until, uh, because it would be a pain for everyone who's, who's doing that.

Yeah, Hoover said spacework people are the real hero, you are correct.

Okay, so here's an important announcement, and if someone could post the, uh, GEZ update, please.

Um, if you are a supercap builder, um, yeah, you need to read this. If you're a supercap builder, you need to read this. Basically, everyone is having to do this. We are having to do it as well. The way that the power, uh, under the new system is going to be does not align with where GEZs are. So, we are going to We're going to have to shut this down. We're giving you guys plenty of notice. Check out in the thread if you have builds, uh, in right now. And I believe you can even start a build right now if you wanted to. Um, someone can scream at me if that's incorrect.

Unknown Speaker:

That's incorrect.

Asher Elias:

That is incorrect? Okay. So finish the build you got going now. And they're going to be shut down. There's plenty of notice here, but, uh, um, basically CCP is forcing us to do this. So, um, if you're a builder, this applies to you. If you were not a builder of super caps, uh, it doesn't matter.


I'll, I'll throw in some fun, uh, why we're being very intentional about this on the tail end of that. Uh, so hostiles are doing the same things, like, uh, but of, of note, uh, Gobbins managed to brick a Revenant that was in build by switching the I Hub early, and so, uh,

Unknown Speaker:


Asher Elias:

I hadn't heard that.


Somebody in the Horde had a Revenant in build and, uh, you know, just basically got it thrown away by, uh, Gobbins clicking a button.

Asher Elias:

Oh, man. Oh, man. I've made some mistakes clicking it. That's a pretty rough one. That's rough. Literally deleted by Gobbins. Thank you. Thank you, chat. Literally deleted by Gobbins. Crazy.


Rip Madcow's revenant.

Asher Elias:

Yeah. Yeah, that was very streamer like, Mitko. Um, okay. Uh, I think that's everything I wanted to talk about. You guys got questions? Go ahead and ask them. I am, uh, I'm happy to answer them.

War update, GeoRich. Uh, we're rolling right now. Um. Are basically in the area of consolidation. Uh, there have been fights like going on, uh, every weekend, but, uh, you know, it's slowing down, um, it's basically consolidation and, you know, taking control of areas.

So, um, not the most exciting war update, but it's part of a war.

Apple Pear:

I think an important question for everybody is, is how was your handball game you went to last week?

Asher Elias:

Uh, dude, for all you guys, for the Gators, dude, Miami crushed you. And I was, I've had a great week. Can't be knocked down. I put too much storm. I'm in my college football team, but it's okay Thank you to everyone who said who rooted for the Gators in the chat. I hate y'all. All right


So do you like them so much because they're sponsored by Crocs?

Ranger Gama:

That was a weak sniper that was that was not good.

Asher Elias:

A shout out to shout out to CAD We are doing a lot of alpha in Delve, uh, defense, so if you do not have one, please get it done, um, it is really simple to have your Alpha account, and it is, it is mandatory if you are in Goon Swarm Federation.


Yeah, and of note on that, just some, some quick housekeeping, so the ships are on contract to the corporation, so like, there's, it, it is helpful to have some Omegas available, like you can't fly a Dictor on an Alpha, and, Uh, I don't know if you can fly boost if you can they're not super effective. Um, but the the main line of that ship should really be characters in the alpha corp getting the ships. Uh, there are cormorants on contract if you look at corp contracts for that corporation. So you need to log in that character. Okay, well if it's not true I will go look and we will fix that after this, but the last time somebody told me there wasn't stuff on contract, they were not correct. Um, but yeah, we have this program for a reason. Uh, it is for alts to sit in 1DQ and be ready to join fleets. So you don't have to, you don't have to death clone, you don't have to jump clone, you log in a character. You have a ship already, you join a fleet.

Apple Pear:

And if you must use your Omega account that you have in Delve, just drop it out of your Corp and have it join the CAD Corp. Like, if that reads.


No, just make an Alpha. It's really not that complicated.

Apple Pear:

I agree.

Asher Elias:

Alright, yeah, so, By the way guys, if you ask to get a bingo, that's not a bingo. That's not how it works.

Um, Okay, so dictator Imperator says that our enemies, are they desperate? I see them post tons of drama that made people forget we steamroll them and then another person asks, uh, Anna says any comments on the leaks related to finances? Are we doing better now than in 2023? So, um, I was watching in elysium and in fleets and I didn't see anyone talk about those leaks. Um, but, Turns out what I've been saying to you guys is true, that when I took over, we were in a really terrible situation, uh, like legitimately very bad. Those leaks are over a year old or about a year old. Um, we tightened belts, uh, we raised incomes. Um, they basically leaked me, like there was a, they specifically clicked saying like, you know, I want us to be fiscally prudent, which I don't, I didn't understand that leak. Like to me, that's the sign of good leadership, but I could be wrong. Maybe that's the sign of me being bad. Um. Like a couple, like a month ago, uh, the leak, you know, was that Asher doesn't listen to anyone and this leak was that they yell at each other too much. Um, and I just want to say that, you know, I want every person who thinks that they're, you know, uh, you know, I want every A type personality, everyone who's a swinging dick that thinks they're, you know, God's gift to intelligence, and I want them to say what they think. And so behind closed doors, we yell at each other, like, you know, uh, it's basically, we yell at each other, we come to consensus and then we come out, talk to you guys, we're all on the same team. That's how good leadership should work in my opinion. Um, you know, if you want to see the sausage getting made, you can look at like the, the worst clips that they could find and then, um, you know, Obviously some out of context, but basically we have places where we have frank assessments of people's capabilities. We have places where we're like, you know, I agree with my idea. My idea is the best. And like, no, my idea is the best. Then we then we work it out. We hash it out. We agree on something. We move forward. But, uh, as far as those leaks go, you know, we don't sit in, in, you know, Illum and in our channels singing Kumbaya and we certainly, I certainly don't suppress people, which was, that was the thing a month ago was that I suppressed ideas, uh, now, and that's never been the case. I want to hear your idea. Eventually decision has to be made. And sometimes I'm going to decide, you know, not doesn't go with a person who has an idea they like. That's also just how it goes.


Um, hey, everybody, I'll add a little color on the money topic. Uh, so I think the one screenshot that I specifically saw was, I think, from last May or June. Um, and it is true, we spent a huge amount of money to win the war. That put us massively in debt and we have been dealing with that ever since. That's that's a reality that everyone actually did know, even though we don't always talk about it. Um, but things have changed dramatically since that screenshot. We spent the rest of last summer clearing out all of our ESS reserve banks that belong to CONDI. And almost all of that money went towards paying back the original bondholder. So, right now, our overall national debt is, I think, down by about a third compared to where it was after the end of the war. A ton of that has been bought back in principle.

So all of the original war bonds are closed. If you happen to be sitting on gamma and sigma bonds and you haven't heard about this, I have your money right now. You can come get it. So that is all that's all done. We've completely refinanced. Um, and we did, we spent a lot of money on that because that was the right thing to do. And it was our money. And those people came up big for us during the war. That's why we won. Um, so it is, it's all part of the same story. We are trying to be fiscally prudent now and going forward.

Asher Elias:

My, my real life experience, uh, it involves a lot of fiscal responsibility. And, you know, when I came here, you know, I brought that to the leadership role. And to be fair, a lot of our team wanted that as well. So we're in a lot better position. Um, I'm, I'm much, much happier than we were before. I've been telling you guys this on here before, so I don't think it should be a surprise. Um, You know, that was something that, uh, you know, that's, um, I, it's really important to me in real life and I have brought fiscal responsibility, but in space. Like it's not sexy, but it's, it's where we want to be. Right.

Um, and so, you know, here's the deal. There were some leaks involving individuals and allies, and I've gone to them, and I've apologized, and I said I'm sorry, and, you know, I view my job as, I am indebted to you guys, like, I am in your service, uh, and so, when, when, like, something like this leaks, I go to someone, and I eat shit. I'm like, I'm sorry. It's on me. It's my fault. I am the professional shit eater. If another leak happens, I'll go and do it again. Um, you know, and I'll say, sorry that that happened, but since I've taken over, you know, I am the person who's happy to say, hey, we need to tighten belts. We need to cut the spending. We need to get ourselves in a good place so that when I'm done here, we can say this, that this alliance, this coalition is in a much better place than when I started, right?

Um, so that, that is what is important to me. And I don't really care if, uh, if people want to paint me as being, you know. I don't know. I don't even know what the painting is, but I can't decide, right? Is what? Yeah, right, right. Yeah, I guess it's swap back and forth. So if there's future leaks, I will go and apologize to other people. Um, but I think it's, I think it's pretty obvious that, um, whatever has happened, you know, they, they are going to grab the stuff that tries to make it look the worst in the least amount of context. Like there was some stuff I said in there that was, uh, very much without any of the surrounding context. So, uh, that's my response to that, basically.

If you've got other questions, go ahead and throw them in the channel and I will answer them. I might have missed some, so just go ahead and repaste them if I haven't answered them.

When might the Storytime by Asher book be available? So, yeah, I'm working on a video, Pearl. Um, basically, um, when I took over, there was a document. Um, Tuzzy ran it for a while. No, sorry, not when I took over. When I joined, there was a document. Tuzzy wasn't running it then. This was well before then. But it was this history of Goon Swarm. And we had it on the wiki, and I really enjoyed reading through it. So, uh, I'm working on a video that'll be from my start. Um, and just basically, uh, sort of like my oral history of Goonswarm history, and I'll be releasing some interesting stuff. Uh, my script's basically going final, uh, in through 2015, and then I'll be working on the next one. So we'll get this one done. Uh, a certain person here has offered to help me edit it to the video, so that's cool. Um, so look forward to that maybe in the next month or so. That might be a little too soon, but something like that.

Uh, shit eater, oral, yeah, if you had, if you had sexual innuendo, bingo, you're, you're, you're living good right now, you're eating good.

Realistically, do we know who is behind this agenda? PH or ex goons? I mean, um, I think, Locusti, that we're seeing this because we are doing well. And as well, like we have done this before, when things haven't looked that great, we will release some spicy stuff. They've been sitting on this for a year, right? So you have to ask yourself, why would this come out now? Obviously, they think it serves some purpose to release it now, right? Why would you release it now, rather than a year ago when you had it? They've had it for a year. So, um, they're doing it because something is worrying them. And I think you guys can figure out what that is.

Will there be something to look for each type of ore upgrade system, are once we transition. I hope, Chase, that they put that in the game, um, but I don't know the answer to that.

Any place in particular that needs more ratting to reinforce in Catch? Uh, true. I don't know if there's a particular system, but anything below ADM would be good. There are not some upgrades.

Will we be setting up POCOs in Catch or is that future plans, um, duck? I think that we will, but, uh, I'm not 100 percent ready to be quoted on that. Like, there's, um, You know, there may be some other alliances in the Imperium that will be moving into that space. So, um, you know, we're gonna, we're gonna play that by ear for now.

Cassador asks, if I want to super rat home while we were deployed, is that a smart idea? And how quickly can I expect to lose it? Yeah, we're definitely seeing some more supers. Um, you know, and we can talk about it here, Cass, but, uh, won't listen. The people who, the people who need to hear this are not listening, right?

Um, those people are not hearing my voice, so it doesn't matter. I don't, I don't ever pull my hair out,about losing their own supers. I have been playing this game for too long, and it's always happened. You could not make people be smart. It's impossible.

Apple Pear:

Sorry, I was thinking like, uh, I guess they're falling asleep to your voice and don't hear us anymore.

Ranger Gama:

Ouch. Huh?

Apple Pear:


Zintage Enaka:

Wow, that's pretty weak, Apple.

Ranger Gama:

Yeah, that wasn't a good tier.

Asher Elias:

I have heard some of you freaks watch my stream just to fall asleep.

Apple Pear:

Yeah, that was a reference. I tried to reference to that. They fall asleep to your voice and not hear anything you say.

Asher Elias:

Yeah. I'm gonna set up a Patreon right now. So if you guys are following asleep with my voice, I expect to get 69 cents right to my account.

Unknown Speaker:

Bet. Send the link.

Asher Elias:

TLDR, are we super broke? Uh, no. We're not super broke. We're in a pretty good financial position Boulder. Um, compared to where we were before, we are like, just like a thousand times, um, Better and I'm much happier than we were before. You know, we were very much in a rebuild, you know, when I took over, um, I don't think people really understood how much, and I didn't want to advertise it. Um, I didn't want to advertise it.

Someone asked me a good question. You know, if, if we're in such a bad financial situation and these guys know it, why aren't they having trillion ISk fights with us all the time? Um, you know, FRT is obviously willing to throw their money in, but other people appear not to be. So that is a curious and interesting question. Um, we are happy to have those kinds of fights. So, um, you know, we were rebuilding. I, I wasn't really shouting it from the rooftops. Uh, now that we're not, you know, we have gone past the rebuild. We're in a good, we're in a good place. We're certainly in a better place fiscally than, I can ever think of, um, even compared to like Rorqual era, as far as the Alliance's readiness and preparation for potential war or disaster.

Yeah. And CCP is working against us and in the Rorqual era, we had a lot of money, but we had very little. And we had no fiscal responsibility. You know, we were, we were living paycheck to paycheck then. And it's kind of insane when you think about how much money we had back then, that we spent it all, but we did spend it all. We spent more than we had, which to me, uh, I can't live that way personally. And, and, and I can't live that way in a business I run and I can't live that way in a spaceship Alliance I run.

So, um, where was all the money going back in the day? That was a wonderful question. I might address that in one of my videos. Um, So, but yeah, it's, um, it's a, uh, we're in a, we're in a very good position.

Ranger Gama:

Shameless plug on that. We are going to have a Kazanir on for a special history of goons form tomorrow at 1800 guys.

Asher Elias:

Oh, that sounds cool.


The, the, um, yes, this is the annotated version of book two, all about my time in the clusterfuck coalition. So if you don't know anything about Deklin, man, will you hear things?

Asher Elias:

Are we in catch? We're living. Yeah, uh, Bosha says, are we in catch where Alliances come to die forever? For those returning from holiday, do we keep moving caps in? Yeah, Bosha, uh, we're going to be here for the time being, um, so we're, but we're not here forever, no.

Any suggestions prepared for scarcity 2.0, asks Quajviper. M. E. R. seems to be showing material prices almost on par with scarcity 1.0. So, I, I think the material prices are so high because CCP is injecting, um, a lot of ISK, but they have made mining relatively harder. So there's more money chasing less material. Um, which is, you know, not a great thing. Uh, that's up to CCP though. They they're like Pochven is insane right now. Um, the way, the way that Pochven prints money is stupid. So, um, I'm hoping they can balance that. We will see. We're going to, we're going to set ourselves up, uh, once this patch comes so that we can mine and get material effectively, that is our goal.

Pochven Casino War when? I mean, can we invade Pochven? Yeah, I don't think so. No, you guys can make money in Pochven. We definitely make a lot of money in Pochven.


Yeah, if it's not clear, we, Pochven is accessible to us. You can go do stuff there. We don't need to invade it.

Zintage Enaka:

Go join Totality Squad.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, like if you want to make money in Pochven, you can do that. We actively support you doing that.

Unknown Speaker:

Did you hear it, Asher? I think Atrum is laughing.

Asher Elias:

How was the SOV test in Sigma? Yeah, so Sigma's been doing a lot of research and they've given us a lot of information. They've discovered a lot and, uh, you know, shout out to like, H Dub, uh, to Sepades, like, their leadership groups and everyone over there, uh, who have given us a lot of information that has been super useful. So, we are definitely incorporating that information into our plans for a post patch world. Sigma has been great allies, and that's right Beyond we, we, we really appreciate them. So, uh, they're good people to have around and, you know, it's nice to add friends, um, to our group and it's nice when they, you know, live up to the faith and trust you put in them.

So, and we've seen a lot of that lately, you know, we've added a lot of people, you know, since we went up north, uh, to. Defend B2. We, um, you know, we've added a lot of people, uh, and, oh, I think I should talk about this now. I should. The 4-AB Dread Fight. So, basically, um, this is a, oh, there's a couple, there's a couple things that are open source now that I can talk about.

Let's talk about discord first. There was a post on Reddit about a week ago where they leaked a lot, a lot of discord flaws. And if you guys have been like, you guys have been asking me for a long time. Now that, now that it's, it is open source Intel, uh, you should see how leaky discord is. Um, we're not declassifying. This is stuff that other people have done, uh, have, have released. So, um, interesting post about it. It didn't get as much traction as other posts on the Reddit, but it was about how they can get Intel off, uh, off discord. Obviously we knew nothing about this. Uh, our guys were just as shocked as you guys to learn about it. But, um, you know, there is, there is a lot that you can get off discord and discord is very, very vulnerable. So if you've been wondering why we use Jabber, uh, that is the reason.

Um, 4-AB. So that was a dread brawl. We, we did not want to be involved in it at all. Um, there was. But what happened was essentially the B2 leadership team at the time had, was just burned out. They were crispy. They were, they were burned to a crisp. And so they did the like, let's open the marriage type thing. Let's have an open marriage that, you know, you know, that last gas before you just admit you're getting a divorce, they were ready to quit, but they threw in at a, at a bad fight fight because there was only two results. If they lose, then they're done. And if they win and we, we've saved it. It's a miracle. Right. Um, so we went into that 4-AB fight and we had, we had every opportunity to not jump in. Um, but you know, what I've told our guys is we would rather die with our friends, uh, than live alone.

And so we jumped in knowing it was a pretty bad situation. And obviously we, we, in private, we were venting about how bad it was. Um, but you know, that was, we would still go and take that fight with our friends rather than being like, boy, that was dumb. Can't believe you did that. Um, and I, I, I stand by that kind of mentality. That's an attitude that I, I would rather have. Um, If they're going to go down swinging, we'll go down with them. Uh, loss of a dread fleet, that thing was replaced very quickly. And so it was not, it was not an issue for us. And in fact, I think it was probably, it probably ended up being a positive. I think just using dreads, even if you losing them in a, using them in a losing fight, uh, goes a long way to getting more dreads ready. And, um, That's, I think that's important.

So, uh, basically that was what happened with that 4AB fight was they threw in at a bad situation, hoping for a miracle, we couldn't pull it out. If we'd had more dreads, I feel like we could have done it, but we didn't at the time and we knew it. Um, so, uh, like I said, go down swinging with your friends rather than live alone.

And that was the end of B2. I mean, they lived for a little longer, but I think everyone knew that was the, that was the, the, the final moment. Yeah, we still want Dreads. I mean, that's, Dreads are still extremely important. So yeah, good point, Eagleclaw. I have not really been hitting Dreads that hard lately, but, uh, they remain an extremely, extremely important thing.

All right. If you have any other questions, uh, I think someone sent me one on Mumble. Please go ahead and join the channel Elysium on Jabber and send the question in there. I don't check the Mumble once we ask, answer the questions in Jabber on Elysium.

I've been told that I have a chance to trade my Phoenix to a Phoenix Navy. How is that? Um, there is a program for that. Maybe someone can find you the thread.

Any upcoming sports ball? Uh, my team's playing, but they're gonna win Sapphire, so I'll be watching myself, but it's okay.

Is there any need to train carriers at this stage, says Wookinator? So, I'm actually pretty high on carriers, Wookinator. Uh, this has been an internal discussion that we've been having. Um, I'm pretty high on them. Some of our other team isn't. I think that they're, you know, and I try to go with consensus. Um, I think that eventually I might just go through and say, hey, you know, executor decision, we're doing carriers. So, I think training carriers is probably a good idea that there could be a chance we use them relatively soon.

Apple Pear:

We have used them in some fights. Yeah. So, I love them.

Asher Elias:

We could use them in a more active role than we currently do.

Apple Pear:

Yeah. So yeah, I love more carriers.


With that, I think we've got some timers to address, so.

Asher Elias:

All right, cool. Uh, we also have a cyno memorial, and I'm, uh, Yeah, I'm gonna answer the question, what is the current preference on Dreads?

Zirns, Phoenix Navies, uh, Rev Navies, those are all Dreads that we want. Zirns, Phoenix Navies, Rev Navies.


Don't worry guys, the list changes every time you ask.

Asher Elias:

I still like that list.

Okay, thank you guys for showing up, much appreciated. I will see you all next week. Have a wonderful week.