Fireside Chat Transcript 2024 11 30

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Asher Elias:

All right. Hello. Welcome to the fireside. Sorry for the late start. We had a long meeting. Things are going well. A lot of stuff to plan for, though. Also, we've got a hard network out for this meeting because I got a football game to watch, so.

Apple Pear:

Also, we're going to do a move up directly after this meeting from 49 to 4-07, so if you have stuff there, get ready and don't be late.

Asher Elias:

There you go.

All right. So, uh, first of all, I just want to convey that, you know, we're, um, doing very well. I, uh, I've been keeping my ear to the wire, listening to all the chatter from our enemies, listening to everything like I normally do. And, uh, you know, they're starting to realize it, uh, it's, it's, it's dawning on them. So just, just so you guys know, I know that you don't get to necessarily hear, uh, this stuff, but they, they are starting to realize like, maybe we fucked up, which has been very satisfying.

So I want to shout out, uh, I want to shout out all these, uh, these kills that happened, uh, in Chinese time zone, uh, someone linked these mails, uh, a bunch of you asking how they fucked up, uh, how they fucked up was by just letting us move with, uh, no resistance and having a plan of not fighting for the space and then coming and taking it back after we leave. Uh, that was, uh, that was a giant miscalculation. So, uh, and then let me shout out to these mails. We got a, a Ragnarok, uh, an Erebus, a Revenant, a Vanquisher, uh, an Azariel. Um, I think that was the, all the big ones.

So, um, Those were some, some excellent kills that happened. I believe it's two nights ago now. Oh, there was a Komodo. Yeah. All right. There you go. Komodo. Can't forget the Komodo. Check out the battle report. Uh, congrats to our guys. That was, uh, some of our Chinese time zone guys, uh, dropping dreads and killing Titans and good stuff.

Uh, John, do not worry. I'm going to get to that too. Also wanted to, uh, shout out Lawn for baiting out the second Python kill ever with an Orca, uh, and a Vexor. Congratulations. Getting a Python kill is awesome. Good job. Fantastic. Um, what you got?


I wanted to comment. I had a, I had a happy moment noting that while we were not the majority of the people on those Faction Titan kills, pretty much everyone on those Faction Titan kills, while they are not in the Imperium today, both of those alliances used to be in the Imperium at one point, and that made me smile.

Asher Elias:

We found a use for the orca in null. Indeed.

All right. So, uh, updates on, um, Locust Fleet. The first full frack will be in the first week of January. So that will be, if you guys are waiting, that'll be like sort of a turbo mining moons like we, uh, like we used to. So that's going to be one weekend of just maximum moon destruction. So, uh, that'll be starting in January and then, um, and then going forward, uh, once a month after that.

Uh, mercenary dens, your corporations should have info for you tomorrow on that. So, uh, look for info tomorrow on mercenary dens and then, um, yeah, Locust will be back to its namesake, indeed.

Uh, as far as I told you guys, um, you know, we do not have any plans for major, uh, activities as far as, uh, you know, invasion or deployment or anything like that in the next month. Um, and we don't have any plans beyond that, but I'm just saying that the next month is definitely locked in. And, uh, but we are seeing an uptick in fights and, uh, poking and prodding enemy space, uh, that is intentional, and we should be able to see more fleets that, uh, result off that. We've already had some excellent fights going on, and we've been fighting, uh, in enemy space, and doing very well. Uh, especially all things considered, you know, when you talk about having to use the available transport methods and them having absolute capital advantage. So, uh, things are going pretty well in that front. Uh, keep watching for strat op pings, that's important.

We do have, uh, Imperium standing fleet is now up. And that has been running for about a week at this point. I would love to see more people in that. It's been running pretty well. I've been hanging out in the fleet some nights and listening and participating in some of them, and I think it's been going well. It could definitely use a few more people, but there have been lots of kills and just activity. And if you don't get to participate in standing fleets or have not done it before, I'd recommend it. It's a good way to meet people, to have fun, and to spend your time while you're playing this game.

Let me go through my list here and see what else I got. Yeah, I think I've gone through everything that I wanted to hit. We have a pretty short agenda this week. We had a lot of, like, a lot of discussion and meeting, a lot of, uh, important, you know, organizational stuff going on behind the scenes, which is stuff that you guys do not need to be bothered about. So, I will open it up to questions. If you've got questions, throw them in here, in Elysium, on Jabber, and I will answer your questions to the best of my ability.

Benjamin Hayward says, Do you think Frat and Horde will actually reset each other, or do you think it's just gas from Gobbins? I think, um, I think that their standings will change. Uh, that's as far as, uh, where we go with that.

Dark glitter rule when, says Supermagnet. So, um, I mentioned this before, we are watching, um, the Ice Belts. Please mine the entire Ice Belts. We do not actually want to have to implement a rule. And we have seen a dropping of people cherry picking since I mentioned it last week. Please continue to do that if you guys can do this voluntarily, it would be very good, uh, rather than having to implement a rule.

Have we considered using Covop Lokis as a cheaper SIF alternative, especially for Standing Fleet? That's not something that's under consideration right now.

Who's going to win the football game? Hopefully Miami, that's what I hope.

When will we be able to claim the available moons not already assigned? Uh, I can't speak to that, I don't know if that's actually a plan.

More den info please, uh, tomorrow, Xaveri Dosha.

Yeah, I'm watching the, I got the Clemson game out on as well, JTaylor.

Asher, will Horde FCs get reprimanded for actually attacking Frat? I mean, I have no idea, I know what you're getting at. Uh, we'll see.

How are we doing with installing Skyhooks in our new space? Good question, Carrick. Uh, I think we're pretty much done, or almost entirely done.

Which one is better, Yellowstone or Landman? Is this like a TV show question, or? I don't know what Landman is. Yeah, how dare you? Apparently I'm not knowing something.

Cassador throws me a softball and says, Where's the best place to show thanks to leadership for all the hard work they put in over the last two months to make our new space fucking siiiiiiiick? Uh, here's a good place leadership is listening. Uh, if you, uh, guys want to, if you see someone who's been doing a lot of work or that you want to shout out, send them a message, DM them, they will not get mad, I promise you. And whenever someone is doing work for you and you send them a message of thanks, they will always appreciate it. One of those things I had to learn in life was that it's never wrong to say thank you to someone and to, uh, spend your time messaging them.

Is Yellowstone and Landman a TV program? No, Yellowstone's a TV program. I don't really watch TV. EVE mail me is a good place to do it. Uh, it will be handled within the next three to four years.

Brodog says, 85 percent of our space is fully upgraded. Final 15 percent will be slowly rolled out.

Oh yeah, Secret Santa. If someone wants to link Secret Santa, that's a good point. Yeah, there we go. Good job, Miren.

J. Taylor says, My daughter started August 15th at St. Thomas in Miami on a lacrosse scholarship.

We're in the Tampa Bay Clearwater area. Big Miami Canes fan and Dolphins. Uh, St. Thomas Aquinas, the high school? Cool. If so, it's a great school.

Zoe signed up for Secret Satan instead of Secret Santa. That is a common mistake.

Is Asher the 23rd best FC in GSF or has he risen up? No, Asher has dropped.

Alright, Tajani says, a dumb ratting question. Oh, well you've come to the right place then. With Havens being the only content Stormbringers and smart bombing Machs can now do any considerations, is that designating certain systems to, uh, Stormbringers, SmartBomb, as over BS ratters, similar to how, uh, so, Dai, we do not have that under consideration right now, um, it'll, it'll be something that we could consider, but, um, I, it's not on the agenda currently.

Apple Pear:

I assume there are enough havens and etc. In Catch, etc. that you can do it where no people are.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, that's kind of the thing that we're thinking about, is that, you know, the, uh, There are systems in the outer area that can very well go to that, and my guess is that people want to be doing it in Impass or Tenerifis, which is less likely to be happening.

Um, what can we do to keep making Gobbins rage? Yeah, that's, that's forming up, Nateguy. That's all you gotta do.

Um, will repro and copy research structures get improvements over time, i. e. Tataras and, Tataras and Athanors? Um, I believe, yeah, that is something we will be doing over time. Uh, we are not anywhere near done with our economic zones.

Is there a progress report on the, uh, the GEZ setup? How much is complete? Um, it is not complete. I don't know the exact thing. You know, that's a Kun'mi question and Kun'mi is out for the holidays right now.

Emnar is throwing out a preview or a, sorry, an advertisement for Faction Bees. That's a good, uh, advertisement if you're interested.

Why doesn't Horde form? Uh, Horde will form. They just would like to form, you know, uh, on the highest, um, you know, benefit to them and when they're at the least, uh, danger. That's sort of their raison d'etre. So. Expecting that. As Beyonce says, blue dunks or hell balls.

Alright, and by the way guys, I just want to let you know that as American Thanksgiving has now passed, it is appropriate to play Christmas music and put up your Christmas decorations. So if you're wondering when, now is the time.

Mad props to the Beehive FCs. Yeah, Beehive's been great. Uh, we have seen, uh, a lot of people running that. And if you guys want to be making big money, uh, getting yourselves into a beaconing ship and running it under the beehive is a great way to do that.

Christmas skin for the UALX Keepstar. I love that idea, Sapphire. Let's, uh, I can make that happen.

Sheila, uh, I don't want to share that right now.

How's Lending Bee doing? Um, very well. We're looking at some new programs, so if, uh, if you guys are looking to get cash, we can loan it to you at an extremely, extremely low rate. We're looking to free up more money. Actually not free up, just give them more money to loan out.

What's your favorite Christmas food Asher? Now we're, now we're in my wheelhouse, you know, a Christmas ham with some mashed potatoes. Ah, delicious. Little honey glazed ham. You guys know what I'm talking about? You have a nice Crescent roll right before that. Are you hungry? I haven't eaten yet today. Oh, yeah. I, I usually I'll get some nice like sourdough bread and make some sandwiches. Toast the bread. Is it weird to glaze yourself? I actually think that's a requirement to be the leader of GSF.

Did you sign up for Secret Santa Asher? If so, we will gift the Imperium to your giftee. Uh, I would not curse anyone with that. I haven't signed up yet, but I'm going to.

I put some leftover baked ham into the skillets to get some char on it. And it was amazing. I feel like, uh, I feel like fireside questions often devolve into talking about movies and or food. Have you guys noticed that?

Gaziantep says, well oiled space empires is leadership's constant weekly gift to all of you. What a nerd.

Apple Pear:

Like, like talking about Die Hard being an obligated Christmas movie.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, we will get there. We're not there quite yet. We need a couple more weeks before we can start talking about Die Hard.

Asher, is there a plan for Imperium wide SRP? Uh, there is no such plan. Each alliance handles its own SRP, and it is very, extremely unlikely that that shall ever change. Uh, the reasoning there is very simple. Each alliance gets taxes from its own members, so it'd make sense for them to do their own SRP. You know, a member of another alliance that's out of Goonswarm Federation doesn't, uh, pay anything into Goonswarm's pocket, so it would be just a straight loss and then transferring the tax onto Goon Swarm membership to, uh, SRP another alliance.

Yeah, we should do a Christmas Watch Party. By the way, guys, I am going to ping this out. I am going to do a Sumo Watch Party. Um, potentially tomorrow. I will ping it out when it happens. So, if you're interested, we're going to watch the last days of the last bashos tournament. I have not seen the results yet, so, uh, I'm sure many of you have not as well because you don't watch sumo. But, uh, I think that could be a fun thing to do.

Any updates on the DC? I do not like the terminology you used there. But, uh, their ESI compliance is increasing, Ragnar. So, um, you know, if you, you can still, uh, report to a, a Goonswarm Federation Diplo, um, if you see them ratting outside of their space in your space, um, I shouldn't say your space, in Imperium space, but, um, their ESI compliance is increasing and that's, that's what we desired.

I like Sumo because it's nice to see folks fatter than me be athletic. That is probably a thing that a lot of, uh, a lot of goons like. Um, there was this, uh, one, there's this one wrestler, Hoshoryu, he is a Mongolian guy and dude is ripped. He is jacked and he's put on probably, you know, 60 pounds, which is like what? 18 kilos. No, it's like 28 kilos. Um, and it's funny because he was totally ripped dude. And now you cannot tell, you know, he's added fat over it, but it was, it was interesting to watch him because, you know, he's ripped it's just under a little bit of a little bit of fat. We learned that Zoey is four pounds, which sounds unhealthy, but you know, good for you.

Are there any more plans for more anciblexes in Impass, says Farrell. Uh, so no, there are no more plans. The way the new Sov works is essentially we have rung out every single Anciblex that can go into Impass. So, in most places, without a serious restructuring of our space and then also lowering the amount of, like, ratting, mining, and other things people could do. So, it is unlikely that there will be more jump bridges. This current network is likely to be the one that we'll have for, uh, the foreseeable future. Yeah, we are putting another jump bridge in, but not in the way you might be thinking.

Have the rules on Merc den maintenance been decided, says Sapphire. So, yeah, so, tomorrow. Uh, watch for info from your corps tomorrow, and there will be a lot more info then.

Is there any plan for the Beehive expanding out of impass if we get more people in Beehive? So, if you're talking about two zones, there's no plan for that right now. Uh, we have expanded the Beehive radius a little bit since then. So, uh, we've already expanded it. Uh, another zone is not currently in the planning.

Can you comment on the need for more people in Capswarm? Uh, you know, people can always join Capswarm. I don't feel like we actually have a, you know, Uh, a need for it necessarily, but, uh, um, in the sense that we have plenty of people in Capswarm, but it's always welcome to have more people join. And I think as people see the income making opportunities that you can get from running a dread in Beehive, we will get more dread pilots just joining Capswarm naturally.

Apple Pear:

And after you have a dread, get a carrier, because carriers are very useful also.

Asher Elias:

Mm hmm.

Any updates on new doctrines? So we have been in the lab. There is one potential doctrine, uh, coming out in the next few weeks, but that has not been locked in yet, so I'm gonna say maybe.

Are the PvP Dread Priorities still the same? Yes, they are. We want, uh, Zirns, RNIs, and Phoenixes. Those are our top three. Uh, Phoenix Navy Issue, Revelation Navy Issue, and, uh, Zirnitra.

Uh, your Thanatos is actually useful, yes.

Apple Pear:


Asher Elias:

I mean, a regular carrier, not a supercarrier.

Apple Pear:

And if you have a supercarrier, please get a regular carrier for your supercarrier alt. So you can also join normal carrier fleets, because those are a thing.

Asher Elias:

Is CAD going to be moving their staging? Uh, yes, that is going to happen in the near future.

Is there any plan for more mining upgrades in Impass rather than ratting ones? Uh, says Isaac Heisenberg. Uh, there is no current plan, Isaac. We are going to watch and see what happens with, uh, with the, uh, MER first, and then we'll make decisions after that. So that should come out in the next week or so I'd imagine. And then we will, uh, we'll take a look at it. We'll calculate, and then we might move it around.


To clarify on the CAD thing, uh, we are going to reposition them in Delve. They are not leaving Delve.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, good, good call. We will just move them to another system in Delve at the appropriate time. Uh, Zintage says Impass was basically built to be max mining anyway. Yeah. We try to put a lot of mining in there. I think that. Basically, uh, this may be a thing where people don't realize that, uh, Ooh, Clemson might come back in this. This might be a thing where people don't realize that, uh, there is a CCP limit on this, essentially. And, um, and, you know, that we are working with what CCP has given us. It's not a thing where we don't want to give you more mining. It's a thing where CCP has basically locked in mining into certain systems.

Um, Elchris says, question, in Querious, as a Rorq, if I start mining, should I get a Delve911 if I get tackled? You should not use Delve911 if you were in Querious. Uh, you should talk to a local alliance there. If you are, uh, like LAWN, or in DC, or IGC, whoever it is, that, that would be the person who would be responsible for saving you, or Brave, as they all have space there. Delve911 would be if you're in, um, space closer to the Eastern area.

Game time. Catch y'all later. Good one. See you next week.