Fireside Chat Transcript 2025 03 08

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Asher Elias:

All right. Hello. Hello. Hello. What's going on? What up, Wilhelm? How you doing? Mifune, we talked about this. Your real dad is out buying milk. Don't worry about it. Yeah, we got the locust going. I've been watching that Dragon. Did you guys miss out on your parasocial relationships? I'm sorry. I'm back now. All right. Yeah, someone asked if we're just gonna be talking about the economy. No, we will also be talking about fighting. I did indeed get headshot, they all came around to whore on me and let our raven navy's waltz out. So it was an ideal trade. I do not mind that.

All right, let me go through what I got in the agenda here and then I will talk to you guys about whatever questions you got.

Ctrl Alt Delve, skill book packs from Gooniversity, if I can get the link dropped here, if I can get the link dropped here, these are now available, if you have a new Ctrl Alt Delve alt, you can get these skill books, and, get them right there.

Reddit says I'm angry, I missed that, that's amazing. They know me so well.

Uh, give me one second guys, I gotta send a message here.

Ranger Gama:

And Beyond, you linked the wrong thread there, man.


No, I didn't. I just knew you would link the other one.

Ranger Gama:

Yeah, whatever.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, he was just testing you, of course. Alright, I got a message here from Heidi that scouts are recruiting. Scouts are people who sit in enemy space cloaked and heavy breathe as they watch them move back and forth, and they are very important. So, if you like to sit in enemy space, heavy breathe, and then help destroy them, scouts are recruiting, and we would like to have you watching them and heavy breathing. Please sign up for scouts. Did I sell this very well? I think so. They like to watch.

Okay, give us your money. We are short a little bit of money for a one time upgrade to our servers. I'm going to get a link dropped in here. If you are willing to do a one time, there you go, Sopleb has dropped it in there.

If you can do a one time donation, this is not a recurring donation, we have our recurring cost for our server fund, which we have a Patreon for. A couple of you have mentioned that you would like to have a one time donation option. This is it. We need to just get over a small hump for our server upgrade. So if you want to do a one time donation to the cause, please click that and donate it. I believe we are short something in the realm of 100 dollars now, so we're not talking about a lot of money, you know, if one daddy warbucks wants to come in and drop a hundred bucks, it'll get us to that number and everyone will be happy. Thank you all for the help. We can definitely use the upgrade. The server, is that like website jabber and mumble? Yes, yes, this is part of the issues with mumble. It's caused by our current server and setup, and this is an upgrade to fix that kind of thing. Yeah, if we do end up getting Goon rushed, we have a couple kind of stretch things that we would like to do, but 100 dollars will put us over what we need to do.

All right, and moving on, tonight, 0315, which is technically tomorrow in EVE, but it's tonight for those of you in America number one time zone, we have a hostile fort to kill. If you were around yesterday, yeah, yesterday, we took a fight, we were outnumbered, pretty heavily at the start. Rage formed and eventually evened the numbers but not quick enough to pull it back, which was fine. We wanted to get you guys to fight, you guys have been asking to fight, and it was one of those things where offensive fighting just requires you to be ready for every fight. They can just take the one that they want, and they did. To their credit, this was one where they actually did not gloat on their pings. They knew that they had us heavily outnumbered at the start, and we did end up with the numbers, but too late to pull the fight back. So, you guys are looking to fight. These are happening already. Please be showing up on the fleets that are being pinged. We have taken a hell of a lot of structures already, and there are more to take. So, that will be what will be happening in the foreseeable future. That's short term, we're talking weeks. Questions about what to do next, that is long term plans and that won't be talked about here. But right now we're taking structures, we're taking fights, and there's a potential one for 0315 tonight. It could be blue balls, we don't know. We will blow up an important fort either way. And we are planning a, also in the short term, another very interesting fight for you guys, so keep your eyes peeled. These will mostly be U.S. time zone for the moment. Keep your eyes for an exciting fight opportunity that we will be pinging about.

Lerraine, I cannot set their timers, so don't boo me, boo them.

Apple Pear:

Just know that the Americans have been very angry at the Euros always getting fights, so giving them a few fights is totally worth it. Maybe they stop oppressing us other ways.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, that is true. The Euro time zone has definitely been getting more fights, so it is nice for the American time zone to get some fights in the short term.

And last thing on my agenda that I wanted to talk to you guys about was incursions. We are getting way more incursions. It's a great way to make money. And, in fact, Incursion Squad has adopted a new nightmare doctrine, which is a pretty slick doctrine, and it's actually a really fun way to run it. So, if you are able to run a nightmare and you want to make money, they're making over about 200 million an hour is the potential to make in a nightmare. So, it's, it's a really good way to make money because you can fill your wallet up when an incursion hits and then you get two weeks off. Right. And that includes the LP I'm talking about. It's not 200 million ISK, but it's still, I believe, like you can pull it down like 150, I think. And then the LP puts you over to 200. So you get yourself a lot of ISK and then you get a little break, basically. I think it's a really nice way to make money if you're like me, where you kind of like, have a burst, and then a little time off, then a burst, then a little time off. Nightmares are a cool way to do it, and that's actually a pretty fun way to make money.

Let me ask you guys, this is not on my agenda, but a question. Are any of you guys in other games, or other places, where, you know, the currency is the silver, or the gold, or whatever, and you just call it ISK, because your brain is wired that way? You'll be in some other random game, and you'll be like, oh yeah, I just made, I made 8 ISK. A lot of yeses coming through. Couple of no's and a lot of yeses. Beyond said ISK at work the other day.

We're checking in on the actual donations and we have already well exceeded our goal. I see people X'ing up here. Some people put in 50 and a hundred already. Thank you guys so much. We are definitely going to go for those stretch goals. So I just want to say thank you to the people who immediately came to our aid and donated money. Much appreciated. That will go directly into upgrading our service. Told a person his merchandise costs 50 ISK at work. Multi dollar server empire, indeed, indeed.

Alright, that is the end of my agenda, what I wanted to talk about. And, I am happy to field your questions. I, sorry I missed you last week. I am back to answer questions.

War, Rathen, I just literally explained what we're doing. We're fighting over structures, taking a bunch, making some money off those, taking what fights we can, and then we have a short term plan for an exciting fight, and then some mid term plans that we will not talk about now, but have a plan.

I do not know what your Keepstar question is, Ellie Mae, but you can buy a Keepstar, I believe.

Can I shout out Gopniks? I've heard a little bit about Gopniks. They said we're a small EU group having fun. So, you guys have come on my radar and keep doing what you're doing. That is my shoutout for ya.

Is Slow and Boss joining the Imperium? I do not believe either of those groups plan to join the Imperium at the moment.

How is Eggball going? Thank you for asking. Football season is now over.

Ranger Gama:

Yeah, we'll do more CAD move ups, man. We are focusing on timers, so. We got the pew pew of the bad guys tonight, we'll deal with CAD stuff later this week.

Asher Elias:

Queen says, yeah, QueenSwiss says, is the preferred Dread still the Phoenix? Hearing a bit of mixed messages. So, there's not really a mixed message. There are basically three Dreads that we recommend. We recommend the Zirnitra, the Phoenix Navy, and the Revelation Navy. So those are the three Dreads. And all three of them are okay. I'm actually happy with you picking whichever one of those three that appeal to you the most. We're pushing the Zirn number one and then probably RNI and PNI in that order.

Cowterarri Phoenix? Okay.

Yeah, thank you for bringing that up, Ryohei. What are your initial thoughts on the recent devblog regarding mining? I did want to talk about that, I didn't put it on the agenda, but that was a great devblog. I really liked that devblog. One of the better ones that we've gotten in a long time. First off, the guy's a good writer. He just is good at conveying his thoughts and explaining what went wrong and what went right. And I like that more than anything else about it, when something goes wrong here, I try to come to you guys and say, here's what we did wrong, here's our plans, and that's, you know, this is what we're doing going forward. Good communication is the basic level that you can expect and so many people do not meet that basic level that dev blog was really for me a breath of fresh air. I have a lot of more hope about the general situation. Hopefully that guy, it's Okami, right? Hopefully he's involved in more stuff because I like what he's doing. And, you know, really happy with that. The blog itself looked good. I mean, the details that we're getting, I would say, are mixed, but I am still happy with the improvements. We are currently looking at the things they have said so far. They've not given us all the details. And so we don't know everything, but, we have already been tentatively planning for it next week, we'll be digging into it at a much deeper level.

JayTaylor13 says, Asher, give a shout out to the ladies lacrosse team at St. Thomas university in Miami for winning at home yesterday. Yeah. Shout out to Riley Taylor, beast mode player, who's being a great attacker. Did you guys know that lacrosse is the most popular sport that originated in the Americas? There's a fun fact for you. If you've learned something right now, lacrosse came from the Americas, and it is a sport that was originally done by Indians and then adopted by people who moved here, and is the most popular American sport.

All right, Sapphire says, are you and the command team looking forward to replanning all the SOV again when CCP makes changes? You know, I don't think that's so much of a bad thing if they're giving us improvements. If it's to mess with the space, we would be a little upset, but since they're improving it, I don't think anyone's been complaining.

America has sports besides the NBA? I mean, the NBA is not even the most popular American sports. It's the NFL, you know, American football, basketball second and then baseball is third and then fourth is hockey and then fifth is soccer. Those are the most popular sports, not including racing, golf or tennis or boxing.

Mifune asked about, Moon Empire and Curse, that's what we're working on, and we have been doing very well there.

Cassador says, thoughts on truffle mac and cheese, bougie or okay, or just too spicy for you? I am not a big cheese fan, that's like, usually mac and cheese has too much cheese, personally, but that sounds pretty bougie to me, truffle mac and cheese. I grew up poor, so the mac and cheese we got came in a box. It wasn't, it didn't have any truffle in it. Yeah, I knew, I knew Goons when I said too much cheese. That would probably offend them more than the spicy thing.

The Daytona 500 got four times more people watching it than the Americans, than the Super Bowl. J, Jare says that. I am strongly doubtful of that, Jare. That would mean more than 120 million people watched the Daytona 500, and I don't think that's true. If you're in America and you do get a chance to go to a NASCAR race, even if you're not a fan of racing, please go to one. They're very fun, they're a great experience. Get yourself some elephant ears and then hear cars rushing by you at 200 miles an hour. It's loud, it's fun, it's enjoyable, and bring earplugs. You can debate if it's interesting or not. I don't care. I'm just saying it is an experience you should go to, and watch. It's very fun.

Panthers or Lightning, asks JTaylor. I am technically a Panthers fan by, I've actually been to probably like 200 Panthers games, but, oddly enough, I'm not that big of a fan, even though I've been to 200 games. I don't think hockey should be in places where it doesn't snow.

Any comments on Frat giving the entire universe access to their structures? Asks Manta Finch. Yeah, I heard about that. That's pretty, that's pretty funny. I will personally throw no stones, as I did have a somewhat infamous ACL goof. So, I cannot, in my glass house, I certainly cannot say anything.

Golgari or Selesnya, asks Tariel, and it is Selesnya, is the answer for me.

Breelock, that sounds about right. I have been to many, many, many hockey games. If you guys want to know the story, I can tell it. It's really short. I, I'm pretty good at making friends. Like, I don't know if that, that comes across, but, I just met this random guy and he had a box, for the Panthers for 10 years. And so he just always invited me to the games. And so I just went and I just, you know, box seats at the Panthers is a fun thing to do. And so I ended up going to a lot of games, and I enjoy hockey in person. It's one of those things, the sport is way better. Ice hockey is like, ten times better in person. So I had a lot of fun, and it wasn't bad at all. And that's, that's the whole story.

I trained Moros Navy for combat. When are they asking for them? Should I switch? No, no, no, Moros Navy is just fine.

Did I find, Breelock says, did you find my missing shattered knee at one? No, I'm still looking for shattered armor, so I haven't found shattered knee.

Ranger Gama:


Asher Elias:

Any chance of a Asher Zappy Boyz ratting fleet was fun when we're back. Uh, Sapphire, chances of a Zappy Boyz fleet is not zero right now. So, so maybe.

Will I be doing more PI? It is somewhat unlikely.

Zuri says college hockey over NHL hockey? I have watched like two college hockey games, but I do agree with you Zuri. It's certainly not in my area, but like if you're in like, Austin or Minnesota, then yeah, a hundred percent.

Tariel says, reaction stream. When, what am I reacting to? But I could potentially do that.

Ranger Gama:

I should tell you right now that Asher's not going to do it.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, I meant to do some streaming for the last Sumo thing, but I had some stuff pop up.

Mining fleet when? I have done a mining fleet before, but it is not on the cards right now.

In game reactions? Oh, I thought you meant like, you know, when streamers watch like other videos and stuff and react to them. That's what I thought you meant.

Ranger Gama:

No, he's talking about moon goo reactions, Asher.

Asher Elias:

Yeah. Okay.

Ranger Gama:

That's why all the industry people just started laughing.

Asher Elias:

Yeah. Okay. I got it now.

Chester Diam says, would you rather have a fat Luca or Davis with bad legs? Man if you don't follow basketball, the biggest trade, like this is something you can talk about just about anyone who likes basketball, because the biggest trade ever just happened. And the Dallas Mavericks traded Luca Donchik, who is like a future MVP candidate, a guy who can score 35 points in a game, and he is like, a little bit chubby, he drinks Arnie Palmes, like he's like, he's not really committed to like, full on being super healthy athlete, but he's just gifted, like he's got a gift from God, and the guy is amazing.

Apple Pear:

You broke down, Asher.

Ranger Gama:

So I know we give you a hard time on this all the time, Asher, but you really aren't actually speaking right now.

Apple Pear:

Maybe his ping is too high again.

Asher Elias:

All right, hello. I think the Serbian mafia came after me for the way I said Ljubodonjic. Apparently that's not how they say it, but that is how Americans say it. But yeah, yeah, so he got traded for a very low cost to the Los Angeles Lakers, who are the most popular team in the NBA. So everyone's saying that they got home cooking. And the, you know, it's, it's a, it's a big deal. And the organization that traded them came up with all this stuff about how he's fat and out of shape, which is just a terrible look, they have bungled it to the maximum degree. The best player that they traded for him. Anthony Davis is injury prone and he came out and played like 40 minutes of one game and then got injured and didn't even finish the first game. So it's been, if you're a basketball fan, you're eating good right now.

One Big Mac sized chicken nugget or 20 chicken nugget size Big Macs. I think 20 chicken nugget size Big Macs is like the answer there. And it's not even close, especially McDonald's chicken nuggets. They're not good. You guys, what? You guys think it's one Big Mac sized chicken nugget? No, we're talking about like a McDonald nugget just blown up. Because you know the, you know how they make those nuggets, right? They like spin the remains of chicken, like take it off the bone, and then compress it down into nugget. McDonald's nuggets, yeah, pink slime, pink meat, yeah, McDonald's nuggets are not qualitotious, like that is not true. And, true, true, true, true. Like mini burgers are good, you guys have had sliders before, right? Yeah, and Brett, you're right, the breading ratio will be, ugh, it'll be way too much breading. You'll be like, they'll take a bite and it'll be just breading. Am I gonna get another and here? Listen, I, I, like I said, I grew up poor, so I have an affinity for certain poor foods. And so if you think McDonald's nuggets taste good because, you know, it reminds you of when you were eight, and mom would take you out for a special meal. Like, yeah, okay, I'm 100 percent on board with that. But, they're not good by any real measure, like they are, they're, they're bad. Also, Chick-fil-a exists guys. I mean, come on. Like if you, if at least if you're in America, you got Chick-fil-a as an option and you're getting McDonald's nuggets, you're doing. Chick-fil-a is overrated. All right. We're going to start handing out bans. Chick-fil-a is still overrated. What? What is wrong with you people? I am going to start banning people. Ranger, look up, look at the ban command. I don't remember it. Tell me.

Ranger Gama:

It's alt F4.

Asher Elias:

Thank you. All right. Let me try that. Alt F4. You know, I don't think that was the command Ranger.

Ranger Gama:

You probably didn't do it correctly.


You have to do it 10 times in a row.

Asher Elias:

Oh, okay. And our hell dump exists in our heart.

I, I, is this some TikTok thing? What is the dug dug challenge? Do I want to know?

Ranger Gama:

What the hell is that? Look, you have to remember, like, Asher's old. We don't know what TikTok is and challenges.

Asher Elias:

Bro, don't throw me under the bus there.

Mortifer, I am 6'4 not 6'7 Sorry to disappoint.

Ranger Gama:

Mortifer, you're thinking of Sopleb? He's that tall.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, Sopleb is a giant.

We did have, we did have Helldump for about two weeks, or at least a week and a half. So, it was available, and it will return next Christmas. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I, I, I'm, like, you guys always, all come at me, and I'm literally the only one in the directorate who makes Helldump happen, at all. Everyone else is like, I don't want to do it. I'm like, no, we're doing it. And then I have to like, slam my foot down, and threaten to Alt F4, and kick them out if they don't do it. Like, this is what happens. So I want you guys to know, I'm going to bat for you, whereas you guys complain to me.

Apple Pear:

People should always complain to you.

Asher Elias:

Yeah, fair enough. Bros, if there was year round Helldump, it would lose it's spiciness, you know? Wouldn't enjoy it.

Ranger Gama:

Which is so weird that Asher embraces it.

Asher Elias:

Yeah. I like Vaira right here. Bring back, hell dump IDK what that is . That's great. That, that's so true. You guys ever heard the story about like, it's that like the monkey tank story where there's, you know, a banana at the top of a ladder and then they, you know, you, you get like the monkey gets goes down to climbs the ladder and eventually keep introducing new monkeys and eventually no one has ever actually climbed the ladder. Right? Sort of like goon memes where people have learned memes that. We're not around for from people who aren't around them. And it's just like cultural history, which I really enjoy, but it's also kind of funny. Yeah, indeed, sir. Fabricated response. \

X-up if you've used memes you don't understand. I want to know how many of you have just thrown a meme out cause you heard it before you don't get it and you're just, you're just pushing it. Appreciate the honesty here. Yes.

Unri says, we have no armor doc for my many mid grade sets. Will mid grade Nirvana be a thing for Shield Doctrine? So, probably not on Nirvana as far as a alliance level thing, just because the cost Nirvana's require PI, as I recall, and the slaves do not, so, um, I do not think that will, that would be anything that's likely. You could run them yourselves. You know, there are definitely people who I, I know who have had a doctrine ship that has survived through like 48 fights because they went and pimped it out a little bit and stayed on the FC at all times and were good pilots. So that's definitely possible, but I don't think we'll have a I don't think we'll have a Nirvana requirement in the near future, at least. Also, as far as armor doctrines, it's really just a matter of where the meta brings us to. Right now, shields is ascendant. I have been through 48 sort of oscillations where the sine wave goes armor, shield, armor, shield, armor, shield. And, you know it's just a meta that naturally pulls itself back and forth. So if you're waiting for armor, it will happen eventually.

Can we have a sniper Machariel fleet with 1400mm guns? Speaking of oscillating doctrines, I mean, that was the best doctrine for like two years. And they have nerfed it so hard that I don't see it being usable in a real way right now. Yeah, tornadoes are probably the better option for that.

Scimis good when? I mean, Scimis are good in some metas, but yeah, unfortunately right now I wouldn't say they're very good.

What titan should I get next? Avatar? No, don't get an avatar. Avatar is our least preferred titan. We do not have a do not get this titan thing, you know, get the one that makes your heart flutter, but we prefer a Levi or an Erebus and then a Ragnarok and then finally an avatar amongst the vanilla titans.

Vaira says, Asher, how are you? I don't think anyone has asked. I'm doing well. Thank you for asking. It's nice to have manners these days, isn't it?

I need an avatar to round out my set. Okay, all right, you can just flex on us. That's fine. You got four titans, or will soon. Good job.

Yeah, we don't build avatars right now. Like, if you want to get an avatar and build it, we have you build another Titan and then we provide you with an avatar. Atrum I get that reference.

Did I mention the Charity Cup tourney? I'm not familiar with this tourney, so I don't think I did. Dirk is leading the Goon team? Okay, cool, I hope they win. It should be on CCP next weekend and we have three Goon teams. Cool. That sounds sick, I didn't know about that.

How is Brave liking our old space? That's a good question. So Horde is definitely deployed there to punch down. I mean that's really not a surprise, right? It is Horde, so they've never seen a fight against a smaller group that they didn't love. But they, I think Brave is doing pretty well. I think that they like the constant fighting. Obviously, I think a little more security would go a long way for them. But, I think overall, they seem to be doing excellent.

Is Progodlegend still with us? He's not actively playing the game. But if there were to be a major war that would break out, I believe he would reactivate and FC for us. He has told me that much. I talk to him relatively frequently, but we mostly talk about football.

Apple Pear:

I think this is a good time. We have a cap save been going out in a moment. So, please join, join and save a cap.

Asher Elias:

Go save a cap and I'll call it end of the fireside. So I thank you guys so much and I will see you next week.