Fireside Chat Transcript 2025 02 08
Asher Elias:
Hello there, ladies and gents, how y'all doing? Yeah, Mortifor, I'm gonna, I'm actually gonna talk about Locust Fleet since we're doing it right now. It seems to be going very well. Ahunta Thor, thank you. That is, as I would expect from a parasocial, much appreciated. Listening to the fireside while I do my taxes, well, that's like double punishment. Rip, very unfortunate for you.
Alrighty, let's get going. First off, I want to talk about Ctrl Alt Delve. We have a need for Ctrl Alt Delve. It is a requirement. I know many of you have it. We have people going into Delve to fight Brave again. So it is likely that they will start being used very soon, if not immediately. So, if you do not have a Control Alt Delve Alt. Please click the link that will be kindly provided to you very soon and make an alt there. It is free. It is easy. It is simple. It takes you about 10 minutes. So, it is something that is important. So, Control Alt Delve Alt. Make one if you don't have one. And we do not have Control Alt Tenerifis or anything. We have no cats right now. Just Control Alt Delve.
And we're going to be working over the next couple weeks to restage that to E3OI. Brave staging just makes it easier to have a market stocked and, you know, resources available for fleets. So we're going to get some fleets listed on the calendar to get to get those moved over from 1DQ.
Asher Elias:
And, uh, Sniper, if you could do everything you say with a slowly opening door behind you, that would be ideal. There you go.
GSOL buyback. Uh, we are doing a GSOL buyback. The Corp projects in the GSF Trading Post Corp. Someone will drop a link, there it is from Delta. Sell your stuff to GSOL. Everyone wins. You get, you get ISK. We get stuff. It's a win win.
And speaking of getting isk, right now locusts are out there mining. We have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people sucking down croc off all the premium moons. We have many, many moons, so this is like the first full frack, if I recall correctly. And there's a lot of, a lot of material to be mined. And it looks like there's enough to satisfy everyone, which is something you guys may not have heard before, but when it comes to moons, it is available.
Apple Pear:
Yeah, there are many moons to go and many moons to go.
Asher Elias:
All right, Apple, that was not your best work. But you've had a couple good ones lately, so we'll dismiss it.
We want your money, give us money. Server drive, we are looking to increase our storage. We've definitely had some like issues with basically our servers running out of memory and we need to increase that amount. We've also just had just the regular fall off of people from the last server drive we did about a year ago. So if you have a little extra cash in your pockets and you want to support the swarm, this is the Patreon. It would be much appreciative if you would sign up for it. A little bit a month goes a long way and really helps us get keep our services running. So if you like what the Alliance does for you, if you have fun in this game and you have a little extra money in your pocket, please consider donating to the Patreon and the server fund. \This is a very important thing. It keeps literally all the services running, and it is essentially the backbone of this alliance. So it is very important, and I cannot speak about it enough. I will be bringing it up the next few meetings, but if we get a big sign up today, I won't have to, and that would be very pleasing. So consider going out there and giving us a little money. Every dollar you put in is put into infrastructure. We don't use it for other stuff. We don't have, you know I don't get any whiskey or whatever out of the server fund. It is strictly into buying shit that helps the empire run. And one hooker a year. All right, you're right. I do not know if we have an option for a one time payment. I'm not sure about that Hasturvich.
I wanted to address something else that happened this week. There was a former DC Corp that we shot their structures. I just wanted to explain the situation briefly to you guys. So they were engaging in real life harassment and amongst their Corp Discord and other places, it was out in the open. So it wasn't like a hidden thing. It was something that was known or should have been known to their members. And we actually absolutely will not tolerate that kind of thing. So if you're wondering why we were shooting blues who became former blues, that was the reason. I'm not going to really address it anymore, because I don't want to put any fire onto that flame. But that is why we were doing that. And it's certainly something that we will not tolerate.
And let's see. I think with that, that's everything I wanted to hit. So as far as that goes, so you guys got questions, you can throw them at me, I will be happy to answer them.
Yes, indeed, shoot blues, tell Vile Rat. You can still send Vile Rat an email if you like. If you shoot a blue, and you want to get SRP, you can message Vile Rat.
Locusti says, we're starting off with a serious one, but how much will the Eagles win the Super Bowl? Man, it is, it is a rough rooting thing, Locusti, but I am rooting for the Eagles just because the Chiefs are so odious. So, I'm just tired of them, so I guess I have to root for the Eagles.
I keep going quiet, I am not sure why.
Ranger Gama:
Dramatic, I think it might be you, man. I haven't noticed it with Asher.
Asher Elias:
You have not, or you have?
Ranger Gama:
I have not.
God damn it, Ceema.
Asher Elias:
Did he already make something? That is impressive.
Ranger Gama:
Oh, that's a good one.
Asher Elias:
Basically all our servers are on a rack somewhere under a mountain in a compound. So if you're wondering where that stuff is, it is basically in a bunker. It might be Mount Cheyenne, but I'm not certain about that.
Thanan asks, can Rorqs not in Catch rely on Delve911 during Locust weekends? I Would say that you are less likely to be saved. So I would probably avoid Rorqing over this weekend while locust is active. It's probably less likely to be saved So be careful and I would probably just take the weekend off from doing it in during a locust weekend, which is only once a month.
Cassador that's a good br, I'll look at it a little later and give you more details.
Asoc says remember to click the panic mod on your Rorq. Yeah, if you see a carrier, immediately panic. You see a carrier immediately panic. Don't wait for anything. Just if you see a carrier on grid and you're in a Rorq, just hit that panic button and then call for help.
Apple Pear:
Do the same for like basically half for, if you see the, how do you call it? The redeemers, et cetera, with that new bot thing. That cenotaph, yeah. I mean.
Asher Elias:
No, you just save your, you save your Anci for that one. That's what we're advising people. Don't panic in real life. It is hard. I mean, you can always tell the first time someone gets dropped. They're out there, they're hyperventilating and then there's the person who's been dropped 10 times and they're like, yeah, they're on me.
I believe we have a move up next week. Is that right, Sniper?
Yeah, we're gonna do a 49- gate crossing. We'll have a cyno chain up afterwards for getting stuff back to UALX. So, yeah, if you or your corpmates, your friends, etc. have stuff still in Delve, make sure you get it 49- before the fireside next weekend.
Asher Elias:
I don't think we have an Irmalin op scheduled right now. Those are a little harder for us to run, but we hear the two of you asking for them.
Brady says that he has some spare servers. You can message Sopleb with that info and, uh, he can take a look at it. I am not, uh, I am not the point of contact for servers.
I like that story Beyond. Are you in panic? A little bit.
Juuls if you still have a dread in U-Q, like, that's a single mid back to UALX, so you don't need to move up for that.
Asher Elias:
I think what Cassador said here is actually a good advice. If you've never been dropped and are new to using capitals, get a friend to fake drop on you by warping to you, light a cyno, and go through the steps in a Discord DM, Delve911, etc. Build up some muscle memory. I think that's really smart. You know, just get yourself prepped. And a lot of it's just, you know, mentally being prepared for that kind of thing. I know it sounds like, oh, I won't be worried, but for whatever reason, you just, the adrenaline gets flowing and people, people make mistakes. So preparing yourself is actually a pretty strong idea. A good idea.
If you have a carrier in Aridia, Mortimer, I think you're going to need to take care of that yourself.
Any potential deployments? Yeah, we're looking at things right now. I wouldn't say that there's anything in the pipe this week.
Tim says that, uh, EVE Online shaking hands is a real thing, even after every 12 years. Yeah, I think that adrenaline rush is real for many, many people. I basically have to choke myself to get a rush from EVE at this point.
Thoughts on the Luka trade, man? I don't want to talk about robberies on here. That's insane stuff, man, that Luka trade. I thought it was like a joke or someone got hacked or something. As an aside, the trade guy, you know, the guy who reports all the trade stuff? I always thought, because I only read it, I always thought his name was Shams, but I just found out it's Joms.
Anything about that Ishtar Doctrine that was for like two fleets? So, Willow, I like the Ishtars. I know Arkadios is running them. It's not like an official doctrine as far as I know right now. I don't think we've adopted it. But it's something where, looking at it, we like it. I don't know that it's going to be happening as an official thing or maybe just every now and again thing.
Sirhan Blixt says, if you have a panic attack while playing, drink a non diet soda afterwards. The adrenaline dump burns up all the free sugar in your body, and that's what causes the shakes. Fruit juice works just as well if you aren't a soda drinker. Yeah, I don't drink sodas myself. I don't know if that's true, Sirhan. Is that accurate? I mean, that sounds accurate.
Ranger Gama:
It is.
Asher Elias:
Ranger Gama:
I can tell you all the biochemistry behind it, if you all really want to know.
Asher Elias:
Ragnar Schwartzkopf says, I just finished coitus with my boyfriend, what have I missed? Is Sniper doing well, Ragnar, or what?
So, back on Rorqs for a sec. There's a, there's a ping target that you guys might have opted out of, that's called opt-krab. And if you're out krabbing, I would recommend you don't opt out of that. If we see whaling fleets coming out, we ping to that. So that is a good thing for you to pay attention to. And if you opt out of that and could have benefited from the intel, then I guess you deserve it.
Asher Elias:
Good word there. Rose asks if we can do a goon's cookbook. That has actually been done before. So, I mean, goons with spoons existed. And so I, but I think we did a cookbook before.
Do you prefer a burger or a pizza? Tariel, I would say the pizza is my preference of those two.
Ranger Gama:
Isn't the sauce too spicy for you?
Asher Elias:
I have literally had that problem before.
White pizzas only.
Asher Elias:
Who would not? Goons and spoons existed before. And I think having it come back again would be a good thing. Asher, if you were the GSF god, who is the Pope? Wouldn't it be Maximilian Singularity VI? Isn't that literally, like, wasn't that literally Space Pope? Wasn't his title?
Ranger Gama:
Asher Elias:
What happened to that guy? Is he still playing?
Ranger Gama:
I don't think so.
Asher Elias:
There is a website apparently. Is this like a, should I click this or am I getting Cassadored here?
Ranger Gama:
No, it's a real, what the hell? That is a real thing.
Asher Elias:
Wow, that's great.
But do I want to click on it, is the real question.
Asher Elias:
Yeah. As an aside guys, like, I don't know if any of you guys are like me, where you drink sodas and then you just stopped.
I mean, I'll still have like a Coke every now and again if I'm like at a dinner and I get a Coke or something. Does it taste like cake or like candy when you haven't had Coke for months and then you have one? And you're like, how did I drink this like once a day or more often?
Ranger Gama:
Yeah, it's super sweet with the sugar.
Asher Elias:
Fucking delicious, yes.
Super synthetic, no thank you.
Asher Elias:
Listen, if you, yeah, if you guys are, if you're still, you know, on the I drink, like, soda every day kind of thing, and you just stop for a while, and then taste it again, you'll be like, wow, this is like a lot sweeter than I remember.
Mecca wants to know how you taste things with your nose.
Asher Elias:
Oh, yeah. Listen, I am from Miami, so, you know, not wrong there. How do you think UFC so well? Tariel, the answer here is, you know, Coke made with cane sugar is just way better than the high fructose corn syrup Coke. It's not close. So, here's a tip for you if you're an American. Obviously, if you have a Costco membership, which you should, you can get Mexican Coke there, which is cane sugar. So, yeah, you get your Mexican Coke, but here's a lesser known one. A lot of you know about Mexican Coke. If you're in an area with a relatively high Jewish population, around the Jewish holidays, like Yom Kippur, you can find Coke, and if you see Coke that has a yellow bottle cap, like the yellow cap Coke, so Rose knows what I'm talking about, that is kosher Coke, which means it is made with cane sugar. So if you have an area, so like New York, South Florida, I'm sure other areas, maybe Chicago, places that have relatively high Jewish populations, they will do that and make kosher Coke, and you can find it with a yellow cap. I don't know why they picked yellow. But, that is kosher Coke with cane sugar and it's not advertised that way. So there you go. So there's another Coke trick for you. This is the Coke fireside.
Yeah, Tariel, both, but when am I going to join the locust fleet myself? Probably not currently. I haven't mined for a little bit.
Yeah, Coke does pay way more than Kirkland, unfortunately. Atrium. Yeah, that's another good tip, Heidi. You can just go and get the rotisserie chicken from Costco. That thing's a loss leader. They're selling it at a loss or at no profit, at least. And you can use that chicken for, you know, soup. You can use it for a salad. It is great. For some quesadillas. Whatever you want to do. Good, good thing mythos. Or pithos, sorry.
Good for you. What is the Moshmaster story? It's a good story. I don't think it's a Fireside story, though. But next time we're in a fleet, ask me and I'll tell it to you. Alright, so we've basically devolved into Cocaine and Coca Cola Fireside, so I think that's about a good time to wrap it up. Yeah, chicken, of course. I mean, I, you know, uh, when they say, like, goons are thirsty, they actually mean they just want a Coca Cola.
Cassador asking about Dreads, Zirnitras, Phoenix Navies, Rev Navies, those are the Dreads we want.
I have my required PAPS, yeah.
Alright friends, I'm gonna wrap the fireside up there. Thank you all for coming. I will see you all next week. You guys have a lovely week.